Yes--it's here! The fourth of the stupendous Rivets trilogy by Mark Keller and Sue Anderson premieres at Boskone XXXV! Thrill to the excitement of Fans in Space! Find out the Stunning Secrets of SMOOF-dom! But wait--there's morefind out what that is Saturday, 9pm in the Grand Ballroom. This year's play will be held right after the banquet and Awards Ceremony. Seating will be available in the back of the room, but (if you don't have a banquet reservation) make sure you get there in good time to get a grood seat for this great show!
Pick up your banquet tickets by 3pm Saturday at Registration or they may be resold. There are still tickets left for the banquet tonight--an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet for only $27. If you wish to buy a ticket, ask before 5pm at Registration. Remember, the buffet gets you prime seating for the awards presentations and the play, Sweet Salvage Rivets, which begins at 9pm.
In the hotel tonight, J. Witherspoon's has an American-Style Buffet. The Windsor Grille is fully booked.
Congratulations to Michael Scott for winning the Trivia contest this year with a record score of 99. Second place went to bookseller Art Henderson with 51. Honorable Mention goes to Jim Mann, Tony Lewis and Bruce Pelz. Questions included several on Charles Harness, "Who wrote The Book of Poul Anderson?" All involved proudly exemplified the trivia Bowl motto, "A mind is a terrible thing not to waste."
After months of "no report," NESFA Vice President Paul Giguere was kidnapped to preside over the annual meeting of The Mount Washington Oceanographic and Science Fiction Society and Gun Club. He hosted its potent O4 (Orlando to Orion Orange Orbiter) Party Friday evening, which was attended by all club members.
Ever wonder where the words Boskone, Arisia, Skylark, and Helmuth come from? They're from E. E. "Doc" Smith, the original inventor of space opera, and a major inspiration for Babylon 5 creator, J. Michael Straczynski. For more details, ask at Old Earth Books in the Dealers' Room; he'll tell you (for a price).
Today's Torah reading is Yitro [Jethro]. It begins with Jethro teaching his son-in-law, Moses, about delegating responsibility and instructing him on how to set up a divisional structure. Could Jethro have been the first successful convention organizer?
Please remove the following program participants from the following panels:
Please add the following program participants to the following panels:
Please change the The Ten Best Items in the Art Show to Dueling Easels with Bob Eggleton, Margaret Organ-Kean and Omar Rayyan, Sat. 4pm in the Art Show.
The Baron room is room 242--up the secret stairs, to the right.
The video room is room 153 (just past the first floor elevators). Learn the wonders of Japanimation. All movies are dubbed or subtitled, and hosted by a Japanimation expert.
There will be round singing Saturday at 1pm lead by Lois Mangan, then Jane Sibley, Ed Stauff, and Mary Ellen Wessels will perform concert sets in King Henry at 2pm. After a workshop on music writing by Denise Gendron, featured filker Joe Ellis will perform in the Grand Ballroom at 4pm. This evening, Mark Mandel and Jordin Kare will give their concert sets, followed by more open filking in King Henry.
Catch Ellen Kushner's radio show, Sound and Spirit, Sunday between 2 and 3pm on WGBH radio (89.7FM). This week's show, "My Better Half," is a Valentine's Special on the music and magic of couples. At 5pm, The World of Sound and Spirit features a look at people and their stuff, and music about myth--perfect to relax to as you go home.
In honor of the Chinese New Year Monday, the Dead Dog Party this year will be Chinese food at Chef Orient, just east of the hotel on Route 9 West. Sign up at Services by noon Sunday. Last time they served everything from egg rolls to futo maki.
Heard about con: "I fondly remember those old early Star Trek episodes, that came out in black and white--or maybe it's just that our TV was black & white" --Eleanor Perlman
According to Jim Mann, Bob Eggleton is doing the Official Godzilla Movie Coloring Book this summer.
"SF is one of the more contentious fields of literature. The book clubs send out surveys from time to time, and the SF ones are the ones that come back all written over and scribbled upon." --Ellen Asher (SFBC)
"Vonnegut said in the late 50's that SF is a field where people don't agree with each other--just to be friendly." --David Hartwell
"For my Pandemonium party tonight, I thought I'd serve some sandwich-type things. You know, so people will have one bit of decent food before they do the rest of the weekend on sugar, salt and grease." --Tyler Stewart, Pandemonium Books & Games
Deadlines for Helmuth are: Saturday Evening--6pm Sat.; Sunday Morning--9am Sun.. Submissions may be dropped off at boxes in Information (concourse) or Services (Executive Board Room); issues may be picked up (hopefully) about two hours later at Information, at the Art Show Print Shop, outside the Dealers' Room, or in the ConSuite.