The purpose of the NESFA Code (also called the Standing Rules) is to provide
a convenient single compilation for reference to the following things:
If you find any errors or changes in fiats, or want a new fiat put in,
contact a member of the Rules Committee.
There are also two appendices printed with the Code. Certain humorous
motions that have been passed from time to time have been compiled into Appendix A for your amusement. Appendix B
lists everyone who was ever elected to Office or confirmed in a position requiring
approval by the Membership.
Most rules in the Code are followed by annotations in square brackets and
italics [like this] giving their date of passage or other
pertinent historical information. These annotations, along with any other text
in square brackets, are not themselves part of the rules. [The historical
annotations and other comments through 5/94 are by George Flynn, who takes sole
responsibility for their accuracy. Thereafter they are by the Rules Committee.] The original edition of the NESFA Code was
adopted in July 1971; it was a compilation of earlier rules, some passed by the
Membership or the Executive
Board, others based on "Tradition" or "Custom." Rules
which first appeared in the 1971 Code are annotated as "7/71*". Fiats
were first added to the Code in 1972.
The last printed edition of the NESFA Code was published in June 1992;
updates were published in January 1993, June 1993, December 1993, and May 1994.
An unpublished revision, including all rules passed by the Membership and Executive
Board through the May 1994 business
meeting plus a few more (to about August 1994), was added to the NESFA
website in December 1998 and declared to be the official version.
- [On Officers generally,
see By-Laws: Articles III (elections), IV (duties); Sections 2.10 (vacancies), 5.3 (reports, overruling decisions), 5.7 (Executive Board meetings), 5.8 (bonding), 5.9
(records), 6.4(a) (ineligible for Rules
Committee), 7.3 (ineligible for Fellowship), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 (removal).]
- 1.1 The
[See By-Laws: Sections 4.1
(duties of President), 2.1, 2.3 (scheduling meetings), 2.8 (absence), 2.10 (vacancy), 5.4(b), (c)
(signing checks and contracts), 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.5A (committees), 11.2, 11.3, 11.3A (Boskone Chairman, Treasurer), 11.4(d) (Boskone checks).]
- 1.1(1)M [Authorized President to pencil in NESFA for Boskone facilities;
passed 10/86, became irrelevant when Downtown Boston ceased to be the default
location, repealed 5/92.]
- 1.2 The
[See By-Laws: Sections 4.2
(duties of Vice-President), 2.8 (absence), 2.10 (vacancy).]
- 1.3 The
[See By-Laws: Sections 4.3
(duties of Treasurer), 5.4 (authorizing
expenditures), 5.10 (auditing), 11.3, 11.4(a)
(and Boskone Treasurer). In the Standing Rules, see particularly the financial
rules in Sections 2.3-2.8.]
- 1.3(1)E The Treasurer may
appoint any number of Assistant Treasurers (either Regular or General Members)
to serve at the Treasurer's pleasure, and may prescribe their duties.
- 1.3(2)M The Treasurer need
not accept more than ten cents in pennies from any Member, and no Member need accept more than ten cents in
pennies from the Treasurer. [12/69]
- 1.3(3)M The Treasurer, with
the approval of the Executive Board, shall set a general
check approval policy for all payments to NESFA in any of its guises and may
set additional policies for specific circumstances or events. [1/03; see also 2.7(3).]
- 1.4 The
[See By-Laws: Sections 4.4
(duties of Clerk), 1.2(c) (dues-due
notification), 1.3 (petitions), 2.3, 2.4 (notice
of meetings), 2.9 (absence), 3.11 (not Massachusetts resident), 6.8 (committee records), 11.4(d) (Boskone checks). In the Standing
Rules, see particularly Section 4.3 on Instant
- 1.4(1)E The Clerk may
appoint one or more "Mailmen," who shall be responsible for picking
up and distributing mail, for removing money from the mail (upon which the
amount removed shall be noted), and for delivering such money to the NESFA or
Boskone Treasurer. [8/83: The office of "Mailman"
was in fact established by the Clerk in 10/80.]
- 1.4(2)E The Clerk shall be
responsible for making payments, when due, on the Post Office Box. [1/68]
- 1.4(3)M The Clerk is
directed to renew NESFA's non-profit Bulk Rate and Imprint permits with the
Post Office when necessary. [1/75: The permits mentioned were
obtained in 4/74.]
- 1.4(4)F Clerk: It would be
appreciated if Members submitting long and complex motions would present them
in typed form, in order to simplify the Clerk's job of including such motions
in the minutes. [8/87]
- 1.4(5)M The Clerk is directed to keep our telephone listings up to date.
In both the Boston / Cambridge / Somerville Business Directory and the
Framingham Directory our main telephone number should be listed under
"NESFA", "New England Science Fiction Association", and
"Boskone". [5/97]
- 1.4(6)F Clerk: Wit, brevity
and e-mail are encouraged when submitting annual reports. Especially e-mail.
- 1.5 The Executive
[See By-Laws: Article V
(management); Sections 2.1, 2.3 (scheduling meetings), 3.9 (filling vacancies), 3.11 (naming Resident Agent), 4.1 (President presides at), 4.3 (directives on handling funds), 4.4 (Clerk records meetings), 6.3, 6.6
(committees), 7.2 (Fellowship election), 8.4(c) suspension), 10.2(i) ("Board"), 11.4(b) (Boskone Treasurer). In the Standing
Rules, see particularly Section 2.3 on
- 1.5(1)E The Executive Board
would like to see policy-type letters before they are sent out so they can be
changed if necessary. [pre-1974]
- 1.5(2)M [Authorized Exec. Board to prepare lease agreement for Index
Production programs and databases; passed 2/74, nothing ever came of it,
repealed 5/92.]
- 1.5(3)M The Executive Board is directed to, where feasible, eliminate
royalties paid on sale by replacing all existing royalty agreements with
lump-sum payments for all unsold copies and by negotiating all new royalty
agreements as lump-sum payments due on printing. [9/94]
- 1.5(4)M The Executive Board is authorized to implement the club's parking
enforcement policy after the Membership sets
one. [9/97]
- 1.5(5)M The Executive Board is authorized to henceforth adjust our insurance
coverage as needed. [9/11]
- 1.6 The Rules
[See By-Laws: Articles VIII
(discipline), IX (amendments); Sections 2.10 (absence of Officers), 3.7 (counting ballots), 3.9 (ineligible for temporary Officer), 5.8 (bonding Officers or agents), 5.9 (examining records), 6.4, 6.5
(appointment of).]
- 1.6(1)M The Rules Committee
shall be responsible for maintaining the NESFA Code. From time to time, but
preferably quarterly, the Rules Committee shall report to a business meeting,
in the form of an amendment or addition to the appropriate part of the Code,
all decisions made by the Membership or the
Executive Board having the character of a rule or
regulation of general and continuing effect. If necessary the Rules Committee
may rephrase the rule, preserving its original substance. The text of the code
shall be modified in accordance with the Rules Committee report unless a
different wording is specifically adopted by the originating body by the close
of its next meeting after the report. The above mechanism for maintaining the
text of the NESFA Code does not alter the fact that a new rule or change in the
rules goes into effect when adopted or as provided when it is adopted.
[7/71*. The original text required that rules processed by the
Rules Committee be submitted again to the originating body for
"ratification." Amended in 8/83 to eliminate the ratification
requirement but require quarterly reports; reporting requirement eased 5/92.
See also Section 5.1 on the format of the Code.]
- 1.6(2)M The Rules Committee
shall maintain an up-to-date edition of the NESFA Code on the NESFA website.
Any Member for whom web access is
impractical will be provided with a paper copy on request. Every new Member
shall be informed of this upon admission to membership.
[7/71*, requiring copies for Regular and Affiliate Members.
General Members added in 8/74, Inactive in 9/83; then all except Regular
deleted in 7/91. 7/05: Distribute the Code via the website (at <>), in conformance
with long-standing practice. See also BL 10.3].
- 1.6(3)M [7/71*, for Regular and General Members; General deleted 7/91.
Deleted 7/05, since distribution is now via the NESFA website. Formerly
required that new members of certain classes be provided a copy of the
- 1.6(4)F Rules Committee: In
updating the NESFA Code, the Rules Committee interprets "continuing
effect" to include things still likely to be in effect one year after the
updating as well as rules which by their own terms are of indefinite duration.
- 1.6(5)F Rules Committee: To
protect members from frivolous complaints and to protect the Rules Committee
from exhaustive labor, we wish to announce that the Rules Committee may refuse
to consider any complaint involving apa contributions unless the complaint
contains a specific citation of the material complained of and specifies why
the material is deemed objectionable. [9/75]
- 1.6(6)F Rules Committee: The
official source documents for the ByLaws and Standing Rules are the files at <>. [12/98]
- 1.6(7)M The Rules
Committee shall make the Standing Rules and By-Laws available in a single file each,
searchable and printable in some suitably simple manner. [5/07]
- 1.7 The Membership
[See By-Laws: Sections 1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9 (new Members, changes of Membership class), 6.4 (appointment of). In the Standing Rules, see
also Sections 1.9(7) and 1.9(7A)
on honorary members.]
- 1.7(1)M The Membership
Committee shall annually, after the Boskone and before the Annual Meeting, review the classification of each
Member in the light of his or her activity
and interest. This rule does not prevent or restrict the Committee from making
such a review or acting on applications received at any other time. [7/71*]
- 1.7(2)M Before the
Membership Committee denies the request of any applicant or transfers (except
between Regular and Inactive Membership) any Member without his or her own consent, and at
any other time when any one Committee member so demands, the Committee shall
hold a full meeting at which the Member or
applicant under consideration may be heard. [7/71*. Exception
added 4/81.]
- 1.7(3)M All votes on changes
of status to or from Regular Membership shall be by secret ballot, counted by
the Rules Committee, with the results announced only as
"Pass" or "Fail" and no count of votes announced. The
ballots shall be open for inspection by anyone interested. [3/75]
- 1.7(4)M The Membership
Committee's recommendations on transfer of Members from one class of membership
to another may be debated. [8/82]
- 1.7(5)M Guidelines
To Membership Policy
[See By-Laws: Section 1.1
(definition of Membership classes). The original version of these guidelines
was a Membership Committee fiat, first reported in 3/71. They do not seem to
have ever been explicitly voted on as a whole by the Membership. However, the
Membership have on a number of occasions amended them (including complete
revisions of the Regular and General sections in 1975), and thus they are now
considered to be Membership rules.]
These guidelines are not intended to be final and definitive; they are
intended to convey the general sense of the criteria used. Moreover, there are
a variety of exceptions to these criteria which have been made in the past and
which can be expected to be made in the future. In some cases the Member in question has special qualifications
which outweigh other considerations. In others the meaning of the requirements
are met even if the formal criteria are not. On the whole, though, these
guidelines may be taken as applying in most cases.
Whenever the Membership Committee makes an exception to the guidelines in
any recommendation, it shall state that it is and what the exception is. [added 11/75]
- I. Subscribing
Members: essentially automatic for anyone who applies for it and pays the
dues. Subscribing Members who regularly attend meetings are expected to change
their class of membership to General unless special circumstances prevail.
Except in certain unusual cases, candidates for Subscribing Membership may be
recommended by the Chairman of the Committee alone, without having to call a
meeting for what would ordinarily be a routine matter. [Last
sentence added 7/71, now semi-obsolete. "Corresponding" changed to
"Subscribing" in 11/75.]
- II. Affiliate
Members: Membership for dues-paying Affiliates is essentially automatic.
Exchange Affiliates will usually be approved without question.
Affiliate Membership shall be offered free of dues to all fan organizations
in New England. In lieu of dues, all such organizations that do not exchange
publications will be asked annually to verify their continued existence and
interest. [added 9/77]
- III.
Family-Dependency Members: Essentially automatic for anyone who
qualifies. [See By-Laws, Section 1.1 (f).]
- IV. General
Membership: A General Member has no particular obligations, and all of the
privileges of membership except voting and holding constitutional Offices. The
qualifications are fairly loose. They are:
- a) Have attended at least two business meetings, other
meetings, or clubhouse activities (work sessions, game days, media days, official
parties, or Wednesday evenings) in the past six months. [Originally two
meetings in the last year; amended 11/75 to add other meetings; amended 2/14 to add
clubhouse activities (work sessions, game days, media days, official parties, or
Wednesday evenings). ]
- b) Be interested in Science Fiction.
- c) Not be a totally disruptive influence.
- d) Have been around enough to be known to at least
part of the Membership.
["Associate" changed to "General" in
- V. Inactive
Membership: Essentially automatic for anyone who qualifies. [See By-Laws: Section 1.1
(b).] Under By-Laws Section 1.2A, the
Membership may also waive the requirement of
Section 1.1 (b) that an Inactive Member be a
former Regular Member. [Inactive Membership introduced in
9/75, this paragraph added in 4/81. The second sentence is based on a precedent
set in 10/82.]
- VI. Regular
Membership: A Regular Member has all of the privileges of membership
including voting and holding office. A
Regular Member also has distinct obligations to the club. The qualifications
are much tighter than those for General Member. The following guidelines are
rather general but they do summarize the criteria applied:
- a) Be a General Member for at least 2
months. [originally 3 months]
- b) Be interested in Science Fiction.
- c) Be interested in NESFA as an organization and
have some knowledge of its structure and functioning. [added
- d) Reasonably regular attendance at meetings.
- e) Regular Members are those who have assumed the
continuing responsibility to do the work of NESFA.
[Revised 8/75. The earlier text referred more explicitly to
"those Members who ... can be counted on to do the work," and
emphasized "initiative and responsibility" as qualifications; Section
1.7(6) essentially replaced this language.]
- f) We will reject for cause anyone whose
consistent behavior and expressed attitudes indicate that they would disrupt
and reduce the effectiveness of NESFA as an organization.
- g) We will reject for cause anyone whose
consistent behavior and expressed attitudes indicate that they would subvert
the character of NESFA as a Science Fiction organization.
- 1.7(6)F Membership
Committee: The Membership Committee would like to dispel a number of
misconceptions about Regular Membership that may be confusing people, and
requests that this statement be published in IM every 6 months:
The status of Regular Member is not conferred as a reward for
work done or anticipated to be done. The status of Regular Member is not a
stamp of approval, an honor, or a passport to the respect of other NESFAns. The
status of Regular Member not only confers the privileges of voting and holding
but also confers the responsibility to be concerned with and
to work for the continuance and betterment of NESFA as an SF organization.
The conferral of the status of Regular Member is a recognition of a Member's
responsible commitment to NESFA; it is not a demand for work or a reward for
work. The Membership Committee looks at the work a member has done for evidence
of real interest in NESFA. This evidence is a necessary, but not a sufficient,
condition for recommendation. Some minimal demonstration of a responsible,
constructive disposition towards NESFA is also required.
Managerial/organizational skills are not necessary for the demonstration of
responsibility. This can be achieved by:
delivering on promises, even trivial ones;
being careful not to promise unrealistically;
warning one's co-workers as soon as possible when promises can not be
and pitching in when one didn't promise to, if and when one can.
[7/75; the requirement of publication every six months has
seldom been observed. Also of interest are the simpler criteria for Regular
Membership approved by the Membership Committee in 2/75: "1) Be in the
area a sufficient amount of time, whether or not they live here, and be willing
to help and have sufficient time to help. 2) They should be asked what they are
going to do for NESFA and why. 3) They should be available and trustworthy. 4)
They might even be mature."]
- 1.7(7)F Membership
Committee: Involuntary Transfers
The Membership Committee will consider the involuntary transfer of a Member
from Regular Membership to another class only on receipt of a written complaint
citing continuing or grave misfeasance or irresponsibility of the cited Member
as a Member of NESFA.
If similar complaints are filed with both the Membership Committee and the
Rules Committee, then the Membership Committee will defer
action, until either (a) the Rules Committee reports on
the complaint before it to the Membership,
and either the Rules Committee or the Membership determine
that there are not grounds for expulsion; or (b) three months elapse from the
submission of the complaint to the Membership Committee.
In such a case, with the Rules Committee's consent, the
Rules Committee's determinations of the facts of the
matter may be used to aid the Membership Committee in its deliberations, though
it may make its own inquiries.
The Membership Committee recognizes that there is a class of maleferous [sic] conduct which would not necessitate expulsion but would
invalidate the previous judgment of a Membership Committee in recommending
someone for Regular Membership. This is not to be taken to preclude the Rules Committee from recommending such transfers of
[9/75. Note the restrictions placed on involuntary
transfers by Section 1.7 of the By-Laws, the
present text of which was passed at the same time.]
- 1.7(8)M Two or more persons
in the same household may jointly hold a Subscribing Membership upon request,
or a membership of another class by vote of the Membership. [Based on a
precedent set in 10/82 and previous tradition.]
- 1.7(9)M [Allowed two members of a household to receive only one copy of
IM. Passed 1/86, subsumed into Section 1.10 of the By-Laws in 1/87.]
- 1.7(10)F Membership
Committee: As part of the Membership Committee report at the Business Meetings
of February and August, the names of those Regular Members who stand in
jeopardy of being transferred to Inactive status will be reported to the
Membership, as a courtesy to those Members. Final responsibility for meeting
attendance still resides in the individual Member. [10/86]
- 1.7(11)M The Membership
Committee shall create and implement a procedure for notifying members at least
monthly when their dues are due. [5/07]
- 1.7A The Finance
[See By-Laws: Sections 5.8
(bonding Officers or agents), 5.9 (examining
records), 5.10 (auditing), 6.5A (appointment of). In the Standing Rules, see
Section II, Finances, particularly Section 2.6 on auditing.]
- 1.7A(1)M The Finance
Committee shall provide advice on financial matters to the Corporate Treasurer, the Boskone
Treasurer, or the Membership, and shall
conduct audits in accordance with Section 5.10
of the By-Laws.
