28 October 2000
Dear Artist:
We would like to invite you to enter the Boskone 38 Art Show, to be held at the Sheraton Tara Hotel in Framingham, MA from February 16 through 18, 2001. Enclosed you will find an entry form and information about Boskone 38, which will have one of the largest Science Fiction & Fantasy Art Shows of any East Coast regional convention.
The Boskone 38 Art Show will include a maximum of 100 panels and a dozen tables; the Print Shop will have an additional dozen panels devoted to displaying one copy of each item entered. We encourage diversity by limiting new entrants (not exhibiting at Boskone in the last three years) to a maximum of 1/2 panel (3' x 4') or 1/4 table (18" x 30"). This limit may be waived if such a waiver appears to benefit the Art Show. We're not that hard to convince; please feel free to try.
The fees charged by the Art Show are hanging fees. No additional charges for commission will be made to artists. Art is sold at Boskone by written bid; a voice auction will be held Sunday for those pieces which accumulate five or more written bids. The Print Shop is available for artists wishing to sell multiple copies of reproductions for a fixed price. You do not need to be a member of Boskone 38 to enter work in the art show, but you must buy a membership if you wish to attend the convention.
The attached pages include an entry form and the rules of the Art Show. Please read them carefully. Should you have any questions, you may write to us at the above address (please address your letter specifically to Art Show) or at any of the electronic mail addresses below.
Because we are limited by space considerations, you should send in your entry as soon as possible to ensure that your participation may be as complete as you would like. We hope to hear from you soon and to see you in February 2001!
Sincerely yours,
Ted Atwood Art Show Co-Director |
Gay Ellen Dennett Art Show Co-Director |
Boskone is a registered service mark of the New England Science Fiction
Association, Inc.
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