Featured Filker: Tom Smith
$89 per night single/double, $99 triple/quad (plus tax). Please contact us for suite rates and availability.
You must identify yourself as being affiliated with "Boskone" or the "New England Science Fiction Association" when you make your reservation to be guaranteed the convention rate.
Our room block expires Feb 6, 1997. Please reserve before this date.
Address all mail to:
Boskone 34For membership questions, or to be included on our flyer mailing list, please contact Peter Grace at pgrace@world.std.com.
Huckster's Room information will be mailed in mid-September. To be added to this mailing list, please contact Bonnie Atwood at alchemist@delphi.com.
Art Show information will be mailed in late September. To be added to this mailing list, please contact Mark Hertel at artshow@thor.com.
Program book advertising space must be reserved by December 13, with copy due by December 23. Please consult the advertising rate information for more information, or contact ybmcu@panix.com.
For other questions, please contact our online liaison, Sharon Sbarsky, at sbarsky@world.std.com, or Boskone 34 chair Davey Snyder, at (cjhi@world.std.com).
Boskone is also hosting
FanHistoricon, a convention about fan history.
The FanHistoricon guest is being sponsored by Boskone and a special fan fund.
The annual Boskone debriefing will be held on Sunday 2 March 1997
from 1 pm to 5 pm at the NESFA Clubhouse, 504 Medford Street,
Somerville, MA 02145 (617-625-2311). If you are interested, please
drop in.
The emphasis is, as usual, on what not who. We are interested in keeping what went right and fixing what went wrong. We have no interest in finger pointing or attempting to fix "blame."
The debriefing will be followed by pizza at 5 pm and a NESFA Business Meeting at 5.30 pm (an unusual time). You are also invited to attend these events.
Boskone is a registered service mark of the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc.
This page maintained by ybmcu@panix.com (Ben Yalow)