[4/92. The Finance Committee was originally established in
3/91 as an ad hoc advisory committee; in 4/92 it was made a
standing committee and given the responsibility for auditing (previously
assigned to the Rules Committee).]
- 1.8 The Nominating
[See By-Laws: Sections 3.3
(appointment and duties), 3.8 (none in special
- 1.8(1)M The Nominating
Committee, in performing its function under Article III of the By-Laws, shall assure that there is at
least one qualified candidate for each Office. It shall not function to screen
candidates so as to impede any Member from running for office. [7/71*]
- 1.9 The Boskone
[See By-Laws: Article XI
(Boskone); Section 5.10 (auditing). Most of
Article XI was part of the Standing Rules until
11/79. The Boskone (originally "Convention") Committee is as old as
NESFA and in fact Boskones are older than NESFA (cf. Appendix
B). In 4/75 the rules first specified that each Boskone was run by a
separate committee, and required that the Chairman be confirmed by the
Membership; confirmation of the Boskone Treasurer was added in 8/79. The
Skylark Award rules go back to the 7/71 Code, and were based on earlier
tradition (the Skylark also being older than NESFA). See also Section 2.7 of the Standing Rules on Boskone finances.]
- 1.9(1)M Boskone Life
Memberships are not transferable, but usable for life or 300 years (whichever
comes first) at all Boskones run by NESFA. They shall be treated as
preregistrations for each Boskone. [4/77]
- 1.9(2)M One natural sentient
being shall be permanently designated for each Boskone Life Membership. [11/79]
- 1.9(3)M The price of a
Boskone Life Membership shall be fourteen times the lowest generally-available
advance membership rate for the then-current Boskone; during a given
Boskone, if memberships for the subsequent Boskone are being sold, Life
Memberships shall be available at fourteen times the lower of the two advance
rates; provided that at no time shall the price of a Life Membership be less
than $350.
[2/84, clarified 4/84 by adding clause on at-Boskone sales
(then based only on the next year's rate). The two multipliers were changed
from 20 to 14 in 10/87, when the lower-of-two-rates clause was also added. Life
Memberships were originally sold in 4/77, for $50; the price rose to $100 by
1979, and sales were terminated in 8/80. Sales were resumed in 2/84 at $300;
minimum price increased to $350 in 10/87. 8/03: changed basis from "most
recent by-mail rate" to "lowest generally-available rate" to
conform to long-standing practice. Quoted in /Treasury/BoskoneLifeMemberships.htm.]
- 1.9(4)M [Repealed 10/12
by a vote eliminating all accounting reserves for life members.]
- 1.9(5)M [Repealed 10/12
by a vote eliminating all accounting reserves for life members.]
- 1.9(6)M [Repealed 10/12
by a vote eliminating all accounting reserves for life members.]
- 1.9(7)M [Repealed 10/12
by a vote eliminating all accounting reserves for life members.]
- [By implication and actual practice, honorary memberships
as defined here may be granted to persons other than Boskone Guests of Honor,
with the approval of the Membership Committee and/or the Membership. See also
Section 4.3(4B) on the listing of honorary members in
the roster.]
- 1.9(7A)M When an honorary
member dies, the Membership Committee in its discretion may designate the
survivor as an honorary member with the same privileges. [12/85]
- 1.9(8)M Boskone Life
Memberships shall be given, free if they wish, to the Guests of Honor of all
Boskones back to Boskone I of the current series. [4/77]
- 1.9(9)M [Special provision for ATom, who has since died.]
- 1.9(10)M Any Boskone
Committee is authorized to schedule its Boskone on Friday through Sunday of
Washington's Birthday/Presidents' Day weekend.
[4/85. This satisfies the requirement of Section 11.2 of the By-Laws that the Membership approve
the date of Boskone; it was passed after the date had become so automatic that
the committee published a flyer without bothering to have the date
- 1.9(11)F U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office: [5/85]
Int. Cl.: 41 | Reg. No. 1,337,242 |
Prior U.S. Cl.:#107 | Registered May 21,
1985 |
NATICK, MA 01760
FIRST USE 0-0-1967; IN COMMERCE 0-0-1967.
SER. NO. 494,270, FILED 8-10-1984.
- 1.9(12)F President: Since
the By-Laws provide that Boskone Chairmen serve until the end of their
Committees or until their successors are appointed and approved, and such
approval requires a 2/3 vote of the Membership, it also requires a 2/3 vote to
remove a Boskone Chair. [8/86]
- 1.9(13)F Boskone Committee:
While persons appearing on the Boskone program ordinarily have their membership
fees reimbursed, no such reimbursements shall be made to
- a) the Boskone Chairman or others in program's
line of command,
- b) anyone materially involved in program
- c) other members of the Boskone Committee
appearing only as part of their official duties (e.g., at gripe sessions).
[long-standing policy, called to the Rules Committee's
attention in 1/88]
- 1.9(14)M Gopher T-shirts
may be sold to NESFA Members who were on the staff of a Boskone (and not
eligible to get one) at cost or such rate as the Executive Board may set,
starting two months after the Boskone. The Boskone Chair shall have first
choice, and all others approximately equal opportunity to get one.
[1/89. The intent was to allow sale of existing T-shirts, with
the Chair to have discretion to reprint the shirt.]
- 1.9(15)M Section 11.3 of the By-Laws ("Each Boskone Committee
shall have a separate Treasurer . . ." shall not be interpreted to prevent
simultaneously existing Boskone Committees from having the same Treasurer: the
phrase "separate Treasurer" means only "separate from the NESFA
[4/93, by approving the appointment in question; note also
that consecutive Boskones had the same Treasurer on two previous occasions
since the passage of Section 11.3 in
- 1.9(16)F Rules Committee:
The Chair expressed the opinion that the responsibility for running Boskone
would default on the President in the event of the death
or disability of the Boskone Chairman. [2/94]
Unpaid Boskone memberships are permitted only
- for the Guests of Honor and their immediate families,
- for Program Participants as determined by Program,
- when payment is waived on account of hardship by vote of the NESFA
Executive Board,
- when explicitly granted by vote of the Membership. (This
may be done in any clear and explicit manner, including by approving a budget
line item which is explicitly designated as providing memberships.)
- when someone is invited to Boskone to make it better, they may be granted a
comp membership. (This is beyond program participants who appear on panels.
It may include demos, exhibits, Dragonslair, musicians, etc. They may end up
being scheduled on program, but it is not a requirement. This does not
include expenses, hotel, and travel without getting club permission. It is
preferred they spend at least 3 hours pre- or at-con at their specific items.
These comps require the Program Director's or Chair's approval.)
- for Honorary life memberships given to Boskone guests and NESFA guests at Boskone.
[9/04. Paragraph 6 added 7/15 pursuant to a motion passed 10/12
eliminating all accounting reserves for life members.]
- 1.9(18)M To encourage
volunteering at Boskone, anyone (including Committee, Staff, people with
non-paid memberships, and non-members) who works on the convention for a
sufficient amount of time will be given a free non-transferable membership in
the following Boskone. [11/04]
- (a) Twelve hours is a sufficient amount of time.
Time before 3:00 PM on the Friday of the convention or after 3:00 PM on the Sunday of the convention counts
double. [8/06. Previously, for each convention the amount of time, the multipliers,
and the times during which multipliers applied were to be proposed by the chair and approved by the
Membership.; 4/11: Reduced from sixteen hours to twelve hours.]
- (b) Notwithstanding that
these memberships are generally not transferrable, a Life Member who earns a
volunteer membership may give it to someone who would not otherwise have
attended that Boskone. [Both of the phrases "someone who would
not otherwise have attended that Boskone" and "someone who has not normally
attended Boskone" were used in the making of this motion; resolution of this
issue has been deferred as per 1.9(19).]
- (c) Each Boskone shall
budget for these memberships by multiplying the number of such memberships
actually used at the previous Boskone by the lowest generally-available
pre-registration rate for the current Boskone. (Boskone 43 shall use the number
of volunteer memberships given out at Boskone 42, since there were not yet any
available to be used there.)[All 11/04, except as marked.]
- 1.9(19)M Each Boskone
Pre-Registration head should use his or her judgement in deciding who should be
allowed to receive volunteer memberships from Life Members under SR 1.9(18)(b). They are directed to construe the rules
liberally and to keep track of their decisions. The club will reconsider this
policy after it has more data. [5/05. See also the annotation
to 1.9(18)(b).]
- 1.9(20)M The Guests of
Honor for a Boskone are those few people whom the convention gives special
recognition for their activities related to SF and/or fandom, usually an
author, an artist, and a "Special Guest". The Featured Filker(s), Hal Clement Science Speaker, NESFA Press
Guest(s), ordinary program participants, etc. are not Guests of Honor. [7/05: Documents long-standing practice. If more than one person
is designated as one Guest of Honor, each of those people receives all of the
- 1.9(21)M Boskones shall be
named using Arabic numerals except when the Roman numerals are too good to pass
up. [4/97. An example of a Roman numeral which may be too good
to pass up is "Boskone L".]
- 1.9(22)F Finance: The
Boskone chart of accounts shall follow the line items used by the NESFA Business Meeting for
budgeting as closely as possible. [2/07]
- 1.9(23)M NESFA directs
the Boskone Treasurer to close the Boskone books so as to render a final report
at the June Business meeting following the convention. [2/07]
- 1.9(24)M Be respectful and courteous
towards others. We expect you to understand that you need to ask before you touch and
that no means no. Harassment of any kind, from intimidation to illegal behavior will not
be tolerated. This policy applies to your interactions with everybody. We also expect
you to refrain from illegal, destructive, and hazardous conduct.
Violation of this policy can result in action by the con committee ranging from
warnings, to having your badge yanked with no refund, to permanent banning. Action by
the convention in no way precludes the injured individual or the hotel from pursuing
whatever remedies, civil or criminal, as they see fit.
If you feel you are being harassed, please let the con chair or a NESFA officer know.
If necessary please ask a Committee member to find one of those people for you. You will
be treated with respect and your concerns will be taken seriously. All names involved
will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but any accused has the right to know
enough detail to be able to defend him or herself.
Please note that other behaviors, including but not limited to destruction of hotel
property, can also result in the actions described above.
Boskone is a members' only event and the con committee reserves the right to determine
who may be a member. Parties in a hotel room are considered the responsibility of the
person who rented the room. Thus, a person throwing a party in his or her hotel room has
the right to eject any person from his or her party if he or she deems that the person
is behaving inappropriately. [1/13]
- 1.9(25)M Boskone policy forbids uncaged
animals (excluding service animals) from the Galleria. [12/13]
- 1.9(26)M
- a) A person may be excluded from attendance at one or more
Boskone(s), and the purchase of a membership to said Boskone(s), by a two-thirds vote of
the Membership at a business meeting. Written notice shall be given at least one week
in advance of the vote,
with a brief summary of the conduct in question, but without naming or
otherwise identifying the person. Advance notice shall be given at the previous business
meeting, including the identification of the person. If the vote does not specify
otherwise, it shall apply only to the one Boskone which occurs next after the vote.
- b) Upon adoption of such a motion, the President shall notify
the excluded person, and provide the Clerk with a copy of the correspondence.
- c) The Executive Board may approve such an exclusion if there
is insufficient time to have a vote of the Membership. The Executive Board shall inform
the Membership of their action as soon as possible. Under no circumstance shall the name
of excluded individuals be published in Instant Message or any other publication.
- d) At any Boskone, the Boskone Chair may have any person
removed from the convention for cause based on conduct at that convention. The Chair
shall report such action to the President and to the Executive Board as soon as
possible, if possible at the convention, and to the Membership at the next business
- e) Any exclusion from Boskone may be revoked by majority vote
of the Membership at any time, provided that notice has been given in the same manner as
specified above for an exclusion.
- 1.9(27)M Boskone comps memberships are
at the discretion of the Boskone chair with a report to be given at the next Business
Meeting. [9/14]
- 1.9(28)M Boskone guests and NESFA
guests at Boskone shall be given honorary NESFA Life memberships. They shall be asked
their preference for receiving Instant Message: paper, electronic or
no Instant Message. [10/12]
- 1.10 Lexicon and
- 1.10(1)E Lexicon and
Codclave are the two NESFA relaxacons, usually held respectively in the summer
and winter of each year. Each Lexicon or Codclave shall be administered by a
separate ad hoc committee.
[8/83. Lexicon was first held in 8/72, and Codclave
(originally Wintercon: cf. Section A.1(4)) in
- 1.11 The Hotel
- 1.11(1)M The Hotel
Committee shall actively seek out information on all hotels within a reasonable
area and make that information widely available. The chairman may assist a
convention chairman or the Executive Board in hotel
negotiations, if so requested.
[Established 5/81, limited to information-gathering; second
sentence added 11/83.]
- 1.12 The Sales
- 1.12(1)M The Sales
Committee shall be responsible for the sales and business management of the
Index and of all books, records, posters, and other materials produced by NESFA
or acquired by NESFA for resale.
[7/71*. The "Index Committee" was first established
in 11/67 to produce and sell the NESFA Index. Index Production
was made a separate committee in 5/69, and the name was changed to "Sales
Committee" in 3/73. Records and posters were added to the rule in 8/74,
and "other materials" in 9/83.]
- 1.12(2)E When appropriate,
the Sales Committee shall produce and distribute an updated sales flyer
reflecting new items offered for sale by NESFA. This shall be done at least
once a year, so that an up-to-date flyer is available at Boskone.
[11/83. Cf. Section 4.2 for the prices of
sales items, and Section 5.4(4) for ISBN's.]
- 1.12(3)M After dealer-table
prices for the upcoming Worldcon are announced, the Sales Committee shall
inquire of the Membership whether it desires
to purchase one or more such tables. [12/83]
- 1.12(4)M When supplies of
the NESFA T-shirt or the "Book Fan of NESFA" T-shirt run low, the
Sales Committee shall inform the T-Shirt Committee that a reprint is needed, so
as to keep the shirts continually in stock. [E 11/83;
"Book Fan" shirt added, made M rule in 5/92.]
- 1.12(5)M The Sales
Committee is authorized to keep the "Eripmav" T-shirt continually in
stock, by reprinting a two-year supply when necessary. [7/85]
- 1.12(6)F Sales Committee
(Shipping Department): If you leave packages at the clubhouse on the assumption
that they will magically be mailed, your assumption is less likely to prove
false if each item is (1) well packaged, (2) properly marked for the class of
mail you want, and (3) legibly addressed (including a return address), and if
there is a clear indication of what account should be charged for the postage.
- 1.12(7)F Sales
Committee: Sales will waive certain charges if overseas orders to the
fulfillment house arrive late because of incorrect shipping. [1/07]
- 1.12(8)F Sales: Except for boxed books and a
very few slow sellers, the intent is to move as much as
possible [of our stock] to PSS. [5/07]
- 1.12(9)F Sales: Except for boxed books and a
very few slow sellers, the intent is to we will move as much as possible of our stock to PSS. [5/07]
- 1.12(10)F Finance: To alleviate a problem,
the Finance Committee insists on receipt of the raw sales from a convention the Wednesday following
the convention. [7/08]
- 1.12(11)M There is no discount for NESFA members
whose dues are in arrears. [7/09]
- 1.13 The Index
Production Committee
- 1.13(1)M The Index
Production Committee shall be responsible for all aspects of the compilation
and production of new editions of the Index, except that the printing shall be
handled by NESFA Press.
[7/71*. Split in 5/69 from the Index (now Sales) Committee,
which existed since 11/67; the first index produced by NESFA was the 1967
Index, published in 8/68. Reference to NESFA Press added 12/83 (as the Book
Production Committee, renamed 3/95).]
- 1.13(2)F Index Production
Committee: The title of the Index is The NESFA Index, with appropriate
subtitles used to indicate the content of each edition.
[2/73. The usual title was "The NESFA Index to the
Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies" for 1971-86, and
"The NESFA Index to Short Science Fiction" for 1987-89, with the
year(s) indexed appended. See the "NESFA Index" table in section 4.2(7) for a
list of Indexes.]
- 1.13(3)M The NESFA
Index will include listings for the contents of SF magazines, original and
reprint anthologies, and collections.
[7/72. The decision to index original anthologies was first
made in 9/69, and the 1971-72 Index was the first to include such listings. (A
commitment to index pre-1970 anthologies was deleted in 12/83.) The inclusion
of reprint anthologies and single-author collections was approved in
- 1.13(4)M The Perry Rhodan
Index will be published separately, due to the almost entire non-overlap of its
users and the users of the NESFA Index.
[3/76. It was voted in 8/73 to index the Perry Rhodans, but
only #'s 1-50 were ever done.]
- 1.14 NESFA
- 1.14(1)M NESFA Press shall
be responsible for all aspects of the production of NESFA Press books,
including typesetting and paste-up, relationships with the authors, artists,
and printers, and copyright and ISBN arrangements.
[5/81. Replaced the "Boskone Book Committee"
established in 4/76. Earlier books were published by ad hoc
committees; in particular, the Noreascon Proceedings had
separate committees called "Phase I" (compilation of material),
"Phase II" (production), and "Phase III" (sales). Mention
of "authors, artists" added 12/83. 3/95: renamed from the Book
Production Committee to NESFA Press]
- 1.14(2)M NESFA's mailing
address shall be printed in all future NESFA publications. [2/76]
- 1.14(3)M NESFA Press is
directed to send out review copies of new books, including Boskone books, as
soon as they arrive. [3/98]
- 1.14(4)M NESFA Press is
directed to send to the LASFS library, in memory of Gary Louie, one copy of
each new Boskone Guest of Honor book. [3/00]
- 1.14(5)M An additional
printing of a book may be authorized by posting notice of the proposed reprint
on the NESFA Regular Members mailing list for comment, with final approval by
the Executive Board except that if legitimate issues are
raised on the mailing list the decision will be made by the Membership at the next Business Meeting. [1/02]
- 1.14(6)M NESFA Press is
directed to, upon request, replace any already-sold copy of the defective first
printing of Powers of Two with a corrected copy at no charge beyond
shipping and handling for as long as the book remains in print and to, except
for a small number of file copies which must not be sold, destroy any copy of
that first printing which comes into its possession. [3/04]
- 1.14(7)M The Minneapolis Library is
added to the review copy list for future books with the books being sent
specifically in the memory of John M. Ford. [10/06]
- 1.14(8)M NESFA Press books should indicate "NESFA"
as a registered trademark on the verso of the title page. Such trademark indicia shall be added to any
existing book which does not have them when it is reprinted. [1/08. See also section 5.7(2).]
