NESFA® Treasury Procedures – Table of ContentsObsolete as of 07-Oct-2012.

This entire procedure is now obsolete.  Life membership accounting was abolished by the NESFA Business Meeting on 7 Oct 2012.

NESFA® Treasury Procedures: Boskone® Life Memberships

Life memberships in Boskone provide a completely paid-up membership in Boskone for the rest of the owner's life. They can be purchased by anyone at the rate specified in SR 1.9(3). (In general, this is 14 times the rate charged to join the current Boskone at the previous Boskone.) Additionally, they are customarily purchased by each Boskone for its Guests of Honor at the rate specified in SR 1.9(6). (In general, this is the same price.)

When a life membership is purchased, the purchase price is credited to the LI-BoskoneLife liability account. (the corresponding debit is the payment from the individual or from the purchasing Boskone's cross-charge account.)

As part of the process of settling up a Boskone, three transactions are performed:

  1. The current Boskone is credited with membership income from the Boskone Life account which reflects the membership costs for the Life Members who attended, in accordance with SR 2.7(8)E, in the amount of the Boskone preregistration fee times the approximate number of Life Members attending the con who are not receiving a free membership, except that the transfer shall not exceed the interest accrued during the year on the Life Membership fund.
  2. The current Boskone is charged for a Boskone Life membership for each of its Guests of Honor, in accordance with SR 1.9(6).
  3. The current Boskone is charged for a NESFA honorary life membership for each of its Guests of Honor, in accordance with SR 1.9(7).
This page is maintained by Treasurer at NESFA dot org.