The hotel block goes away at 5PM EST on Jan 30, 1998. . Please call and make reservations as soon as possible. Further hotel information can be found in the flyer, or in the "Hotel" section of PR2.
The hotel is keeping the block open on a space available basis, so it
might be possible to still get a room by calling the hotel, even
though the deadline has passed.
At-con rates are: Full - $45; Dailies: Fri - $15, Sat - $32, Sun - $17
Address all mail to:
Boskone 35For other questions, please contact our online liaison, Sharon Sbarsky, at
Note that some of the links point to files from last year. These will be kept until the corresponding publications for this year become available, but can be looked at to get an idea of what Boskone is like.
We also have the Information Centers from prior Boskones. Note that these files are for historical interest only, so some of the links may no longer work, and the files are not maintained.
Boskone co-chairs Bonnie and Ted Atwood are pleased to announce the birth
of their Granddaughter Danielle Genevieve Allen
born to Deb Atwood Allen and Kevin Allen,
on January 25, 1998, 9 pounds, 11 ounces.
Boskone is a registered service mark of the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc.
This page maintained by (Ben Yalow)
Last updated 2/3/98