- 1.15 The NESFA Hymnal
- 1.15(1)E The Hymnal
Committee shall maintain and expand the NESFA Hymnal.
[5/76; the Chairman was originally called
"Songmaster," but this fell out of use. Publication of a "NESFA
Hymnal" was first proposed in 12/72. The first publication by this name
was a songbook distributed at the 1974 Boskone; the first Hymnal produced as a
sales item was in 1976. The Hymnal Committee usually also winds up running
NESFA's filksong contests, first authorized in 8/76 and held irregularly since
- 1.16 The T-Shirt
- 1.16(1)M The T-Shirt
Committee shall be responsible for producing T-shirts to be sold by NESFA. [12/83]
- 1.16(2)M Each year the
T-Shirt Committee shall explore the possibility of producing a Boskone T-shirt,
by contacting the Boskone Artist about producing artwork and contacting a
"printer" to secure a cost estimate for its production. If production
seems feasible, the committee shall then request a budget to produce the shirt.
- 1.16(3)M When informed by
the Sales Committee of the need for more NESFA or "Book Fan of NESFA"
T-shirts, the T-Shirt Committee shall seek a reprint budget to keep the shirts
continually in stock. [12/83; "Book Fan" shirt added
- 1.16(4)M The T-Shirt
Committee shall look into producing cloisonné pins for Boskone in
preference to (though not to the exclusion of) T-shirts. [6/93]
- 1.17 The Clubhouse
- 1.17(1)M The Clubhouse
Committee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of renovation and
maintenance to the Corporation Clubhouse building, and for making plans for and
recommendations to the Membership concerning
the uses and usage of the Clubhouse.
[Published 7/91 in its current form, but the text simply
combines the duties assigned in 10/85 to the Building Physical and Building
Policies Committees. The Clubhouse Committee was established in 1/86, at which
time it absorbed the Building Policies Committee, with which Section 1.17(1)
originally dealt. See the historical note at the end of Section 1.17 for more
- 1.17(2)M [Dealt with the Building Physical Committee (see above), which was
abolished in 6/88.]
- 1.17(3)M The Clubhouse
Committee shall be appointed by the President subject to
ratification by the Membership.
[12/85; Unlike the other committees, the
Clubhouse Committee may include Officers (or members of the Rules and
Membership Committees); in fact, for several years it was customary to name the
Vice-President as its chairman. 6/09, removed "in the same
manner as the Rules and Membership
Committees" so as not to require a secret ballot.]
- 1.17(4)M Clubhouse
- a) Active users of the Clubhouse may obtain keys.
Regular Membership is prima facie evidence of active use, others must be
approved by the Executive Board. [5/99:
changed wording, added criterion of "active use", and removed
"or its designee" from the approval clause.]
- b) Key deposits will no longer be charged, and all
key deposits previously charged shall be refunded. [7/10:
Previously there was a $20 deposit for each key, which
was returned when the key was returned.]
- c) Nobody should be forced to take a key.
- d) There will be various duties associated with
being a keyholder.
- e) For the most part, the building will be
administered by the Clubhouse Committee with help from the Executive Board. This will include drawing up a schedule for
keyholder duties, a list of such duties, and forms to fill out in order to
receive a key. [Building Physical Committee originally
included in administration; deleted 5/92.]
- f) For serious offenses or repeated minor
offenses, the Rules Committee will request the return of a Member's key.
- g) Keys are for the use of the keyholder only.
Please do not loan them out or make duplicates. [5/99]
- h) Any food stored in the refrigerator must have a date of placement,
an owner, and a use or disposal date of no more than 5 calendar days after placement written on it or
it will be thrown out. In any case it may be thrown out if found on a calendar date after its use/disposal
date.[12/06, Adopted for one month as a test; 1/07, Adopted permanently.]
[12/85, except as noted; went into effect after the Clubhouse occupancy permit was
granted in 7/86.]
- 1.17(5)M Paul Jacobs is
allowed to park his truck nights and weekends in back of the Clubhouse in
return for the use of his truck. [9/86]
- [The original Section 1.17 dealt with "The Building
Fund and Related Matters." The NESFA Building Fund was established in
12/81 for "establishing a long-term meeting and storage site" --
i.e., a clubhouse -- and initially included only donations; in 12/83 $10,000
was transferred to the Fund, with $1000 more transferred each subsequent month.
In 4/82 a "Building Committee" was established, split in 6/84 into
the Building Search and Building Planning Committees, which respectively
searched for a clubhouse and planned what to do with it. In 6/83 a rule was
approved defining the conditions under which the Executive Board might initiate
the purchase of real estate for a clubhouse (including initial approval by the
Building Search Committee and final approval by a 2/3 vote of the Membership).
After a long search, the Building Fund's object was attained when the current
NESFA Clubhouse was purchased on November 4, 1985. The Building Search
Committee was formally dissolved in 6/86; the Building Planning Committee was
replaced in 10/85 by the Building Physical Committee and the Building Policies
Committee, for which see above. In 11/87 the "Building Fund" Section
1.17 was replaced by a new section on "Income Stabilization Fund and
Related Matters"; in 5/92 this section was moved to the more logical
position of Section 2.8, and the former Section 1.17A,
"The Clubhouse Committee," became the current Section
- 1.17(6)F Clubhouse: Please discard food waste only in
the barrel designed for that purpose (the one with the lid). [10/07]
- 1.17(7)M Up to $300/month is allocated for a 4 cubic yard dumpster
with every other week pickup. If that is not available, the Executive Board may authorize changing
to a weekly pick-up or to a 6 cubic yard dumpster picked up every other week.
[2/06, up to $1300/year allocated; 6/08, up to $300/month allocated for a 4 or 5 cubic yard dumpster;
12/08, details of size and pickup schedule added.]
- 1.17(8)M The sum of $125 per month is
authorized to engage a cleaning crew to clean the clubhouse on a monthly basis.
[4/09; 5/11: Amount increased to $125 from $100.]
- 1.17(9)M Up to $700.00 per year is allocated for snow
removal from both the parking lot and the sidewalk. [10/06]
- 1.17(10)M The bottom three shelves of
the bookcase over the Treasurer's desk are reserved for Treasurer, Sales, and their
staff. [10/03]
- 1.17(11)E The eboard has gotten a
number of complaints of both the clubhouse being too hot and too cold recently. As a
balance between cost and comfort, we request that, unless there are more than 2 or 3
people in the clubhouse, members working in the clubhouse not set the thermostats higher
than 76 and keep the Blue room door closed, so its thermomstat does not need adjusting.
It has also been observed that the room's heat flow needs the ceiling fans turned on
(switch labeled "fans" near the front door). Also consider a space heater and/or
keeping your coat on. [2/12]
- 1.17(12)M Being a keyholder is a
privilege,; a keyholder is responsible for safeguarding the persons and property of
oneself, other members, visitors to the clubhouse, and the property of NESFA. It is
grounds for the revocation of the keyholder privilege to endanger what one has a duty to
safeguard. The Eboard will warn the keyholder twice, and then the privilege will be
revoked (on the third time). Disagreements on how much risk is acceptable may be brought
before the Rules Committee or the Membership. [9/12]
- 1.18 The Insurance
- 1.18(1)M The Insurance
Committee shall obtain information on the insurance needs of NESFA and of all
NESFA functions; shall investigate and report on insurance rates and terms; and
shall obtain insurance when authorized. The Insurance Committee shall also be
responsible for keeping track of that insurance which is in force, and shall
renew the insurance as authorized. [11/83]
- 1.19 The
- 1.19(1)M The Archivist
shall keep track of all property of the Corporation; shall obtain, subject to
the approval of the Executive Board, storage space for all
of the Corporation's property not in immediate and regular use; and shall be
responsible for maintaining such storage space and inventorying its
[7/71*. Archivist established 5/70, originally just had
"custody of all property not otherwise assigned." It was voted in
6/81 to acquire storage space, which we obtained by 9/81; the present text was
passed in 10/83 to define the responsibility for the storage. The provision for
"obtaining" storage space has been essentially obsolete since the
acquisition of the Clubhouse, but the Archivist continues to manage storage
within the Clubhouse.]
- 1.19(2)E The Archivist
shall, from time to time, publish a list of the Corporation's property. [5/74; never done]
- 1.19(3)E Everybody having
custody of NESFA capital equipment valued over $5.00, or any inventory for
sale, at the beginning of May shall report the same to the Archivist during the
month of May. [3/75]
- 1.19(4)M The Archivist shall also be
the Conservation/Historian.
[6/10: Conservation/Historian merged into Archivist.]
- 1.20 The Library
- 1.20(1)M The Library
Committee shall administer and have custody of the NESFA Library and shall,
from time to time, publish a catalogue of the materials in the Library.
[7/71*. Committee established 10/68. A catalogue has never
been produced yet, but there remains a pious hope of doing one Real Soon
- 1.20(2)M The Librarian will
at least once annually collect all books and magazines then borrowed from the
Library and shall update the catalogue. [8/75]
- 1.20(3)M The Librarian
shall subscribe for NESFA to all English-language SF magazines with original
material, and the SF Book Club. [4/72; Book Club added
- 1.20(4)M The Librarian
shall subscribe to the ASFA newsletter. [8/77]
- 1.20(5)E The Library
Committee will acquire, at the least possible expense, all books requested by
the Index Production Committee, to be paid for out of the Index Production
Budget. [5/74]
- 1.20(6)E The Clerk,
Collator, and Editor are directed to give copies of Instant Message,
Apa:NESFA, and Proper Boskonian respectively to the Librarian
from time to time for binding. [6/74]
- 1.20(7)M With approval from the EBoard the Library
Committee may sell duplicates (after removal of valuable items) at $0.75 for hardcovers and $0.25
for paperbacks.
[10/07. Originally a confusing rule, changed five times from 2/73
to 11/79, that defined how many copies of which class of book might be disposed
of: among other things, anything not SF or related, more than 2 copies (1 copy
for "crud") of the same edition of anything, other duplicates unless
they had "special value." 7/86, authorized the Library Committee to dispose of duplicates
"as it sees fit." See also Section 1.20(18).]
- 1.20(8)F Library Committee:
The books and magazines in the Library shall be defined in the following
- a) Reserve Books -- so designated by the Librarian
-- which are rare, costly, in bad condition, or otherwise at the Librarian's
- b) Regular Books -- so designated by the Librarian
-- which are for general circulation.
[Ratified by Membership 8/75. See Sections 1.20(16) and 1.20(21) for
additional restrictions on which materials may circulate.]
- 1.20(9)M The Librarian
shall usually dispose of books or magazines in the following manner:
- a) by auction at meetings of the club, one week's
notice having appeared in Instant Message that some books will be sold
at the following meeting,
- b) by sale to collectors or book dealers for cash
or credit, which cash or credit may be used to supplement the Library's normal
- c) by donation to appropriate organizations. The
Librarian may also donate a limited number of NESFA Press items, where
appropriate, to local libraries.[9/91]
- d) Copies of digest magazines beyond the first two
of any issue may be picked up at NESFA's convenience at no charge, or will be
mailed on payment of postage. [12/98]
- e) The Library Committee shall keep the Flynn
fanzines, and only dispose of them if the club approves.
[8/75 except as noted; a clause allowing sale at conventions
(via NESFA Sales) was repealed in 7/87.]
- 1.20(10)M Any Member may use any Reserve Book in the Library.
No Reserve Book shall leave the Library unless it is in the personal custody of
the Librarian or a person designated by the Librarian. [Originally a fiat, ratified by Membership 8/75; "or a
person" clause added 7/87.]
- 1.20(11)F Library
Committee: Any Member may borrow up to five
Regular Books from the Library. These books will be due either within three
weeks of the borrowing date or at the next Business or Other Meeting following
the three weeks date. [Ratified by Membership 8/75; partially
superseded by Section 1.20(17).]
- 1.20(12)M Regular Books
may be borrowed by mail by any Member at the
Librarian's discretion, provided that a written request has been received by
the Librarian and that the Member pays
postage both ways. [Originally a fiat, ratified by Membership
8/75; redrafted 7/87.]
- 1.20(13)M [This was an elaborate schedule of fines for overdue books, from
10 cents for 4-7 days to $1.00 for 43-59 days; over 60 days, the fine was
"twice the price listed in the catalogue." This was all repealed in
11/87, the intent being "to trust that people would do the right
- 1.20(14)F [Librarian expected to attend meetings; ratified by Membership
8/75, repealed 7/87.]
- 1.20(15)M Monies produced
by the sale of Library books go to the Library Committee, except as provided in
SR 1.20(24). [3/87. 7/05, exception
- 1.20(16)M All Library
books and magazines circulate except books worth over $50 and books in fragile
condition that can not be readily replaced. [3/87]
- 1.20(17)M Time limits for
the borrowing of books may be imposed by the Library Committee. They may be
shorter for new material or reference books. [3/87]
- 1.20(18)M The Library
Committee is requested to announce its policies concerning which books are kept
and which disposed of BEFORE putting them into effect. [3/87]
- 1.20(19)F Library
Committee: To check out a book, put your name on a page in the Circulation Book
(a black binder) and record your borrowings in it. [4/87,
after the Library had become accessible in the Clubhouse.]
- 1.20(20)M One copy of each
edition (e.g., boxed and unboxed) of all NESFA publications shall be given to
the Library and charged against the appropriate committee's budget. [7/87]
- 1.20(21)M The current
issues of all magazines and fanzines are non-circulating. [7/87]
- 1.20(22)M When feasible,
the Library should each year obtain copies of all Hugo-nominated professional
publications. [7/87]
- 1.20(23)M The NESFA
Library shall be named the Andrew Adams Whyte Memorial Library. A plaque
honoring Drew Whyte shall be mounted in the Clubhouse. [8/93,
after Drew Whyte's death]
- 1.20(24)M Valuable books
in the collection shall be identified and sold at fair market value (provided
that we can replace them with reading copies); the proceeds, minus the cost of
acquiring reading copies, shall go to the Clubhouse
Kitty. The E-Board shall establish the mechanism to accomplish this. [7/05]
- 1.20(25)M The former barbershop area is named
"The George Flynn Special Collections Room." [12/09. 10/09, named the "Special Collections
- 1.21 The Procurement
- 1.21(1)M The Procurement
Committee shall investigate and report on the best means of obtaining items
that are expressly referred to it by the Membership, and shall obtain such items as the
Membership or its delegates authorize.
[7/72. Name changed from "Equipment Procural
Committee" in 8/74. Second clause added 10/83.]
- 1.21(2)M The Procurement
Committee is directed to maintain a stock of generally-available soda at the
clubhouse. [5/97]
- 1.21(3)F Procurement: If you think that
Procurement needs to buy something:
- 1) Double-check that we don't already have it!
- 2) Write the item on the whiteboard on the refrigerator.
(Please provide sufficient detail and, if it's not obvious, say to whom to deliver it.)
- 3) When someone commits to buying the item, they will draw a line through it.
- 4) When they bring the item to the clubhouse, they will erase it from the whiteboard.
Please follow this procedure, since it prevents different people from accidentally buying the same stuff. [1/07]
- 1.22 [Repealed]
[This section was called "The NESFA Realty Trust."
Originally (9/83) it established the "Bondage Committee," which was
to develop a plan for financing a clubhouse by borrowing from the Members, and
authorized it to draft the documents for setting up a Massachusetts Realty
Trust. By 5/84 the only one of the committee's goals left undone was to
"Develop a long-range financial plan for NESFA," which was assigned
to an ad hoc Financial Planning Committee. Meanwhile, NESFA
Lunar Realty Trust No. 1 had been established; in 1/84 the Membership accepted
the Declaration of Trust, and the Executive Board was authorized to implement
the Trust and sign agreements with the Trustees. After the purchase of the
Clubhouse, NESFA made a succession of payments to the Trust for the buyback of
notes. In 5/88 it was announced that the Trustees would recall all notes and
dissolve the Trust; an amendment to the Declaration of Trust to accomplish this
was passed in 7/88.]
- 1.23 The Program
- 1.23(1)M The Program
Committee shall be responsible for arranging programs for meetings and other
gatherings. [7/71*. Committee established 3/70.]
- 1.23(2)E [Made Program Committee responsible for NESFA's audio-visual
equipment; originally passed 5/70 (referring just to a movie projector), made
more general 5/74, repealed 5/92.]
- 1.23(3)E [Made Program chair "Technical Director," in charge of
"certifying competence" in use of audio-visual equipment; split off
from Section 1.23(2) in 5/74, repealed 5/92.]
- 1.23(4)M [Made Program Committee responsible for doing tape recording for
the blind; passed 5/81, replacing earlier Recording Committee (established
5/73), repealed 5/92.]
- 1.24 [Repealed]
[This section dealt with the Benefits Committee (established
5/82, abolished 6/85), which investigated holding "special events, shows,
and other activities to raise money."]
- 1.25 The Fellowship
[See By-Laws: Article VII
(Fellowship). The Fellowship rules were passed as standing rules in 9/76, and
converted to By-Laws in 12/79. They took the place of the original Article VII
(repealed 12/75), which dealt with "Trustees"; all Trustees were
retroactively converted to Fellows before the first Fellowship banquet (11/76).
