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at Boskone 36

Art Show seeks a wide range of talents. On-the-job training, competitive salary & benefits; entry-level personnel welcome. Jobs include Construction/Deconstruction Crew, Set-up, Door Guards, Print Shop, "Wall", Auction Runners, Tally Clerks, Cashiers.

Beware the Body Snatchers…they convince people to volunteer; are friendly and encouraging; and hand out mugs to those sufficiently used.

ConSuite seeks affable Host/Hostess. Must be polite and cheery. Also available are overtime positions in Set-up and Tear-down; experience in cutting vegetables and washing dishes a plus.

Dance the afternoon away! Regency dance is looking for an assistant to set up, tear down, run tapes, serve tea, play games, be a polite host, and dance if necessary. Costume a plus.

Den needs Assistant to fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. A high tolerance for smoffing preferred.

Dragonslair wants you! Grandmother needs Assistant to supervise children ages 6 to 12. Some light cleaning. Must be over 18.

Gamesmasters: Run a game in our Gaming Room! Space available most program hours, especially evenings. Make friends in your spare time.

Huckster Room Manager seeks strong backs to assist in move-in/move-out. Involves heavy lifting and exposure to the elements. Apply in person to P. Giguere, Dealer’s Room, Lower Level.

Join the Space Cadets! Your love of small children (ages 2 to 5) can pay off. Some cleaning; over 18 or parents preferred.

Know-it-alls Wanted! We need people to answer questions. Materials and education provided. Help others while helping yourself, and have fun doing it! Become an Informant today.

Press Liaison Assistant required: Hand out Press packets at Registration. Must be willing to simultaneously help at Registration.

Program seeks staff for Green Room, general purposes. Must be very polite and friendly, and enjoy working with literary and fannish luminaries. Some cleaning and catering.

Registration is looking for motivated individuals able to work in a structured, high-volume environment, especially Friday evening and Saturday morning. Sit-down job; 2-hour shifts preferred. Apply on the Promenade.

Take a Gamble—Work in a Casino! Part-time help wanted for cashiers, gaming table dealers. Meet professionals in the Science Fiction field. Tipping allowed.

Interested? Come to Body Snatchers!