Recursive Science Fiction

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Acknowledgments for the Online Edition

Information and assistance on the on-line edition from John Boston, Damien Broderick, Mike Croteau, Leo Doroschenko, Robert Fleming, Fred Galvin, Richard Gilliam, Claude Lalumière, Denny Lien (especially helpful), Peter Olson, Mark Owings, Sharon Sbarsky, and Brad Verter.

Acknowledgments for the Second (never printed) Edition

Information and assistance on the second edition from Brian & Margaret Aldiss, Claire Anderson, Sue Anderson, Neil Barron (from his review in SFRA Newsletter), Anatoly Belilovsky, John Gregory Betancourt, David Bratman, Ann A. Broomhead, Michael A. Burstein, Elisabeth Carey, John Clute, John Costello, Don D'Ammassa, Stacey Davies (in memoriam), Gay Ellen Dennett, Leo Doroschenko, Janice M. Eisen, Thomas A. Endrey, Moshe Feder, Greg Feeley, GENieSM, George Flynn (many thanks), David Harris, Chip Hitchcock, Ken Johnson, Mark M. Keller, Damon Knight, Alexander I. Korzhenevski, William Linden, Daryl F. Mallett, Jim Mann, MITSFS, NESFA, Larry Niven, Mark & Priscilla Olson, Mark Owings, Quarante-Deux, Bruce Pelz, Lloyd Penney, Robert Reginald, Mike Resnick (more anthologies, please), Joe Rico (who should also have been thanked in the first edition), Roger Robinson, A. Joseph Ross, Sharon Sbarsky, Julius Schwartz (from a memoir in Amazing Stories), Darrell Schweitzer, Charles Seelig, Elliot Kay Shorter, Jane Sibley, Debra Spencer, Shawn Sulma, Karl Edward Wagner, Michael J. Walsh, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Ralph Willingham, the Morse Institute [Natick, Massachusetts], and the Boston Public Library.

Acknowledgments for the First (printed) Edition

For suggestions on additions to the list and other help, thanks go to George Flynn, Mark L. Olson, Paula Lieberman, Barry N. Malzberg, Claire Anderson, Stu Shiffman, Leslie Turek, A. Joseph Ross, Charles J. Hitchcock, Sharon Sbarsky, and Ralph Willingham (especially for the performing arts). Some additional suggestions came from The SF Book of Lists.  Thanks to Claire Anderson for obtaining some of the older novels from the divers public library systems of the Commonwealth. Tracking down the locations of stories was aided by the NESFA Indexes and the Kurt Baty's Whole Science Fiction Data Base (it helped to have access to the on-line data). Thanks also to NESFA and MITSFS for the use of their libraries.

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