Boskone 42 Art Show Entry Form

c/o NESFA, P. O. Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701 – FAX: 617-776-3243 – email:

I have read and agree to abide by the rules enclosed with this entry form. Date (M/D/Y): ___/___/___

Artist or Authorized Signature (required) __________________________________________
Artist name ______________________________ Agent name ______________________________
& address ______________________________ & address ______________________________
(required) ______________________________ (if any) ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
Telephone ______________________________ Telephone ______________________________
Electronic mail ______________________________ Electronic mail ______________________________
My art will arrive at the show: [ ] with me, [ ] with my agent, [ ] other:
Return artwork to: [ ] me, or [ ] my agent. Return it [ ] in person, or [ ] by other means:
Check here [ ] if all communication should be via your agent.
Check here [ ] if we should not send confirmations by electronic mail.
Check here [ ] if you can not conveniently print your own Bid Sheets from a PDF on our website.
Check here [ ] if you would like to be notified about future shows only by electronic mail.
Panel Space Table Space Print Shop
___ 3 @ $126 § ___ 1 @ 42 § Item Overall Size # Copies
___ 2 @ $84 § ___ ½ @ $21 § (1) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
___ 1 @ $42 § ___ ¼ @ $11 (2) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
___ ½ @ $21 (3) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
___ ¼ @ $11 § Returning artists only, please. (4) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
(5) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
The total of panel and table space must be one or less, with no more than ½ table. Requests for additional space may be granted. (6) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
(7) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
(8) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
(9) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
I expect to enter ____ items. (10) ___" x ___" ___ (1-10)
(not including items entered in the Print Shop) Total # of copies (0-100): _____
$_____ Art Show Fee (total panels & tables) Special Requests: ____________________________________________
$_____ Print Shop Fee ($1 per copy) Make checks payable to: ______________________________________
$_____ Mail-in fee ($20 if permitted) Put on wait list rather than reject request? [ ] Yes [ ] No
$_____ Membership(s) (___@ $42) Refund memberships if no space available? [ ] Yes [ ] No
===== Please include the name(s) & address(es) for additional members on a separate sheet. This rate is good through January 21, 2005.
$_____ Total Amount [ ] Check / money order enclosed (payable to "Boskone 42")

[ ] Charge my: [ ] MasterCard or [ ] VISA. Expiration date (M/Y):___/___

Name on card: ______________________ Card #: ____________________________

Signature: _______________________________________