Helmuth, Speaking for Boskone Issue 1, Fri evening


Congratulations to chairs Ted and Bonnie Atwood on the birth of their first grandchild, Danielle Genevieve Allen, born at 8pm on 1/25/98, at 9lb., 11oz.. Proud father Kevin Allen is head of Services, and mom Deb Atwood Allen attended her first Boskone in utero. Ted and Bonnie are the first Boskone chairs to be grandparents. Who says Boskone isn't for the whole family?

Tot Lot

For parents of toddlers-in-tow who need a place to recoup, an unsupervised play area has been set aside in the back of the ConSuite to give you a chance to try resting a moment. Stay with your children at all times.

Alien? You Bet

Friday night's "Meet the VIPs" party will be held in an alien casino! Mingle with our program participants, meet our One-Armed Bandroids, and try some exotic games of chance (using the special "Boskone Bucks" you can pick up from our Cashiers). Play a round of Kabinki or Spectrum, experience the excitement of Spaced Race, or settle back with a game from Old Earth itself (we'll provide the blackjack dealers--what will you bring to the gaming table?). Trade in your Boskone Bucks for some out-of-this-world prizes. An extra-special (and extra-terrestrial) prize will also be available to the highest bidder at the end of the evening. Consider dressing for the occasion, and have a great time!

Magic Mania

Sign up at Information for the unsanctioned sealed Tempest deck Magic tournament, scheduled for 10pm Saturday in Camelot South. A $15 fee will be charged to cover the cost of the cards; prizes are available. Space is limited to 16. Tempest workshops for $10 will be held at 11am Saturday and 1pm Sunday in Camelot South; more information is at Information or in Camelot South.

Advance Orders

If you ordered the Boskone book in advance, you can pick it up at NESFA Sales in the Dealers' room. If you ordered a banquet ticket, they are at Registration (see below).

Last-Minute Diners

Pick up your banquet tickets by 3pm Saturday at Registration or they may be resold. There are tickets left for the banquet Saturday night--an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet for only $27. They sold out quickly last year. Ask at Registration to get yours. Remember, the buffet gets you prime seating for the awards presentations and the play, Sweet Salvage Rivets.

In the hotel tonight, J. Witherspoon's has a Country Buffet ($7.95, plus tax & tip) from 5 to 9pm, and Molly Malone's has a Pasta Bar ($6.95, plus tax & tip), plus a limited hot and cold menu until midnight. A $6.95 Breakfast buffet is at Witherspoon's from 7 to 9am tomorrow, followed by the regular menu until 11:30am.

Help Wanted

Become a gopher and see the con! You get neat benefits, like use of the Staff Den, a cool Gopher Elvis souvenir (for working 6 hours), and even a ribbon. Being a gopher is a great way to meet fellow fans. Jobs are available for those of any age or skill level. For those under 18, you must have adult approval, but you earn your gift in only 4 hours. Ask at Information on the Promenade (next to Registration).

Club Tables

Club tables are open from 10-6 on Saturday and 10-3 on Sunday on the Promenade outside the Art Show. Participating clubs, Worldcon bids, and conventions are: Boston for Orlando in 2001, Bucconeer (1998 Worldcon), Chicon 2000, 5con/Ourcon '98, Philadelphia in 2001 (Millennial Philcon), Readercon '98, Seattle in 2002, and San Francisco in 2002.

Program Changes!

We regret Michael Swanwick is unable to attend.

Please remove the following program participants from the following panels:

Please add the following program participants to the following panels:

Please change the The Ten Best Items in the Art Show to Dueling Easels with Bob Eggleton, Margaret Organ-Keane and Omar Rayyan, Sat. 4pm in the Art Show.


Please add Ron Walotsky to the list of Honorary Members in the Program Book. Please note the the Gaughan Award is misspelled in the Pocket Program. Also in the Pocket Program, all items listed in Camelot South are in Camelot North, and vice versa (Camelot South is Gaming).

ASFA Meeting

There will be a brief meeting of the Association of Science Fiction Artists at 10:30am Saturday in the Art Show. Meet the new officers of ASFA. All are welcome: artists, collectors, and fans.


The video room is room 153 (just past the first-floor elevators). Learn the wonders of Japanese animation! It's not just for kids, and it's far better than ordinary cartoons. All movies are dubbed or subtitled, and hosted by a Japanimation expert. A full schedule is available at Information.

Friday Evening Filk

Group singing out of the NESFA Hymnals (loaner books are available), followed by Featured Filker Joe Ellis's "Golden Oldies" audio-visual presentation, and then open filking into the night.



Deadlines for Helmuth are: Saturday Morning--10am Sat.; Saturday Evening--6pm Sat.; Sunday Morning--9am Sun.. Submissions may be dropped off at boxes in Information (concourse), the ConSuite, or Services (Executive Board Room); issues may be picked up (hopefully) about two hours later at Information, at the Art Show Print Shop, in the ConSuite, or outside the Dealers' Room.

Edited by Lisa Hertel; header by Joe Mayhew. Thanks to staffers: the uncorrectable George Flynn, porofreader; the witty Bob Devney, reporter-at-large; the lovely Elka Tovah Menkes, awards reporter; and those saints of mimeography, Michael* (Devney), Mark (Dulcey) and Paul (Giguere). Also, future fan Liana Rebekah Hertel for kicking in. (*Happy Birthday!)

Bits & Pieces

Lost & Found: a stuffed toy, an animal print, one earring, a drawstring purse, and one green glove.

Rick Katze--call your mother.