Boskone 45/NESFA
PO Box 809
Framingham MA 01701

Or fax to: 617-776-3243

Organization/Company Name:___________________________________________________

Contact Name(s):______________________________________________________________


City:_________________________________ State:___________ Zip:________________

Tel:__________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________

_____Please keep us on your mailing list, but we do not wish a table this year.

Briefly describe your merchandise, (e.g., 1/3 books, 1/4 buttons, 16% games) and any special items you carry:



I am requesting the following table space (circle clearly):
  1st Table 2nd Table 3rd Table
Tier 1: $25 $40 $50
Tier 2: $50 $75 $100
Tier 3: $75 $100 $125
Sub-total for table space: $__________.00
Name:_________________________________ Name:_________________________________
Address:_______________________________ Address:_______________________________
City/State/ZIP:_________________________ City/State/ZIP:_________________________
Sub-total for ______ memberships @ $45: $__________.00
TOTAL (Tables & Memberships) $__________.00

______my check payable to Boskone 45 is enclosed (NO CASH! US FUNDS ONLY)

______please charge my ______MasterCard ______VISA

Card Number:__________________________________________ Exp Date:___________

Name as it appears on card:__________________________________________________


Tier Description:

Tier 1: Low-priced (no more than 1/2 cover price or $2) books, magazines, fanzines

Tier 2: All other SF/F books, magazines, fan publications, filk, and related art (prints)

Tier 3: Everything else (jewelry, clothing, sculpture, buttons, video, games, etc.)

All tables are 6 feet long and 30 inches deep with about 3 feet behind them.

If space is not immediately available, please:

______add my reservation to the waiting list

______refund my table payment and cancel my reservation

______also refund my membership(s) if I'm not assigned a table in the Hucksters' Room.

Please consider the following special requests (displays, power needs) when assigning my table(s):





Don't forget to reserve your room at the Westin Waterfront! Return this entire form promptly to the address at the top of the first page. More information about Boskone 45 is available at