The Fellowship election and the banquet are often, but not always, administered
by the same ad hoc committee.]
- 1.25(1)M A certificate
under seal of a form specified by the Rules Committee
shall be given to every person elected a Fellow of NESFA. [1/75, with reference to Trustees and Directors.]
- 1.25(2)M All persons newly
elected Fellows of NESFA shall be given a free meal at the banquet where their
election is announced. [10/77]
- 1.26 The Press
- 1.26(1)M The Press Gang
shall be responsible for administering the reproduction services of the
Corporation. [4/75; previously (E 7/71*) part of the Editor's
duties. Name changed from "Publications Committee" in
- 1.26(2)M The Press Gang
shall be responsible for the acquisition and upkeep of NESFA's mimeo, offset,
and copier equipment. [12/83]
- 1.27 The Journal
[Most of this section was originally passed in 4/75; over the
years practice diverged considerably from the rules, and a complete update was
done in 5/92. The Journal Committee's duties combine those earlier exercised by
the Editor (originally an Officer, and thus in the By-Laws until 3/75) and the
Publications Committee (which the Editor chaired).]
- 1.27(1)M The Journal
Committee, in coordination with the Press Gang, shall be responsible for the
production, distribution, and content of Proper Boskonian, NESFA's
erratically-appearing clubzine. The chairman of the Journal Committee shall be
the Editor.
[Mostly from pre-1975 By-Laws, in which the Publications
Committee had these functions. In 5/92 the above description of
PB replaced "the official Journal of the
Corporation," and mention of the Press Gang was added.]
- 1.27(2)M All members of NESFA are entitled to receive
Proper Boskonian.
[See the entry in section 4.2(7) for the price to others.]
- 1.27(3)M [Journal Committee to report to Membership Committee on zines
received from Affiliate Members; 7/71*, fell into desuetude, repealed
- 1.27(4)M Books and
magazines sent to Proper Boskonian as review copies should be given to
the Library, except that those actually reviewed in PB may be kept by
the reviewer.
[5/92, replacing the (mostly obsolete) earlier Sections
1.27(4) and (5): A 7/71* E rule stated that the Journal Committee was in charge
of fanzines and review books received; M 8/71, unwanted fanzines to be brought
to meetings "so that Members may have first pick," otherwise given to
MITSFS; E 5/74, Index Production Committee to get books needed for Index.
Reviewers were authorized to keep review books in 11/79, told to return them to
the Library in 11/85 (apparently never implemented), again authorized to keep
them in 5/92.]
- 1.28 The
- 1.28(1)M Apa:NESFA (Ed's
Apa) shall be the official apa, with participation open to all Members. It shall be managed by the Collator
(Official Ed).
[7/71*. The apa was founded in 5/70, the original motion
referring to "An apa for NESFA or Ed's apa"; however, Collator Ed
Meyer always called it "Apa:NESFA."]
- 1.28(2)E The Collator is
responsible for the management of the apa, overseeing collations, mailing out
copies of the apa, maintaining apa accounts, preparing tables of contents, and
making cover assignments. The Collator may appoint an Assistant Collator, who
shall be a member of the Corporation, to
serve at the Collator's discretion. [First sentence added
7/83; the rest pre-1977.]
- 1.28(3)M Anyone who
contributes at least one page to the current issue of the apa shall receive
that issue and the following two free of charge. This entitlement may be
increased at the Collator's discretion, but whatever rules are currently in
effect shall be printed in each issue of the apa. Persons who are not NESFA Members may contribute to the apa at the
Collator's discretion; when such contributions are accepted, their authors
shall be entitled to free copies on the same terms as Members.
[12/81. Earlier minac rules were set by the Collator, and
varied considerably over the years. The complicated "Meyer's
equations" were in effect through 6/76; the first sentence above has been
the basic rule most of the time since then. Until a few years ago only Members
were allowed to contribute to the apa. See the entry
in section 4.2(7) for the price to
- 1.28(4)M All persons
receiving free copies of the apa as a result of having contributed material, or
ex officio as NESFA officials, shall be sent all such copies by
first-class mail, if other arrangements have not been made for expeditious
delivery; non-Members of NESFA must pay for postage. Non-contributors (other
than NESFA officials) who are entitled to the apa shall be sent their copies by
the cheapest means that will reach them within a reasonable period of time,
unless they have arranged to pay extra for postage.
[12/81; minor revisions in 4/82 and 8/83. Also replaced
earlier policies set by the Collator.]
- 1.28(4A)E NESFA Members
subscribing to the apa need not pay for postage.
[8/92: Apparently a long-standing Collator's policy, but not
previously documented.]
- 1.28(5)E The Collator has
the authority to appoint people who have performed valuable service to the apa
to be "Friends of the Apa." Friends of the Apa may receive free
copies at the Collator's discretion. [7/83, codifying a
long-standing tradition.]
- 1.28(6)M Ed Meyer is
designated a permanent Friend of the Apa. [2/73]
- 1.28(7)E The Collator is
directed to give copies of the apa to the members of the Executive Board, the Chairman of the Rules
Committee, and the Editor of the Journal if they are not otherwise entitled
to them. Copies shall also be given to the NESFA and MITSFS libraries. In
addition, the Collator must keep a file copy of each issue. [First sentence 6/74, with Editor added 5/85; rest added
- 1.28(8)M The Collator is
directed to give copies of the apa to the Chairmen of all currently existing
Boskone Committees if they are not otherwise entitled to them. [10/81]
- 1.28(9)F Collator: RULES
[Thoroughly revised 7/83, but mostly going back at least to
1974. See also Section 4.1 for repro policies and
- (a) Apa:NESFA is collated
monthly. Any eligible person may contribute by bringing the required number of
copies, on 8 1/2" x 11" paper, to the collation, or by mailing it to
arrive at the NESFA box before the collation. (The deadline for material to be
printed by NESFA is up to the person doing the work.) The copy count and
collation date will always appear in the table of contents of the previous
issue, and in the Instant Message before the collation. However, a
decrease in the copy count may be announced at the Business Meeting before the collation, with
postcards sent to regular contributors whose contribution is not printed by
NESFA or who don't receive Instant Message. [last
sentence added 7/88]
- (b) Information on the
prices for material to be printed by NESFA (cf. Section 4.1) will be published in the apa as it is updated.
- (c) Persons who help
collate the apa may receive a copy of that issue at the Collator's
- (d) Contributors desiring
return of excess copies of their apazines should pick them up at the collations
or ask the Collator in advance to return them. All other excess copies will be
disposed of.
- (e) Cover assignments are
made by the Collator or the Collator's designee. All front covers should
contain the title (Apa:NESFA), the number of the issue, and the section number
if applicable. ["section number" added
- (f) The first page of
each contribution should have the contributor's name and address. Each page
should be properly numbered to facilitate correct collating. [first required 9/74]
- (g) Whenever too few
copies have been submitted of any page of any contribution, the Collator may
exclude either the deficient page or the entire contribution from that
- (h) Contributors are
encouraged to single-space and back-to-back their apazines when possible, to
save on mailing costs.
- (i) Substantial use of
copyrighted material, without permission of the copyright holder, is not
permitted in the apa.
- (j) NESFA exercises no
prior editorial control over the contents of the apa, each contributor being
solely responsible for his/her contribution. The sole function of NESFA
regarding the apa is limited to collation and distribution. [This disclaimer (approximately) has appeared in all issues of the
apa since 12/74.]
- (k) A brief summary of
apa policy, including all of subsection (j), shall
appear at the top of each issue's table of contents.
- 1.29 The Story
Contest Committee
- 1.29(1)M The Story Contest
Committee will administer the NESFA Story Contest.
[The Story Contest was originally established in 12/73. It was
voted to abolish it in 5/81; however, an ad hoc contest was
held in 1982, and the Story Contest rules were reinstated (with
"annual" omitted) in 4/83.]
- 1.29(2)M BASIC RULES
[The original rules were passed in 1/74. Listed here are the
provisions that are the same from year to year; the full rules appear on each
year's flyer.]
- (a) The contest will be
open to all amateur writers. An amateur is defined as someone who has never
sold a work of fiction. [Requirement of New England residence
repealed in 12/75.]
- (b) Stories must be the
original work of the person entering them, must be less than 7,500 words long,
and must fall into the category of Science Fiction or Fantasy.
- (c) Results of the
contest will be announced at the Boskone.
- (d) All rights to the
stories remain with the authors.
- (e) In all cases the
decision of the judges appointed by the Story Contest Committee will be
- 1.30 [Repealed]
[This section dealt with the Data Committee (established 5/81,
abolished 6/84), which was responsible for maintaining NESFA and Boskone
mailing lists. This function still exists, of course, but is no longer assigned
to an explicit committee. An expanded task of "coordinating NESFA's data
resources" never came off. There earlier existed a "Cataloguing
Committee" (4/73-6/76) which was supposed to computerize the Library,
Archives, and mailing-list data bases.]
- 1.31 The Worldcon
- 1.31(1)M The Worldcon
Liaison shall be responsible for obtaining NESFA's Worldcon memberships and
keeping track of other Worldcon matters of concern to NESFA.
[Originally 7/83 E rule, defining a position that developed
informally over the previous few years, and including casting of NESFA's Hugo
ballots. The latter deleted in 9/92, after WSFS Constitution was amended to
restrict Hugo voting to natural persons.]
- 1.31(2)M NESFA shall obtain
a supporting membership in each World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon); if
possible, this should be done by casting a "No Preference"
site-selection ballot.
[8/83, codifying earlier practice. The casting of "No
Preference" site-selection ballots by clubs is now explicitly authorized
by the WSFS Constitution (ratified 1991), and no other vote is
- 1.31(3)M There shall be a
poll of the Membership's preferences for the Hugo nomination and final ballots,
with the results to be published as NESFA's recommendations.
[9/92, replacing a 5/90 M rule that NESFA's Hugo nomination
ballot should contain no nominees with fewer than 5 votes.]
- 1.31(4)M It is the responsibility of
the Worldcon Liaison to take care of NESFA's vote. [9/13]
- 1.32 The Gaughan
- 1.32(1)M The Jack Gaughan
Memorial Award shall be presented annually at the Boskone by NESFA to the most
promising emerging artist in the SF or Fantasy field in order to commemorate
Jack Gaughan's interest in and encouragement of new SF and Fantasy artists. The
Award and the choice of recipient shall be administered according to the
following procedures:
- (a) The recipient shall
be selected by a jury, based upon the jury's knowledge of the performance and
potential of artists working in the SF and Fantasy genre.
- (b) The jury shall be
composed of three members serving overlapping three-year terms. Each year a
jury member shall be appointed by the President in July,
subject to ratification by the Membership.
The President should take into consideration the person's
knowledge of the field and interest in actively serving. There are no special
constraints upon reappointing a jury member.
- (c) If a position becomes
vacant for any reason, the President shall appoint a
replacement, subject to the ratification of the Membership. The replacement's term of office
shall expire upon the date that the replaced person's term would have
- (d) The Award will be in
part a physical object.
- (e) An annual budget
shall be maintained to pay for the construction of the Award and to reimburse
the jury for such reasonable expenses as they may incur in administering the
Award process.
[10/85, with initial jury appointments beginning in
- 1.33 The Computer
- 1.33(1)M The Computer
Committee is charged with organizing NESFA's computers and making
recommendations about future acquisitions. [Established
- 1.33(2)M/E The Computer
Committee is directed to maintain 24x7 high-speed Internet connectivity at the
clubhouse at an initial cost not to exceed about $120 per month. [M 8/00: to establish using a specific vendor; E 12/00: to replace
a bankrupt vendor.]
- 1.33(3)M The Computer
Committee is authorized to spend up to $100 (total cost, including one year's
registration) to buy any of our standard domain names (e.g., Boskone or NESFA)
if they become available in any of .com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov, .mil, .int, or
.aero. [4/04]
- 1.33(4)M The Computer
Committee may dispose of any surplus software (license permitting) or hardware
subject to the following guidelines. A majority of the committee members must
agree that each item is surplus. The list of items, and when they will be
allocated, will be announced at a meeting
and on the active-members mailing list, with each item described in sufficient
detail to allow members to make informed decisions about whether they want it.
All items will be available at the clubhouse for examination and testing until
the next meeting and thereafter until they
are allocated, with each item clearly and uniquely marked for identification.
For each item, there will be provision for active members to express their
interest in acquiring it. If more than one list of items is to be allocated at
the same time, those lists will be combined into a single list. When the time
for allocation arrives the list of which people want which items will be
frozen, items which no one wants will be thrown out or otherwise disposed of,
items which exactly one person wants will be given to that person, and the
remaining items will be allocated by repeatedly choosing one person and giving
them one item. The person will be chosen randomly from among those who want one
or more of the remaining items, excluding anyone who has already received more
contested items from this list than some other person in that group. The item
will be chosen by the selected person from among those in which he has
expressed interest. [7/05. Provide permanent authorization on
much the same terms as previous one-off events, and document those
- 1.33(5)M The Computer Committee is authorized to
spend $300 per year to host NESFA's e-mail at Dreamhost.
- 1.33(6)M The Computer Committee is authorized to
spend $585 per year for access to four computers via GoToMyPC. [10/06: authorized a
free trial, then up to $400 per year for access to two computers; 1/07: up to $450 per year for
three computers; 6/10: authorized an additional $135 per year for a 4th license, "so the separated
Sales and Treasury computers can both be operated remotely".]
- 1.33(7)M The Computer
Committee shall maintain a list of installed software, including versions, on each computer, mark each computer such that
its identity is clear even when it is turned off, and notify the members of any new updates to those lists.
- 1.33(8)F Computer: If you accidentally damage
something, let people know so that it can be replaced. [11/09]
- 1.33(9)M Arisia is authorized to use the big printer
at the NESFA Clubhouse at the usual rates. [1/07]
- 1.34 The Web
- 1.34(1)F President: The Web Committee shall be
responsible for maintaining NESFA's web site. The subset of the Web Committee responsible for
maintaining the history of NESFA and Boskone shall be called "The Ministry of Truth".
[Established 5/97; 2/02: Dave Grubbs was the first to suggest the name "The Ministry
of Truth", which was instantly appropriated by the President. Ref. Orwell, 1984.]
- 1.34(2)M Any member may join the nesfa-announce or
nesfa-open mailing lists. Only members who are actively participating in NESFA may join the nesfa-active
list (but they need not live locally or attend meetings regularly). Except as otherwise provided,
only Regular members may be members of the nesfa-regular list. The Regular Members' mailing list
( should be used only when, for legal or other reasons, the subject
under discussion must be very closely held. All other subjects should be discussed on the Active Members'
mailing list ( or, if they are of interest to all members, on the Open
mailing list ( To avoid any possibility of needing to post any message to
both the Regular Members' and Active Members' mailing lists and to allow notifications to be posted
only to the nesfa-announce mailing list, the Active Members' and Announce lists shall be
maintained such that every person who receives messages sent via the Regular Members list will also
receive messages via the Active Members or Announce lists (Mailman can do this automatically).
[1/07: for the nesfa-announce and nesfa-open lists; 5/07: for the
nesfa-active and nesfa-regular lists.; 12/11: Further provisions regarding nesfa-regular added.;
See also 1.34(3). 11/16: Added requirement to include all members of the regular-members
list in the announce list.]
- 1.34(3)M The Boskone Chair (man, woman, person) and
the Boskone Treasurer, once appointed and ratified by the membership, shall be included in the NESFA
regular e-mail list until 6 months after their Boskone has ended. [6/09]
- 1.34(4)M The Webmaster and the Email Administrator
shall be appointed by the Web Committee. [6/10]
- 1.34(5)M NESFA shall contribute $15/month to
Joel Lord for his support of the NESFA mailing lists on his servers. [4/11]
- 1.35 The Monty Wells
- 1.35(1)M "The Monty
Wells Project" is a one-day seminar for teachers of language arts and
science to show how science fiction can be used in teaching. It is held on the
Friday before a Boskone, and provides "professional development
credits." [Established 9/98.]
- 1.35(2)F The Monty Wells
Project: The official title of the seminar is "When Words Collide: A
Symposium on Learning and Science Fiction." [11/98]
- 1.36 The E-Commerce
- 1.36(1)M The E-Commerce
Committee shall be responsible for setting up and maintaining an electronic
sales site on the web. [Established 7/01]
- 1.36(2)M Privacy policy for our eCommerce website:
- 1) We will use your credit card information only to process your
- 2) We will use your personal information as needed to fulfill your order
or to process your membership request. We may share contact information among members of the same
organization unless you tell us not to. [7/11: Second sentence added to
allow the NESFA roster to exist and locations to be printed on convention badges.]
- 3) We may retain your membership data and use it to send you information
related to your membership. We may also share convention membership data with other fannish
conventions we support. We will otherwise release personal information only when required by
- 4) Please contact us if you wish to remove your personal information
from our data store after your request has been processed.
[6/11: This is the privacy policy adopted by the Membership and reported in IM. The
privacy policy which currently appears on the NESFA e-commerce site does not include either paragraph
4 or the second sentence of paragraph 2.]
- 1.37 NESFA Press
Guests at Boskone
- 1.37(1)M By tradition,
NESFA Press brings to each Boskone one or more of the contributors to the books
it has recently published, sometimes holding a book launch party. The guests
are selected by the Membership. [First mentioned in IM 675,
- 1.37(2)M Each guest will be given a
Boskone life membership (unless they are already a life member), and will be reimbursed
for their travel, lodging, and incidental costs. [6/05; the word "life"
added after "Boskone" 10/12.]
- 1.38 The Hal Clement
Memorial Science Speaker
- 1.38(1)M The Hal Clement
Memorial Science Speaker will give a talk at Boskone on a suitable scientific
subject and will participate in other aspects of the convention as appropriate.
The speaker will be selected by the membership of NESFA, will be given a
Boskone life membership (unless they are already a life member), and will be
reimbursed for their travel, lodging, and incidental costs. [Established 11/03; the word "life" added after "Boskone" 10/12.]
- 1.39 The Clubhouse
- 1.39(1)M The Clubhouse
Kitty holds monies which are dedicated to the purchase of a new clubhouse. [Established 10/04.]
- 1.40 Gamesmaster
- 1.40(1)M The Gamesmaster is authorized
to spend $250 per year to purchase games and supplies. [7/10]
- 1.41 Outreach Committee
- 1.41(1)M The Outreach committee hosts
a monthly Monday game night from 6:30–10:30pm, to be held on the third Monday of
each month. [2/14]
- 1.42 Reduction Committee
- 1.42(1)M The reduction committee may
donate books at various conventions. [2/14]
- 1.43 NESFA Reading Group
- 1.43(1)M The NESFA Reading Group will
meet in most months to discuss books chosen by the group. [Established
10/14; The name of the group was formally accepted 3/15]
- [Former standing committees which are now defunct include
"Phase I," etc. (cf. 1.14); Building, Building
Search, Building Planning, Building Physical, and Building Policies (cf. 1.17); Bondage (cf. 1.22); Recording
(cf. 1.23(4)); Benefits (cf. 1.24); Data (cf. 1.30); Cataloguing
(ibid.); and Historian (cf. A.14(3)). Committees which have changed their names
include Index (now Sales, 1.12, and Index Production, 1.13); Boskone Book (which became Book Production and is now
NESFA Press, 1.14); Equipment Procural (now Procurement,
1.21); and Publications (now Press Gang, 1.26, and Journal, 1.27).]
- 2.1 Dues
[See By-Laws: Sections 1.2
(requirement of payment), 1.6 (changes in), 1.8(d) (Regular-Inactive transfers), 1.9 (new Members).]
- 2.1(1)M The amount of dues
payable annually by each Member shall be:
- Regular - $23.00
- General - 20.00
- Inactive - 20.00
- Subscribing - 16.00
- Family Dependency - 1.00
$15.00 of the dues for Regular, General, Inactive, and Subscribing Members
shall be designated as a publications charge.
[History of dues:
10/67: R $10, G $5, S $2.50 (10/69 $3; 3/71 $4), F $2.50.
3/74: R $10, G $6, S $5, F $2.50.
10/75: R $11, G $7, I $7, S $6, F $3.
8/80: R $14, G $10, I $10(?), S $9, F $3.
6/82: R $15, G $15, I $15, S $12, F $1; pub. charge first set, at $11.
8/84: R $20, G $17, I $17, S $13, F $1; pub. charge $12.
5/86: R $22, G $19, I $19, S $15, F $1; pub. charge $14.
3/91: R $23, G $20, I $20, S $16, F $1; pub. charge $15.]
- 2.1(2)M Interpretation of
By-Laws Section 1.6: When notice has been given
of a specific dues-change proposal, the Membership may vote to change the proposed
amounts of dues. However, any motion to change the dues for one or more
membership classes to an amount outside the range between the current dues and
those proposed in the original notice may not receive final passage until
additional notice has been given to all Members. [Based on precedent
set in 5/82.]
- 2.1(3)M The Membership Committee may authorize an Affiliate Member to
substitute a subscription to its publication(s) in lieu of dues; in the absence
of such substitution, the dues for Affiliate Members shall be the same as for
Subscribing Members.
[7/71*; second clause added 9/83. In all dues schedules
through 10/75, the Affiliate and General dues were the same; later it was
tacitly assumed that Affiliates didn't pay dues. In practice this section
appears not to be invoked.]
- 2.1(4)M In exercising its powers under Bylaws
Subsection 1.2(d), the Executive Board may reduce or completely waive
a dues payment, may substitute some other action for paying dues, or may make any other arrangement
which the Board considers to be appropriate. When reporting on actions taken under that subsection,
the Board shall protect the identities of the persons involved.
[7/71*; separate section 9/83.; 1/12: Amended to go along with addition of
Subsection 1.2(d) to the bylaws.; Prior section read "Notwithstanding
Section 2.1(1), the Membership Committee may recommend special arrangements in
cases of financial difficulty."]
- 2.1(5)M In accordance with
Section 1.2 of the By-Laws, a Member newly admitted shall be dropped from
membership if he or she has not paid his or her dues within one month from the
date of admission. Any other Member shall be
dropped from membership who has not paid his or her dues by the end of the
month containing the anniversary of his or her admission. [7/71*. Second sentence essentially passed 9/68, first sentence
- 2.1(6)M No adjustment of
dues shall be made for transfers from one class of membership to another unless
so requested by the Member, and in any case
never for amounts less than $1.00. Each Member shall pay dues for the class of
membership which the Member holds at the
time the dues become due.
[9/83. The original (7/71*) rule was that dues increments must
be paid upon transfer to a more expensive class, refunds upon transfer to a
less expensive class. The current rule was added to the By-Laws in 5/78 for
transfers between Regular and Inactive Membership, and was thereafter in
practice applied to all other transfers.]
- 2.1(7)M Ben Bova and Barbara
Rose are excused from paying dues in perpetuity. [2/77]
- 2.1(8)M [Repealed 10/12
by a vote eliminating all accounting reserves for life members.]
- 2.1(9)M In waiving the dues of a member
who requested same, we set up the following parameter to use to help us make a decision:
Was the person in need of financial help, not merely asking for convenience. It was
further noted that when the person was advised of same, we would specifically note to the
person that it was only for one year and that a new request must be made each year,
preferably before the expiration of the membership. [12/09 as an E-Rule;
amended by the membership 5/12, making it an M-rule by striking out a second criterion
which read "2) Does this person go to non-local conventions."]
- 2.1(10)M
Members whose dues remain in arrears at the end of the calendar month after the one in which those dues
were due shall be dropped from membership at that time, unless special circumstances apply. (Special
circumstances is deliberately left vague to allow "doing the right thing".)
- 2.1(11)M
The Membership Committee is directed to send out renewal letters when we start sending dues due labels.
- 2.2 Contracts and Debts
- 2.2(1)E Unless otherwise
determined, any Contract to be executed by or on behalf of the Corporation
shall be signed by the Officer or the
chairman or authorized representative of the committee having charge of the
activity involved, or by the President. [7/71*]
- 2.2(1A)M Any contracts or
other agreements made on behalf of NESFA with other parties must be approved by
the Executive Board before being executed; the Executive Board should normally be consulted before
negotiations on such agreements are entered into.
[E 8/84, M 10/84. It was stipulated in the debate that this
rule does not apply to expenditures of budgeted funds, and does not preempt the
Membership's rights to form contractual
- 2.2(1B)M It is the policy
of NESFA that significant variations from our usual contracts shall be cleared
in advance with the Membership. [3/84]
- 2.2(2)E Records of all
royalty agreements shall be kept by the Clerk, the Treasurer, the Rules Committee, and
NESFA Press. [11/83; 3/95: the Book Production Committee
renamed NESFA Press; unfortunately, this rule has seldom been
- 2.2(3)E Amounts owed to
NESFA of one dollar or less may be ignored. Amounts owed by NESFA of one dollar
or less should be paid only upon request. [8/83]
- 2.2(4)F Finance:
The NESFA Treasurer shall, from time to time, set a fee for the use
of the NESFA credit card system by non-NESFA third parties. It may consist of a
fixed fee plus a percentage of the amount processed. This fee shall be set to at
least recover NESFA's costs but without excessive profit. The fee will go into
effect upon announcement at a NESFA business meeting. The fee in effect for any
third party's use of our credit card facilities will be the fee in effect when
the use of our credit card service is agreed to unless other arrangements have
been made. Until the Treasurer sets another rate, the current rate charged to Boskone
is 6.82% of the gross amount processed with no additional fixed fee. For outside
organizations the rate is 7%.
[2/07: Rate was set to 3%.; 1/12: Rate changed to 6.5%.;
6/12: Rate changed to 6.82% for Boskone and 7% for outside organizations.]
- 2.3
[See By-Laws: Sections 5.4(a) (authorization of expenditures), 5.4(e) (fiscal year), 5.5 (emergency expenditures), 11.4(c) (Boskone expenditures).]
- 2.3(1)E With the following exceptions, all
budgets must be approved by the Membership of NESFA:
- a) Any committee chairman is entitled to a budget
of $150 without Membership approval. Such
budgets can be established by informing the NESFA Treasurer.
- b) Any Officer may
authorize expenditures of up to $150 without Membership approval. The Treasurer should inform the Membership of any such allocations.
- c) The Executive Board may
authorize expenditures of up to $500 without Membership approval. The Board should inform the Membership, and must inform the Treasurer, of any such allocations.
- d) Each Boskone Committee has an initial budget of
$500. [2/95]
[11/83: except as noted.
Largely duplicates 8/73 rule, except that the monetary amounts are now twice as large (4/82 By-Law
amendment).; 9/12: Committee and Officer authorized expenditures increased from $50 to $150;
Executive Board authorized expenditures increased from $150 to $500.]
- 2.3(2)E All budget requests
should be presented to the Executive Board in advance of
the business meeting at which they are to be
considered. [11/83. Basically the same as 7/71*
- 2.3(3)M Expenditures or
obligations in excess of $400 require a two-thirds vote of the Membership, unless (a) prior approval of the Executive Board has been obtained or (b)
written notice has been given at least one week in advance in accordance with
ByLaws Subsection 10.2(g). [12/83]
- 2.3(4)M Budgets shall be
submitted in sufficient detail to designate individual categories as well as
accounts. [1/75]
- 2.3(5)E Proposed budgets
should be sufficiently detailed that intelligent discussion can take place. For
small budgets, this can take the form of a verbal explanation; for large
budgets, line items are a must. When a budget is approved, the Membership has approved not only the dollar
amount, but also the plan for spending it which was presented in justification;
such justifications should be included in the minutes. Significant changes (in
the budget or in the uses to which the budget is to be put) may be made only
with the consent of the Membership;
questions as to what changes are "significant" should be referred to
the Treasurer or the Executive Board.
- 2.3(6)E After their initial
adoption, budgets may be amended by majority vote of the Membership, except that the provisions of
Section 2.3(3) shall apply to any increases of more than
$400. [11/83]
- 2.3(7)E Two kinds of budgets
exist: annual and ad-hoc.
- (a) An annual
budget is a budget for an ongoing activity which has no explicit term. Such
activities include Instant Message, Operations, Sales, etc.
Annual budgets are developed by the Executive Board in
consultation with both the outgoing and the newly appointed committees, and are
presented to the Membership at the June or
July business meeting. Upon approval, they
go into effect immediately.
During the interim period between the end of the old fiscal year and the
approval of the new fiscal year's budget, the previous annual budget is
continued automatically on a proportional basis. Money spent during the interim
budgeting period is charged against the new fiscal year's budget when it is
- (b) An ad-hoc
budget is set up for an activity which has a limited term of existence.
Such activities include conventions, production of individual books, etc.
Ad-hoc budgets may be presented to the Membership at any time. Ordinarily, the budget
for the entire term of the activity is set up at one time and extends until the
activity ends.
[11/83. Budgets were first required in 12/70, and from then
until 1983 were on a quarterly basis: budgets were submitted to and approved by
the Executive Board before the beginning of each quarter, and were voted on by
the Membership at the first meeting of the quarter. The first annual budget was
for the fiscal year 1983-84, adopted 8/83.]
[The number of budgetary categories has varied greatly over
the years. The oldest accounting categories (10/67) were General, Index,
Convention (Boskone), and Refreshment, with the Pun Fund added in 12/68.
Thereafter a new category was generally added whenever a new committee with a
budget was established. In 1971-72 a formal distinction into "Alpha"
(dues-supported) and "Beta" (self-supporting) funds was attempted. In
the mid-70's the theory was that each committee head authorized to spend money
had a separate account, but more recently a number of such categories have been
combined for budgeting purposes. The distinction between quarterly (now annual)
and ad-hoc budgets first appeared in the budget adopted in 8/82.]
[Immediately after the purchase of the Clubhouse in
1985-86, the budget had grown to include the following 21 categories (expanded
from 8 the year before): Apa:NESFA; Awards; Building Maintenance; Building
Supplies; Building Taxes; Building Utilities; Clerk's Exp; Depreciation;
IM; Insurance; Library; Meeting Space; Miscellaneous;
PB; Program Comm; Rules Comm; Sales; Storage; Story Contest;
Treasury Exp; and Trust Interest. Things have since been simplified, and for
the 1991-92 budget the Membership voted on only the following 13 categories:
Clubhouse Insurance; Clubhouse Maintenance; Clubhouse Supplies; Clubhouse
Utilities; Misc. Program Services; Misc. Non-Program Services;
IM Postage; IM Printing; IM
Supplies; IM Miscellaneous; Library; Sales Postage; Sales
Advertising. See the Chart of
Accounts (see also SR 2.5(10)) for a more detailed
breakdown, including income categories.]
- 2.3(8)M Any decision by the
Membership or the Executive
Board which authorizes any expense or instructs any purchase shall
automatically expire if it is not implemented within six months after its
passage, unless the authorization specifically provides otherwise. [7/71*]
- 2.3(9)M People are requested
to submit any non-budgeted expenses to a business meeting before spent, if possible.
Budget overrun items shall be reported to a business meeting with an explanation as soon as
possible. [1/75]
- 2.3(10)M The Treasurer is directed not to pay bills submitted when Section
2.3(9) has not been adhered to, or when reported
expenses are not identified by individual categories within a given account.
[1/75. Second clause clarified 12/83.]
- 2.4 Guidelines for
Expenditures and Reimbursement
[While most of this section was first formally passed in
11/83, it is largely a codification of long-standing practices.]
- 2.4(1)E Everyone authorized
to spend or receive money on behalf of NESFA or Boskone shall report to the
appropriate Treasurer at least once per month on current expenditures and
receipts. [11/83. Essentially duplicates 1/71 rule.]
- 2.4(2)E NESFA as a 501(c)(3)
organization is under stringent obligations to see that all monies are used
only to advance NESFA's objectives. No part of NESFA's monies may inure to the
benefit of any individual NESFA Member, except as allowed by the Articles of Organization. [11/83]
- 2.4(3)E The following are
basic guidelines for acceptable expenses. In general, use common sense -- if
you have any doubt about the appropriateness of an expense, it's probably
inappropriate. Without prior approval by the Membership or the Executive
Board, no reimbursement will be paid for:
- a) meals (except for refreshments provided on site
to work crews);
- b) wear and tear, mileage, and similar
non-out-of-pocket expenses (mileage which has been approved will be reimbursed
at $.09 per mile);
- c) lodging, entertainment, and travel costs other
than gas and tolls.
- 2.4(4)E The Treasurer has the duty to refuse to honor any expense which
is not documented or which was made contrary to the policies of NESFA.
Documentation usually consists of a properly-filled-out expense form and a
receipt. [11/83]
- 2.4(5)E NESFA is a
tax-exempt organization, and nothing purchased for NESFA's use is covered by
sales tax (in Massachusetts). Our tax-exemption number is E237-134-890; ask the
Treasurer for tax-exemption forms. The Treasurer will ordinarily reject any request for
reimbursement of sales tax. [11/83; number updated 5/92, cf.
Section 5.4(2).]
- (a)E Advance accounts are
set up as a convenience to the Members so
that they can spend money for NESFA without having to provide NESFA with a
temporary loan. Having an advance account is not a right, and may be denied to
any Member who does not properly document
expenses and income. [11/83; 6/15: Removed "her" from "expenses"]
- (b)E When an advance
account is idle (e.g., reports no expenses for a year), the Treasurer
may decline to accept income reports for money owed
NESFA by the Member (i.e. Members may not be allowed to charge their own
dues, etc., to the advance account). [11/83]
- (c)E
The Boskone Treasurer may establish advance accounts
independent of the NESFA advance accounts. [11/83]
- (d)F
Treasurer: When advance accounts are reported, a positive figure beside a person's name means
that the member owes NESFA that amount; a negative figure, that NESFA owes the member.
[Pre-1974: advance accounts were first listed individually in the
Treasurer's report in 7/70.]
- (e)F
Treasurer. NESFA members who have an advance account may under certain circumstances use it to purchase
books and memberships. The advance account may be used if any of the following is true:
- i) The member's advance account has a credit balance; i.e., shows NESFA
owing the member enough, or almost enough, money to cover the purchase. (Peachtree shows credit
balances with a minus sign.)
- ii) The member has an active advance account. The NESFA Standing Rules
2.4(6) does not define what constitutes an active advance account, but gives an example of an idle one,
saying that it is one with no expense reports in the last year. A guideline for considering an advance
account to be active is where the member has a recent history of turning in expense reports equal to
twice the current balance in the advance account each year. So if a member has an advance account with
a $300 debit balance, then it's an active account if they are turning in expense reports of more than
$600 per year or $150 per quarter.
- iii) The Treasurer has authorized that person to use an advance account.
- The same section of the standing rules says that the Treasurer may decline charging to an advance
account, but says nothing about what the Treasurer must do. The Treasurer, therefore, may allow
charging to an advance account even if it is idle, and even if the person has a large debit balance
owing. If none of the three criteria is met, then the member may not use their advance account for
purchases unless the NESFA Treasurer authorizes such use. [7/11]
- 2.4(7)F Finance: NESFA and
Boskone treasurers shall reject expense reports that
include items for more than one set of books unless they could not reasonably be
dealt with by the other treasurer. [2/07]
- 2.4(8)F Finance: Notwithstanding
2.4(7)F, when a cross-charge due to expenses for one treasurer being reported
to another treasurer does occur (e.g., an expense item must be split between
treasuries, or a check for one treasury needs to be written by another), the
treasurer who processed the cross-charge shall make a copy of the paperwork for
the cross-charged treasurer. [2/07]
- 2.4(9)E Corporate debit cards are authorized.
- 2.5 Treasury
[Again mostly documents long-standing practice.]
- 2.5(1)E NESFA treasury
procedures should follow generally accepted practices modified by NESFA's
traditions and practical circumstances. In particular:
- a) Double-entry bookkeeping must be used.
- b) A journal must be kept.
- c) All transactions must be indexed to the books
and filed for ready access. The recommended procedure is to give each report a
unique number, which appears throughout the journal and ledger along with
transactions from that report. Reports are filed in numerical order.
- d) Accounts must be posted and reconciled
- e) Bank statements must be reconciled
- 2.5(2)E Treasury reports
must be made monthly, and must be written and deposited with the Clerk. If a report is not published in Instant
Message, copies must be provided by the Treasurer to any Member upon request.
The purpose of treasury reports is to inform the Membership of the financial state of NESFA or
Boskone. Reports should be designed to convey maximum useful information, and
should show income and expense figures for the period covered as well as asset
and liability numbers. Breakdown into individual accounts should be
sufficiently detailed that no additional material is needed for the reader to
judge the financial health of NESFA or Boskone. [11/83]
- 2.5(3)E Consistent with
prudent control of cash flow and minimum risk to capital, NESFA's money should
be kept in the highest-interest-rate accounts available. [11/83]
- 2.5(4)E Some accounting
details: [11/83]
- a) Accounting is done on a cash basis.
- b) Items costing less than $700 are not
- c) The NESFA Treasurer should
publish semi-annually an inventory of NESFA publications, with estimates of
value and sales rate. [7/05: Delete the requirement to expense
publications, to conform to actual practice – most publications have been
capitalized for many years.]
- d) Royalty rates are not public information, even
if they can be deduced from the treasury reports.
- 2.5(5)F Treasurer's fiats:
[11/83; (d) added 9/90.]
- 2.5(6) [Deleted 7/05. This section contained the Chart of Accounts. The original
version passed in 1/86 as an E rule; after it fell badly out of date, the Chart
of Accounts was updated and reduced to a Treasurer's fiat in 4/92. (See SR 2.5(10).)]
- 2.5(7)M NESFA Fiscal Years are numbered starting when NESFA
was founded, so the fiscal year number is the calendar year during which the
fiscal year started minus 1966 (e.g., the fiscal year beginning 1 May 1982 and
ending 30 April 1983 is Fiscal Year 16). Fiscal quarters are May-July,
August-October, November-January, and February-April.
FY | +0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
+6 | +7 | +8 | +9 |
0+ | - | 1967-68 |
1968-69 | 1969-70 | 1970-71 | 1971-72 | 1972-73 |
1973-74 | 1974-75 | 1975-76 |
10+ | 1976-77 | 1977-78 |
1978-79 | 1979-80 | 1980-81 | 1981-82 | 1982-83 |
1983-84 | 1984-85 | 1985-86 |
20+ | 1986-87 | 1987-88 |
1988-89 | 1989-90 | 1990-91 | 1991-92 | 1992-93 |
1993-94 | 1994-95 | 1995-96 |
30+ | 1996-97 | 1997-98 |
1998-99 | 1999-00 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 |
2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 |
40+ | 2006-07 | 2007-08 |
2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 |
2013-14 | 2014-15 | 2015-16 |
50+ | 2016-17 | 2017-18 |
2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 |
[11/83: Originally a Treasurer fiat as 2.5(5)(a). 7/05: Moved, updated, the redundant definition
of the start and end removed, and made an 'M' rule.]
- 2.5(8)M The Boskone which
occurs during fiscal year N is recorded in the NESFA
books when it produces its final report during fiscal
year N+1. [11/83: Originally a Treasurer fiat as 2.5(5)(b). 7/05: Moved, updated, and made an 'M' rule.
Quoted in /Treasury/BoskoneClosingBooks.htm.]
- 2.5(9)M Interest on internal
accounts (e.g., Boskone and NESFA Life; Boskone advances) will be paid at a
fixed rate which will be determined from time to time by the NESFA Treasurer and which will roughly reflect the average
interest earned by all of NESFA's interest-bearing accounts. [9/90: Originally a Treasurer fiat as 2.5(5)(d). 7/05: Moved and made an 'M' rule. Quoted in /Treasury/LifeMembershipsAnnual.htm.]
- 2.5(10)F Treasurer: The Chart of Accounts and descriptions of
many Treasury procedures are maintained by the Treasurer
at <>. [7/05]
- 2.5(11)M Repealed.
[3/07: If a reliable method is developed which stands
scrutiny, this rule can be dropped. Also, this does not prohibit the use of other software in the
treasury process, just that data entry into Peachtree must be done using the integrity-checked GUI
or equivalent.; 10/10: The "repeal" implies that data entry can be automated.; Repealed rule
read: "The use of automated processes to enter data into any NESFA accounting system in a way which
bypasses any integrity checks is prohibited."]
- 2.5(12)M All Boskone
and NESFA treasurers must use the built-in reconciliation procedures of their
accounting packages to reconcile each bank account each time a statement arrives
and to reconcile each cross-charge account in their books monthly. The Finance
Committee shall check at least once a quarter that this is being done and shall
report their findings to the NESFA Business Meeting. [3/07]
- 2.5(13)M The Exec Board is authorized to make
adjustments to our payment card processing as necessary. The Exec Board must inform the regular
membership of any changes in advance. [9/10]
- 2.5(14)F Treasurer.
NESFA Treasury Procedures: Maintaining Hurt Books Inventory
When a book becomes unsaleable at regular price because of damage, it is declared a "hurt
book". If the book is not currently in the NESFA library, the Library Committee shall be given
the opportunity to decide whether to keep the book in the library. Otherwise, the book shall be
given away at Boskone, and if the book is too damaged, it may be thrown away at the discretion of
the Sales Committee.
A book is usually declared as hurt when it is returned to us by a customer, but it can also happen
when we notice that a book is damaged in our stock, or at a convention sales table.
Any quantity of books can be indicated as hurt all at once, but it will take a number of Peachtree
transactions equal to one more than the number of distinct titles involved.
For customer returns, use the CRyynnn credit memo number used to record the return as the reference
number needed for an inventory adjustment transaction. From the Peachtree menu item Tasks, choose
Inventory Adjustments. For each different title a new adjustment needs to be made. Enter the CR
reference number, the book item, the quantity with a minus sign (because you are reducing the
inventory of the original item), and (important) change the account designation from CG-bookname to
AS-BOOK000. This will transfer the cost of goods from the original book's inventory account to the
Hurt Books inventory account, and it reduces the inventory balance of the original book, but does
not increase the inventory of hurt books. Save the transaction. Use the same reference number for
all such adjustments from the same transaction.
Periodically, or perhaps aperiodically, buy in the hurt books as is done with any other book, using
the account AS-BOOK000 and the inventory item Hurt Books. This part of the process could be done
monthly, but what's important is that it be done prior to any convention or other event where we
might actually sell some of the hurt books. [7/11; First paragraph
amended 12/14. Previously, hurt books were sold at 50% of the original list price.]
- 2.6 Internal
- 2.6(1)E Auditing
subcommittees of the Finance Committee shall examine the
books of the NESFA Treasurer and of each Boskone Treasurer, as required by Section 5.10 of the By-Laws. They may enlist the services
of any other Member in this examination. The
examination shall be to determine if:
- a) the books and accounts are being kept
- b) the books and accounts are being kept in
accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures (as modified by
NESFA's traditions);
- c) the Treasurer has followed NESFA's rules and
procedures in the conduct of his office.
The auditing subcommittee is encouraged to make suggestions for the
improvement of treasury procedures, but, except as provided in the By-Laws, has
no authority over the Treasurer.
[11/83, with the task of auditing assigned to the Rules
Committee; while the Rules Committee was charged with this duty by the By-Laws
in 11/79, through 1983 no such audit had actually been made. In 4/92 the job
was transferred to the Finance Committee, which displayed much more enthusiasm
for it.]
- (a) Purpose: The
purpose of auditing is to determine whether or not the financial records and
reports of the Corporation accurately reflect what actually happened.
- (b) Tests: The
tests to be performed shall include the following, supplemented by such
additional tests as the auditing subcommittee feels are required to clearly
assess the accuracy of the records and reports being audited:
- 1) Reports: Do reports which have been
issued, particularly any final or overall report covering the period being
audited, accurately reflect the books? Any such final or overall report shall
be compared directly with the books, and a sample of other reports shall be
- 2) Balance: If the books are double-entry,
do they balance?
- 3) Reconciliation: For an institutional
depository or similar account which is reflected in the books, can the
statements of the institution be reconciled with the books? This test may be by
examination of one or more recent reconciliations, or by attempt by the
auditing subcommittee to perform a reconciliation, for each such account.
- 4) Sample Auditing: Are expense reports,
income reports, cancelled checks, and similar documents consistent with reality
and properly reflected in the books? This test shall be performed by selecting
a random sample of each type of document or transaction, determining that it is
properly reflected in the books, and determining that it probably reflects
reality -- by, for example, checking receipts attached to expense reports and
checking with the person apparently originating a report. The minimum sample
size shall be as follows:
of Documents | 1-2 | 3-39 | 40-up |
Sample | all | 3 | 4 |
If any
documents are found that are clearly at variance with the books or reality, a
larger sample of documents of that type will be audited to allow a reasonable
estimation of how widespread the problem is.
- 5) Review of Disbursements: For all asset
accounts, examine the bank statements (or equivalent) to find all disbursements
above $900 and an appropriate sampling of those which are smaller, including
all disbursements to Officers. Have they been correctly entered into the books?
Is the purpose for which they were made properly documented? [8/04]
- (c) Reports: If the
books being audited are double-entry, and all tests enumerated above (with such
additional tests as the auditing subcommittee may apply) indicate that the
books accurately reflect reality, the auditing subcommittee shall issue a
report substantially as follows:
"An auditing subcommittee of the Finance Committee has
audited the financial records and reports of ______ as of _____ and covering
transactions occurring from _____ through ______. While it was not feasible to
verify every item in these records, a number of internal and external auditing
tests were performed, including all of those required by the Standing Rules,
and the auditing subcommittee is confident that these financial records and
reports are an accurate reflection of what actually happened."
If the conditions for issuing such a report can not all be met, an
appropriately qualified or modified report shall be issued. If possible,
problems to be mentioned in such a report should be discussed with the
Treasurer and other persons responsible for the books being audited before the
report is issued. The goal of such a report is to convey to the Membership the auditing subcommittee's opinion
of the degree to which the financial records and reports reflect what actually
happened and the level of confidence the auditing subcommittee has in this
opinion. As a general rule, such reports should avoid comments on the
performance of individuals.
- 2.6(3)F Finance: The Committee recommends
an additional check when auditing: Note that each transaction needs to have sufficient documentation
of what is being done and why so that an experienced NESFAn other than the Treasurer can check to see
if it is reasonable and if the entry was made correctly. [11/07]
- 2.7 Boskone (and Other
Convention) Finances
- 2.7(1)E The Boskone Treasurer is an independent official of
NESFA with responsibility to the Membership
of NESFA both directly and through the Boskone Chairman and the NESFA Executive Board.
[11/83. The Boskone Treasurer was first made an independent
official in 8/79, having earlier been a mere appointee of the Chairman. In
subsequent years, disputes periodically arose as to the extent of this
independence, and in particular what authority the Boskone Chairman and NESFA
Treasurer held over the Boskone Treasurer. The rules in this section were aimed
at clarifying these points.]
- 2.7(2)E The duties of the Boskone Treasurer are divided into two general
- (a) Bookkeeper: The
Boskone Treasurer keeps Boskone's books,
issues checks, pays expenses, deposits monies, and generally provides an array
of financial services to Boskone. The Boskone
Treasurer reports monthly to the Membership on the financial status of Boskone.
A report may also be requested at any time by the Boskone Chairman, the NESFA Treasurer, or the Executive
- (b) Controller: The
Boskone Treasurer is responsible for seeing
that Boskone expenditures are made in a regular fashion: are made from some
budget by a person authorized to spend from that budget; are for the purposes
for which that budget was approved; are properly documented; and are within the
limits prescribed by law, by NESFA's procedures, and by Boskone's
- 2.7(3)E The NESFA Treasurer, with the approval of the Executive Board, sets financial procedures for all of NESFA,
including Boskone. While adhering to the overall framework of NESFA's
procedures, the Boskone Treasurer has
considerable discretion in defining the implementation of NESFA's procedures
for Boskone. [11/83]
- 2.7(4)E While ultimate
authority in all matters remains with the Membership of NESFA, the Chairman of Boskone is
primarily responsible for developing Boskone's budget. The Chairman will
ordinarily involve (at least) the Boskone and
NESFA Treasurers, and the responsible individuals at
Boskone, in budget preparation prior to submitting the proposed budget (or
changes in the budget) to the Executive Board. The Executive Board submits the Boskone budget to the Membership for approval. [11/83; in practice the NESFA Treasurer is not always
- 2.7(5)M Unless otherwise
provided, known income of each Lexicon or Codclave in excess of budgeted
expenses shall automatically be transferred to the convention's contingency
[4/85. Replaced an earlier rule (recommended by Executive
Board 11/75; apparently never formally passed by the Membership, but assumed to
have been) which applied to half the excess income of all
NESFA conventions -- meaning primarily Boskones. The intent was to "allow
con committees who find that there are large surplus funds to reduce them AT
THE CON," large surpluses then being considered undesirable; the thinking
on this subject had changed by 1985.]
- 2.7(6)E Three extraordinary
types of line item exist:
- (a) A contingency
budget may be used at the Chairman's sole discretion to increase approved
line-item budgets to cover unexpected expenses. Such transfers should be
reported to the Membership by the Boskone Treasurer.
- (b) Reserved
indicates money budgeted as a place-holder for future line items. The reserved
budget may not be spent, but is used by the Membership to create new line items after the
initial passage of the Boskone budget.
- (c) Discretionary
budgets may be spent at the Chairman's whim on anything which in the Chairman's
judgment is in the best interests of NESFA. No discretionary funds may be spent
contrary to the policies or procedures of NESFA or Boskone, or for the benefit
of the Boskone Chairman or their family. ["self/family
benefit" phrase added 2/95]
Unless a line item is explicitly labeled as one of these types during
passage of the budget by the Membership, it
is ordinary and may be spent only for its stated purposes.
[11/83. The three terms had been used semi-interchangeably
in previous years, leading to much confusion; this rule
defines distinctions between them.]
- 2.7(7)M When Boskone makes use of NESFA credit
cards, credit card charges shall be cross-charged to Boskone.
[11/83; amended 5/92; 7/05: change to an 'M' rule (it was originally an 'E' rule);
10/11: Originally contained elaborate provisions for cross-charging Boskone for use of NESFA-owned
equipment and facilities, including rent for clubhouse space. These were all repealed and
Boskone made responsible only for credit card charges when using NESFA credit cards, effective
with Boskone 49 in 2012.; See archived rules file for details.]
- 2.7(8)E [Repealed 10/12
by a vote eliminating all accounting reserves for life members.]
- 2.7(9)M Boskone Clubhouse
rental shall be charged to the Boskone occurring in the current NESFA fiscal
year. [2/87. Quoted in /Treasury/AutomaticMonthlyTransactions.htm.]
- 2.7(10)M (a) A Boskone Chairman may
withhold authorization to spend part or all of any line item in the Boskone
budget. Any such change shall be reported in a timely fashion to the Executive Board and to the Membership, either of which may overrule the
Chairman's decision if there is time to do so.
- (b) A Boskone Chairman
may forbid the use of any Boskone funds for a specific type of expenditure;
such action shall require the same approval procedure as described in
subsection (a) for withholding of funds.
[9/87; repassed in slightly different form 1/90.]
- 2.7(11) [Superseded by 1.3(3), 1/03. This section
originally (9/96) laid out a procedure for approving checks at Boskone which
was later decided to be over-complicated.]
- 2.7(12)M Boskone numbering
shall use Arabic numerals except when the Roman numerals are too good to pass
up. [4/97]
- 2.7(13)M Consecutive
Boskones shall not use the same checking account. [5/05.
Recommended by the Finance Committee, to avoid the
confusion which occurs if at any time more than one Boskone is financially
active on the same account.]
- 2.7(14)M The NESFA Treasurer shall, for each Boskone, determine a uniform
percentage for charging credit card fees; after the convention, in lieu of any
other charges for credit card fees, a single charge will be levied based on
this rate and the total amount of credit card payments made to that convention.
- 2.7(15)M Boskone treasury files
reside at the clubhouse—both paper and electronic—to prevent future issues.
Paper files may be temporarily removed for work. [1/13]
- 2.8 Income
Stabilization Fund and Related Matters
- 2.8(1)M There shall be a
fund designated as the Income Stabilization Fund, which shall be restricted
surplus (as defined by the U. S. Tax Code), and which shall be used to make up
for unanticipated shortfalls in NESFA net income. [11/87. The
Income Stabilization Fund was previously designated as the Snow Insurance Fund,
but until 11/87 was not formally defined in the Standing Rules.]
- 2.8(2)M The Treasurer shall designate liquid assets to back the Income
Stabilization Fund. These assets shall not be available for general use, but
need not be segregated. [11/87]
- 2.8(3)M The balance of the
Income Stabilization Fund shall be $20,000. [11/87, increased
from an earlier value of $8500.]
- 2.8(4)M The assets backing
the Income Stabilization Fund may be released for general use by a
three-fourths vote of the Membership, or by
a two-thirds vote with advance notice or Executive Board
approval. [11/87]
[The current Section 2.8 was formerly (until 5/92) Section
1.17, and replaced the original Section 1.17, "The Building Fund and
Related Matters." See the historical note after the current Section 1.17.]
- 3.1 Order of
- 3.1(1)M The order of
business for regular meetings of the Membership shall be as listed below. An item
missed or skipped will be in order later in the meeting.
- a) Additions and corrections to the minutes of the
last meeting as published in Instant Message.
- b) The Treasurer's
- c) Reports of the President,
Vice-President, and Clerk.
- d) Report of the Executive
Board, including minutes of meetings of the Executive
Board since the last meeting of the Membership.
- e) Reports of Permanent Committees and Agencies.
- i) Those created by the By-Laws.
- ii) Those created by Standing Rules.
- f) Reports of temporary Committees and
- g) Special Orders of Business, including things
required to be done at a meeting by the By-Laws.
- h) Unfinished Business and General Orders.
- i) New Business.
- j) Announcements.
[8/74. The requirement that committees report "in the
order mentioned" (in the By-Laws and Standing Rules) was deleted in 8/83.
Originally the Executive Board reported immediately after the Treasurer; this
was also changed in 8/83, to match the practice that had developed in recent
[The order in which committees are listed in
chapter I largely corresponds to the order of business actually followed at
the time of the 1/84 edition of the Standing Rules.]
- 3.1(1A)F President: The
current order of business for "real" committees is: Rules; Membership; Finance;
Nominating; Boskone(s); Gaughan Award; Clubhouse; Archivist; Lexicon; Codclave;
Sales; NESFA Press; Library; Program; Journal; Fellowship/Banquet; Collator;
Press Gang; MCFI Liaison; Worldcon Liaison; Index Production; Insurance; Hotel;
Procurement; Skylark; Hymnal/Filksong; Story Contest; T-Shirt. [5/92; 3/95: Book Production renamed NESFA Press]
- 3.1(2)M WHEREAS, Much of the
business of NESFA meetings concerns the reports of Officers and Committees, and
WHEREAS, the Membership is greatly inconvenienced when Officers and
Committee chairmen are absent or late at meetings without having made
alternative arrangements for the presentation of their reports,
RESOLVED, that it is the opinion of the Membership that the Officers and
Committee Chairmen should make every effort to arrive at business meetings on
time, or to provide for the timely submission of their reports in their
[12/70. In 11/70 a $1.00 fine for showing up late was
passed; this proved unenforceable, and was replaced by the above
- 3.2
- 3.2(1)M At any meeting,
motions can be made: by the Executive Board; by any
Committee; by any Regular Member, if seconded by at least one other Regular
Member; by any other Member, if seconded by
at least two Regular Members. [7/71*]
- 3.2(2)M Any motion made and
passed with only non-substantive objections shall be denoted as: Moved,
Seconded, and Hartered. [8/71, memorializing Mr. Harter's
practice of voting against virtually all motions; cf. Section A.15(2).]
- 3.2(3)M Any motion which is
defeated by many votes to one shall be referred to in the minutes as having
been Moved, Seconded, and Defeated (Chipped). [5/83, reworded
8/83; in this case memorializing a motion voted for by only Chip
- 3.2(4)M A motion may be
presented by a Member of any class by
sending it, with supporting material if desired, to the Clerk. The next time that new business is in order, the Clerk shall read the motion and supporting material, or
enough thereof to convey the intent of the motion and the main reasons for its
presentation. If the motion is then seconded by two Regular Members, it shall
be considered. [2/73]
- 3.2(5)F Clerk: Abbreviations
used in the minutes for the disposal of motions:
- MS
- Moved and
- Moved, Seconded, and Passed.
- MSP2/3
- Moved, Seconded, and Passed by a 2/3
vote [8/00]
- Moved, Seconded, and
Passed Unanimously.
- Moved, Seconded, and Hartered [cf. Section 3.2(2)].
- MSD (or
- Moved, Seconded, and Defeated/Failed.
- MSDC (or
- Moved, Seconded, and Defeated/Failed (Chipped) [cf. Section 3.2(3)].
- MI
- Moved and Ignored [8/00]
- Moved, No Second [8/00]
[Codifying previous practice; 8/83, except as
- 3.2(6)M Immediately before
any vote is taken, and at other reasonable times when requested by a Member, the motion under consideration shall be
read exactly as it is written in the Clerk's notes. The
text of the motion as reported in the minutes of the meeting shall exactly
match those notes read immediately before the vote on that motion. [7/05. This is intended to ensure that the Clerk is given adequate
time to accurately transcribe each motion, to provide an opportunity to
discover and correct any transcription errors in a timely manner, and to remind
the Membership of precisely what they are debating and voting on.]
- 3.3
- 3.3(1)M An attendance list
shall be made available at every meeting by
the Membership Committee for those present to sign, and
shall be published as part of the minutes of the meeting. The Membership Committee shall use the list in monitoring
attendance at meetings, and need not recognize the attendance of any person who
does not sign the list. [1/81. The first attendance list
published in IM was in 10/69.]
- 3.3(2)M Attendance at a business meeting is defined as being present
for one hour during the meeting or for half the duration of the meeting,
whichever period is shorter. [9/82; 3/93, changed from
"the entire duration" to "half the duration"]
- 3.4 Puns
- 3.4(1)M Whoever
intentionally makes a pun during any meeting
of the Membership shall be fined ten cents
for the first pun, twenty-five cents for each of the next four puns, and fifty
cents for each subsequent pun at the same meeting. [12/68: 1 to 5 cents
per pun, by vote of the Membership. 6/71: 5 cents for all puns. 8/79: 10 cents
for all puns after the first. 3/82: 10 cents for first, 25 cents for subsequent
puns. 11/82: 50-cent clause added (but usually not enforced afterward).]
- 3.4(2)F President: A pun
need not be in words. [8/79: "...and that cost the Clerk
a nickel."]
- 3.4(3)M Pun fines must be
paid in cash, not from advance accounts. [pre-1974]
- 3.4(4)M At the Annual Meeting, a "Punster of the Year"
will be elected with an extra fine levied on that person of $5.00. [8/73, with $1.00 fine; raised to $5.00 3/82. In recent years this
has often been omitted for lack of interest. On the other hand, it is
traditional (but not mandatory) to double pun fines at the Annual
- 3.4(5)M All pun fines
collected shall be credited to the Clubhouse Kitty. [3/82, assigned pun fines to the Building Fund; 5/92, repealed
– that fund no longer exists; 10/04, assign pun fines to the Clubhouse
- 3.4(6)M The Treasurer shall report the total pun fines collected during
each meeting. [11/82]
- 3.4(7)M Any person whose
beeper or alarm watch goes off during a meeting of the Membership shall be fined in accordance with
the schedule of pun fines in effect at the meeting during which the incident occurs. [9/85]
- 3.5
[See By-Laws: Sections 2.1
(regular meetings), 2.2 (Annual Meeting), 2.3 (special meetings).]
- 3.5(1)M An "Other
Meeting" is not a meeting of the Membership as defined in the By-Laws, but
simply a gathering for committee meetings, apa collation, and other activities.
NESFA's ordinary (but not mandatory) practice is to hold a business meeting in the first half of each
month, and an Other Meeting in the second half of the month. Both business meetings and Other Meetings are
ordinarily held on Sunday afternoons.
[8/83. Originally there were two business meetings every
month. (Reportedly the meeting day was set as Sunday because Star
Trek was on TV Friday nights.) In 10/70 the Executive Board voted to
experiment with having the second meeting of a month be a "program
activities meeting"; the first was held in 12/70, but it was a while
before they became regular. The term "Other Meeting" seems to have
been first used in 4/71. From 3/71 to 2/73 there was a rule setting the dates
of business meetings and Other Meetings as the second and fourth Sundays
respectively. In 1/73 a special meeting voted to have three
meetings a month (Business, Other, and Program); it was tried a couple of
times, but didn't really work.]
- 3.5(2)F Clerk: Committee
heads or Officers who would like to schedule
things at an Other Meeting should contact the Clerk as
early as possible. This means before the Instant Message previous to the
meeting. [pre-1974]
- 3.5(3)M No meetings will be
held in Members' houses without their permission. [6/73]
- 3.5(4)M The Membership approves in principle the renting of
meeting space. [9/71]
[Until 9/71 virtually all meetings had been held in
Members' homes (as Other Meetings still are). Starting in 3/72, meeting space
was intermittently rented in a number of hotels and other locations; the
Sheraton-Commander in Cambridge came to predominate, and was the site of all
meetings from 9/74 to 3/76. From 4/76 to 5/80, nearly all meetings were held at
the Belmont Lions' Club. In 1980-81 Members' homes (especially that of Bill
Carton and Kath Horne) and other sites were used again, but from 11/81 on the
Belmont Lions' Club was once more the regular meeting site (occasionally
replaced by St. Eulalia's Church) until the acquisition of the Clubhouse. With
one exception, all meetings since 6/86 have been held in the
- 3.5(5)M When a meeting is cancelled or rescheduled in case of
emergency, the decision should be made after consultation with Members, by the Executive
Board if possible or otherwise by the President. As
many Regular Members as possible should be notified of the decision. Written notice may be waived for such a
rescheduled meeting. [4/93, after the 3/93 meeting was
postponed because of a blizzard. A challenge to the legality of the rescheduled
meeting, because of the lack of written notice (cf. By-Laws Section 2.4), was rejected on the basis of the emergency
situation; a motion to overturn this ruling received no second.]
- 3.5(6)M All official NESFA events
shall be scheduled at a business meeting. If it is not possible to schedule an event at
the meeting, then the Eboard may approve after consulting with the membership.
- 3.6
- 3.6(1)M There shall be an
office of Parliamentarian of NESFA, as described in Robert's Rules. [11/80, with Membership approval required; simplified
- 3.6(2)M RESOLVED, that
people who wish to smoke at NESFA meetings take into consideration the physical
conditions of the meeting place and the comfort of other Members. (It was felt that it would be better
to handle this first on the level of courtesy and politeness and then as a
point of personal privilege rather than a hard-and-fast rule.) [12/70, replacing a flat prohibition of smoking voted in
- 3.6(3)E It was the consensus
of the Board that NESFA Members should not have to pay a fee for
special NESFA parties but non-Members attending these should. [11/71]
- 3.6(4)M A motion to overrule
the Chair and disallow the transfer of a proxy at the will of the assigned
recipient failed, confirming the right of a proxy holder to further transfer
the proxy unless otherwise provided in the proxy. [5/86]
- 3.6(5)F Rules Committee: A
proxy may be transmitted by electronic mail, but must still be presented in
written form during the meeting for which it
is valid. [1/93]
- 3.6(6)M A precedent was set
that a pun may be auctioned off. [8/93, with the proceeds
going to the pun fund]
- 3.6(7)M
It is the sense of the meeting that new motions other than those that come from committee
should be presented on nesfa-active before the motion is brought up at the business
meeting and that, every 3 months, this motion shall be brought up at the business meeting
as a reminder. [1/12, 1/14. Prior to 1/14 the language read "It is
the membership that substantive business, including committee and officer reports that
lead to motions, should be emailed out in advance of the meeting for discussion when
possible." Just before the vote on 1/14, the President was asked for a ruling
whether a motion brought to the floor without advance warning in nesfa-active or
nesfa-regular would be in order, or ruled out of order. The President ruled that such a
motion would be in order. No one challenged that ruling.]
- 4.1 Prices of
- 4.1(1) The following amounts
shall be charged for the services listed (the reproduction charges in (a) and (b) may be waived by the
Press Gang at its discretion):
[The parenthetical clause was added in 4/92: the repro charges
for the apa had fallen into disuse, so it was voted to waive them "unless
it gets out of hand."]
- (a)M Electrostencilling:
$0.50 per stencil. [9/70, as $0.50 for Regular and General
Members, $1.25 for all others. However, in 9/77 the Publications Committee
ruled that all apa repro was "for" the Collator, making the effective
rate a flat $0.50; this was formalized in 12/83.]
- (b)E Mimeography for the
apa: $0.35 per page. [10/83. The earlier rule (4/71) was $0.20
on NESFA paper, $0.10 if the contributor supplied the paper, but the latter
clause fell into disuse.]
- (c)E Other mimeography
supplies (including special apa orders): Cost plus 25%. [11/70]
[11/02: subsections (d), (e), and (f), which set pricing
for Proper Boskonian, Instant Message, and
APA:NESFA respectively, were moved to section 4.2(7).]
- 4.1(2)F Press Gang: Repro
service policies on material to be electrostencilled or mimeographed for the
apa (including both deadlines and limits on the numbers of pages to be run off)
may be set by the persons providing these services. Users should inform
themselves of these policies. [11/83, largely duplicating a
pre-1974 Editor's fiat.]
- 4.1(3) [11/02: This section, which listed the prices of
"Doodads" available only to NESFA Members, was moved to section 4.2(7).]
- 4.2 Prices of Sales
- 4.2(1)M The prices to be
charged for books and other materials sold by NESFA may initially be set by
either the Membership or the Executive Board. Unless otherwise provided, the Executive Board may alter the price on any item which has
been on sale for more than one year, even if the price was originally set by
the Membership. [9/83. At
the same time all previous prices were ratified, since the votes establishing
some of them could not be found. Cf. also note at start of Section 4.2(7).]
- 4.2(2)M/E The wholesale rate
(a 40% discount unless otherwise provided for) will be available on all
purchases of five or more copies of any item. Additionally, when requested by
the purchaser, the wholesale rate will be available on the entire order for
orders of value $250 retail ($150 wholesale) or greater. [6/81, revised for clarity in 7/81 and 2/82. (The minimum order
for discounts was $50 wholesale in the original version, changed to $100 retail
in the revision; increased to $150 by the Executive Board in 8/91, to $200 by
the Membership in 10/00, and to $250 at an unknown date.) Previously discount
prices were set individually for each book, generally with about the same
discount rate as at present but with much variation in detail. The present rule
replaced all such special rates. Note, however, that some items in Section 4.2(7) are marked "no discount"; as with much
else in the area of pricing, there is usually no record of these exceptions'
having been established. (For books, the discount is dropped when stocks are
- 4.2(3)E Repealed.
[Repealed rule read: "Notwithstanding Section 4.2(2), the price
charged for four copies of a given item shall never exceed that charged for five copies of the same item"
adopted 10/83, codifying previous practice.; Repealed 1/12 due to implementation difficulties and rarity of occurrence.]
- 4.2(4)M The wholesale rates
as defined in Sections 4.2(2) and 4.2(3) will also be available on purchases by NESFA Members regardless of quantity, but only
for items picked up in person, not mailed. Either the Executive Board or the Membership may change the Member discount rate for specific items by
majority vote. [8/83, combining material from separate older
sections. The second sentence was added in 12/90. Discount rates for Members go
back to 2/68, and have nearly always been the same as the wholesale rate; the
in-person provision was added by the Executive Board in 2/71.]
- 4.2(5)M/E [11/02: This section, which listed the prices of the various
volumes of the NESFA Index, was moved to section 4.2(7).]
- 4.2(6)M [Errata to be sent to all holders of 1951-65 Index; passed 7/72,
repealed 5/92 since no such Errata is likely to ever be produced.]
- 4.2(7)M/E The following
items are available from the Sales Committee at the prices listed: [Only post-publication prices are listed. For most Boskone and
other convention books, a lower price was available in advance of publication
(or at the convention where the item was first available). Votes could not be
found establishing some prices; the existing price list was approved as a whole
by the Executive Board in 5/91, and again by the Membership in
Boskone Books |
# | Boxed | Cloth | Paper | Galley | Item |
[(1) finebound
rather than boxed] |
except $20 for Seth Breidbart] |
9 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a |
Scribblings by L. Sprague de Camp [? ?/??:
$??.00.] |
10 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a | Three
Faces of Science Fiction by Robert A. W. Lowndes [M 12/75:
$7.00; M 12/72: $5.95.] |
11 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a | Have You
Seen These? by Isaac Asimov [M?: $10.00; E 12/73?:
$5.95.] |
12 | o/p(1) | o/p | n/a | n/a | A
Time When by Anne McCaffrey [M 12/75: $7.00; M 1/75 $6.00,
$40.00 finebound.] |
13 | o/p(1) | o/p | n/a | n/a |
Homebrew by Poul Anderson [M 9/75: $10.00, $42.00
finebound.] |
14 | o/p(1) | 8.00 | n/a | n/a |
Viewpoint by Ben Bova [M 1/82: $20.00 finebound; E
10/76: $8.00, $42.00 finebound.] |
15 | n/a | n/a | 4.00 | n/a |
Tomorrow May Be Even Worse by John Brunner & ATom [E 12/77?: $4.00] |
18 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a | Unsilent
Night by Tanith Lee [E 5/92: No discount; M 12/80:
$10.00.] |
19 | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | n/a | The
Men from Ariel by Donald A. Wollheim [12/81 $13.00, $23.00
boxed; M 11/81: authorized] |
20 | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | n/a |
Compounded Interests by Mack Reynolds [M 11/82:
$13.00, $25.00 boxed.] |
21 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Plan[e]t
Engineering by Gene Wolfe [E 11/83: $13.00, $25.00
boxed.] |
22 | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | n/a | Late
Knight Edition by Damon Knight [E 11/84: $13.00, $25.00
boxed.] |
23 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Out of
My Head by Robert Bloch [M 10/85: $15.00, $30.00
boxed.] |
24 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Glass
and Amber by C. J. Cherryh [E 5/92: No discount; M 11/86
$15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
25 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Early
Harvest by Greg Bear [E 5/92: No discount; E 9/87: $15.00,
$30.00 boxed.] |
26 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | An
Epitaph in Rust by Tim Powers [E ?/88: $15.00, $30.00
boxed.] |
27 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Sung in
Blood by Glen Cook [E 10/89: $15.00, $30.00
boxed.] |
28 | o/p | 15.00 | n/a | n/a |
Stalking the Wild Resnick by Mike Resnick [E 10/90:
$15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
29 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a |
Storyteller by Jane Yolen [E 10/91: $15.00, $30.00
boxed.] |
29 | n/a | n/a | o/p | n/a | Let's
Hear It for the Deaf Man by Dave Langford [E ?/91:
$5.00] |
30 | o/p | 17.00 | n/a | n/a |
Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds by Joe Haldeman [E
11/92: $17.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
31 | o/p | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | Double
Feature by Emma Bull & Will Shetterly [E ?/98: $12.00
or $13.00 tpb; E 11/93: $17.95, $30.00 boxed.] |
31 | n/a | n/a | 14.00 | n/a | Making
Book by Teresa Nielsen Hayden [E 11/03: $14.00 (3rd
printing); ? ?/??: $11.00; E 11/93: $9.95] |
32 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a |
Everard's Ride by Dianna Wynne Jones [E 10/94:
$19.95, $30.00 boxed.] |
32 | n/a | n/a | 11.95 | n/a | A
Bookman's Fantasy by Fred Lerner [E 10/94:
$11.95] |
33 | o/p | o/p | 12.00 | n/a |
Dreamweaver's Dilemma by Lois McMaster Bujold [E
5/00, 1/97: $12.00 tpb; E 12/95: $19.95, $30.00 boxed] |
34 | o/p | 21.00 | n/a | n/a | From
the End of the Twentieth Century by John M. Ford [E 12/96:
price not reported – $21.00, $??.00 boxed] |
35 | o/p | 23.00 | 14.00 | n/a |
Frankensteins and Foreign Devils by Walter Jon Williams [? ?/??: price not reported – $14.00 tpb; E 11/97: $23.00,
$33.00 boxed.] |
37 | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | n/a | Moon
Dogs by Michael Swanwick [? ?/??: price not reported
– $25.00, $36.00 boxed] |
38 | o/p | o/p | 15.00 | 12.00 |
Quartet by George R. R. Martin [? ?/??: price not
reported – $15.00 tpb; E 2/01: $12.00 galley (2); E 12/00: $25.00, $35.00
boxed.] |
39 | o/p | 26.00 | 16.00 | n/a |
Adventures in the Dream Trade by Neil Gaiman [E
6/02: $16.00 tpb (incorrectly reported as $15.00); E 1/02?: $26.00, $40.00
boxed.] |
39 | n/a | n/a | 16.00 | n/a |
Expecting Beowulf by Tom Holt [E 11/01: $16.00
(incorrectly reported as $15.00)] |
40 | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | 10.00 |
Tomorrow Happens by David Brin [E 1/03: $10.00
galley; E 11/02: $25.00, $40.00 boxed.] |
41 | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | n/a | The
Hunters of Pangaea by Stephen Baxter [E 11/03: $25.00,
$40.00 boxed] |
43 | 40.00 | 25.00 | n/a | n/a |
Giant Lizards from Another Star by Ken MacLeod [E
12/05: $25.00, $40.00 boxed] |
Noreascon Items |
# | Boxed | Regular | Item |
[(1) price originally continued by
reference, 6/81: cf. Section 5.2(2)] |
[(2) prices presumably also continued by
reference, 9/89 or later; cf. note after Section 5.2(2)] |
I | n/a | 2.00 | Noreascon I Program Book [E 3/73: $2.00] |
I | n/a | 6.00 | Noreascon I Banquet LP [6/81: discount allowed, cf. Section 4.2(2); E 3/75: $6.00; E 8/73: no discount; E 3/73:
$5.98.] |
I | n/a | 6.00 | The
Noreascon Proceedings edited by Leslie Turek [8/83: $6.00;
M 5/76: $12.00. The pre-publication price for Noreascon members was $2.50 ($5
for others), and through 9/77 they could buy copies at the NESFA-Member
rate.] |
II | n/a | 2.00 | Noreascon
II Program Book [E 11/84: $2.00; (1):
$5.00.] |
II | n/a | 6.00 | Better
Than One by Damon Knight & Kate Wilhelm [E 11/84:
$6.00; (1): $5.00] |
II | n/a | o/p |
"Eripmav" T-shirt [M 5/98: NESFA no longer
stocks any T-Shirts (our inventory was donated to the needy); E ?/??: $8.00;
(1): $7.00.] |
II | n/a | 3.00 |
Costumes, Creatures, and Characters by Ann Layman Chancellor [? ?/??: $3.00; (1): $2.00.] |
II | n/a | 2.00 | Noreascon II Memory Book
[E 12/85: $2.00.] |
3 | o/p | o/p | Grand Masters' Choice edited
by Andre Norton & Ingrid Zierhut [E 8/94: $20.00, no
discount; E 8/91: $60.00 boxed; (2): $30.00, $50.00 boxed, no
discount.] |
3 | n/a | 3.00 |
Noreascon 3 Souvenir Book [(2):
$3.00.] |
3 | n/a | 3.00 |
Fanfare 11 (Strangers' Club fanzine) [(2):
$3.00.] |
3 | n/a | 4.00 |
"3" cloisonné pin [? ?/??: $4.00; (2):
$3.50, no discount.] |
3 | n/a | 4.00 |
Cheshire Cat cloisonné pin [? ?/??: $4.00; (2):
$3.50, no discount.] |
3 | n/a | 6.00 |
mug [(2): $6.00.] |
3 | n/a | 3.00 | Noreascon 3 Memory Book [? ?/??: $3.00.] |
3 | n/a | 20.00 | The Brunch Speeches (VHS)
[? ?/??: $20.00, $35.00 combined with the Masquerade
tape.] |
3 | n/a | 25.00 | The
Masquerade (VHS) [? ?/??: $25.00, $35.00 combined with the
Brunch Speeches tape.] |
4 | n/a | 25.00 |
Once More With Footnotes by Terry Pratchett [E
6/04: $25.00.] |
4 | n/a | 17.00 |
Fancestral Voices by Jack Speer [E 6/04:
$17.00.] |
4 | n/a | 29.00 | Dancing Naked: The Unexpurgated William Tenn by William
Tenn [E 6/04: $29.00. See also the
entry under NESFA's Choice.] |
4 | n/a | 23.00 | With Stars in My Eyes: My
Adventures in British Fandom by Peter Weston [E 6/04:
$23.00. Incorrectly reported as $25 in IM 738.] |
Other Convention
Books |
Convention | Boxed | Regular | Galley | Item |
Chicon IV | n/a | 13.00 | n/a |
Up to the Sky in Ships by A. Bertram Chandler / In and Out of
Quandry by Lee Hoffman [M 9/82:
$13.00.] |
ConStellation | n/a | 8.00 | n/a | A New
Settlement of Old Scores by John Brunner [? ?/??: $8.00
comb binding; E 10/83: $8.00 perfect binding.] |
II | n/a | 13.00 | n/a | Dickson! by Gordon R.
Dickson [E 9/84: $13.00.] |
(NASFiC) | o/p | o/p | n/a | Light from a Lone
Star by Jack Vance [E 5/92: no discount; E 7/85: $13.00,
$25.00 boxed.] |
ConFederation | o/p | 15.00 | n/a | Between
Two Worlds by Terry Carr / Messages Found in an Oxygen Bottle by Bob
Shaw [E ?/86: $15.00, $?? boxed.] |
CactusCon (NASFiC) | o/p | o/p | n/a |
Intuit by Hal Clement [E 9/87?: $15.00, $30.00
boxed.] |
II | o/p | 15.00 | n/a | Up There and Other Strange
Directions by Donald A. Wollheim [E 7/88: $15.00, $30.00
boxed.] |
ConFrancisco | n/a | 5.00 | n/a | Along
Fantasy Way by Tom Digby [? ?/??: $5.00.] |
L.A.con III | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | The White
Papers by James White [E 2/98: $25.00 reprint; ? ?/??:
$??, $?? boxed.] |
II | n/a | 12.00 | n/a | Entertainment by Algis
Budrys [? ?/??: $12.00.] |
The Millennium
Philcon | n/a | 30.00 | 10.00 | Strange Days:
Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois by Gardner Dozois [?
?/??: $30.00; E 7/01: $10.00 galley] |
2004 | n/a | 24.00 | n/a | Powers of Two by Tim
Powers [E 10/03: $24.00] |
Interaction | n/a | 29.00 | n/a | The Masque of Mañana by Robert Sheckley [E 4/05: $29.00. See also the entry
under NESFA's Choice.] |
Interaction | n/a | 26.00 | n/a | Once Upon a Time (She Said) by Jane Yolen [E 4/05: $26.00. See also the entry under
NESFA's Choice.] |
"NESFA's Choice" Books |
Regular | Galley | Item |
[(1) except $20.00 for Seth
Breidbart] |
22.00 | n/a |
The Best of James H. Schmitz by James H. Schmitz [E
10/00: $22.00; M 2/91: $18.95] |
25.00 | n/a |
The Rediscovery of Man: The Complete Short Science Fiction of Cordwainer
Smith by Cordwainer Smith [E 1/98: $25.00; E 4/93:
$24.95] |
22.00 | n/a | Norstrilia by
Cordwainer Smith [? 9/98?: $22.00; E 10/94:
$21.95] |
25.00 | n/a | Ingathering: The
Complete People Stories by Zenna Henderson [E 12/96:
$25.00; E 2/95: $24.95] |
27.00 | n/a |
His Share of Glory: The Complete Short Science Fiction of C. M.
Kornbluth by C. M. Kornbluth [E 9/99?: price raised
– amount not reported; ? ?/??: $??.00] |
23.00 | n/a | The Armor of Light by Melissa Scott
& Lisa A. Barnett [E 9/97: $23.00] |
25.00 | n/a | First Contacts: The Essential Murray
Leinster by Murray Leinster [? ?/??:
$25.00] |
25.00 | n/a | An Ornament to His
Profession by Charles L. Harness [? ?/??:
$25.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | The Compleat
Boucher by Anthony Boucher [E 10/98:
$25.00] |
25.00 | n/a | The Essential Hal
Clement, Volume 1: Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter by Hal Clement [E 12/98?: $25.00] |
25.00 | n/a |
Rings by Charles L. Harness [? ?/??:
$25.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | The Essential Hal
Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres by Hal Clement [?
?/??: $25.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Major
Ingredients: The Selected Short Stories of Eric Frank Russell by Eric Frank
Russell [E 6/00: $29.00] |
25.00 | n/a | The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 3:
Variations on a Theme by Sir Isaac Newton by Hal Clement [? ?/??: $25.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 |
From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown by Fredric
Brown [E 2/01: $12 galley (1); E 12/00: $29.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Immodest Proposals: The Complete
Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 1 by William Tenn [E 2/01: $12.00 galley (1); E 12/00: $29.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Here Comes Civilization: The Complete
Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 2 by William Tenn [E 7/01: $12.00 galley; ? ?/??: $??.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Entities: The Selected Novels of Eric
Frank Russell by Eric Frank Russell [E 7/01: $12.00
galley; ? ?/??: $??.00] |
29.00 | ??.00 |
Dimensions of Sheckley: Selected Novels of Robert Sheckley by Robert
Sheckley [? ?/??: $??.00 galley; E 11/01:
$29.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Martians and
Madness: The Complete SF Novels of Fredric Brown by Fredric Brown [? ?/??: $12.00 galley; E 6/02: $29.00] |
21.00 | 7.00 | Cybele, with Bluebonnets by Charles
L. Harness [? ?/??: $7.00 galley; E 6/02:
$21.00] |
26.00 | 12.00 | A New Dawn: The
Complete Don A. Stuart Stories by John W. Campbell, Jr. [E
1/03: $12.00 galley; E 11/02: $26.00] |
29.00 | 14.00 | Transfinite: The Essential A. E. van
Vogt by A. E. van Vogt [E 1/03: $14.00 galley (incorrectly
reported as $15.00 in IM 714); E 12/02: $29.00] |
24.00 | ?.?? | A Star Above It: Selected Stories of
Chad Oliver, volume 1 by Chad Oliver [? ?/??: $24.00; E
6/03: $24.00 price set for the pre-split book] |
24.00 | ?.?? | Far From This Earth: Selected Stories of
Chad Oliver, volume 2 by Chad Oliver [? ?/??: $24.00; E
6/03: $24.00 price set for the pre-split book] |
26.00 | n/a | Silverlock by John Myers Myers [E 11/03: $26.00] |
29.00 | n/a |
Dancing Naked: The Unexpurgated William Tenn
by William Tenn [E 6/04: $29.00; see also the entry under Noreascon 4] |
25.00 | n/a | Years In the Making: The Time-Travel
Stories of L. Sprague de Camp by L. Sprague de Camp [E
12/04: $25.00] |
29.00 | n/a | Homecalling
and Other Stories: The Complete Solo Short SF of Judith Merril by Judith
Merril [E 12/04: $29.00] |
29.00 | n/a | The Masque of
Mañana by Robert Sheckley [E 4/05: $29.00; see
also the entry under other
conventions] |
26.00 | n/a | Once Upon a Time (She Said) by Jane Yolen [E 4/05: $26.00; see also the entry under
other conventions] |
The NESFA Index |
[11/02: formerly section 4.2(5).] |
Price | Year(s) | Item |
o/p | 1951-65 | ???? [E 3/75: $12.00; M
2/68: $4.80; M 2/71: $8.00] |
[The 1951-65 Index was produced by Erwin S. Strauss, not by
10.00 | 1966-70 | Index to the
Science Fiction Magazines 1966-1970 [Reprinted. M 8/81:
$10.00. Original: E 3/75 $8.00; M 2/71: $5.00.] |
5.00 | 1971-72 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction
Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1971/1972 [Reprinted.
M 6/81: $5.00. Original: E 7/73?: $3.00.] |
5.00 | 1973 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction
Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1973 [Reprinted. M
6/81: $5.00. Original: E 3/74?: $2.00.] |
5.00 | 1974 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction
Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1974 [Reprinted. M
6/81: $5.00. Original: E 3/75: $4.00.] |
5.00 | 1975 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction
Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1975 [Reprinted. M
6/81: $5.00. Original: M 6/76: $4.50.] |
5.00 | 1976 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction
Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1976 [E 9/76:
$5.00.] |
7.00 | 1977-78 | The NESFA Index
to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1977-1978 [M 9/82: $7.00.] |
7.00 | 1979-80 |
The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original
Anthologies - 1979/1980 [M 11/81: $7.00.] |
5.00 | 1981 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction
Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1981 [M 11/81:
$5.00.] |
12.00 | 1982 | The NESFA Index
to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1982 [E 3/98: $12.00; E 2/83?: $5.00] |
5.00 | 1983 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction
Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1983 [E ?/84:
$5.00.] |
n/a | 1984-85 | [?/??: This index will never be published; ? 11/86: The 1984 and
1985 Indexes are to be combined into a single edition, price
as yet unset; E 11/84: set $5.00 for the 1984 Index
price.] |
12.00 | 1986 | The NESFA Index
to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1986 [E 3/98: $12.00. Original: E 4/91: $8.00; E ?/??: $7.00; M 4/88
$6.00.] |
12.00 | 1987 | The NESFA Index
to Short SF - 1987 [E 3/98: $12.00; E 1/89:
$?.00.] |
12.00 | 1988 | The NESFA Index
to Short SF - 1988 [E ?/90: $12.00.] |
12.00 | 1989 | The NESFA Index to Short Science Fiction
for 1989 [E ?/91: $12.00.] |
71.40 | All | A complete set of the 15 NESFA
Indexes (no discount) [E 5/91: complete set for 40% off
list price, no additional discounts allowed.] |
Other NESFA Press Books |
Cloth | Paper | Galley | Item |
n/a | 1.00 | n/a | Index to Perry Rhodan,
1-25 [E 3/75?: $1.00; M 2/74: $?.??.] |
n/a | 1.00 | n/a | Index to Perry Rhodan,
26-50 [E 3/75?: $1.00; M 2/74: $?.??.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 1
(1st edition) [E 2/76?: $3.00.] |
n/a | 18.00 | n/a | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume
1 (2nd edition) [M 10/90: $18.00; M 10/89: $16.00; E
11/84: $12.00; M 4/79: $10.00.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 2
(1st edition) [M 8/87: $8.00.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | Concordance to Cordwainer
Smith by Anthony R. Lewis [E 8/94: $7.00, discounts
allowed; E ?/??: $9.00; E 8/84 $6.00.] |
n/a | 6.00 | n/a | An Annotated Bibliography of
Recursive Science Fiction by Anthony R. Lewis [M 11/90:
$6.00.] |
n/a | 3.00 | n/a | Lord of
the Rings Coloring Book [E ?/??: $3.00.] |
n/a | 16.00 | n/a | The Passage of the Light: The
Recursive Science Fiction of Barry N. Malzberg by Barry N. Malzberg [? ?/05: price not reported – $16.00; E 10/94: $14.00; M
2/94: $14.95.] |
n/a | 12.50 | n/a |
Andre Norton: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography, Second Revised
Edition by Roger C. Schlobin & Irene R. Harrison [?
10/98?: $12.50 reprint; E 10/94: $12.50.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | Concordance to Cordwainer
Smith, Second Edition by Anthony R. Lewis [E 8/95?:
$10.00.] |
n/a | 15.00 | n/a | The
Silence of the Langford by Dave Langford [E 6/96:
$15.00.] |
n/a | 13.00 | n/a | The
NESFA Hymnal, Volume 2 (2nd edition) [E 8/97:
$13.00.] |
22.00 | n/a | n/a |
Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold [E 5/00:
$22.00.] |
n/a | 13.00 | n/a |
Concordance to Cordwainer Smith, Third Edition by Anthony R. Lewis
[E 8/00: $13.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | ??.00 | Robert Silverberg Presents
The Great SF Stories: 1964 edited by Robert Silverberg & Martin H.
Greenberg [E ?/??: $??.00 galley; E 10/01?:
$25.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | ??.00 | The
Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold [? ?/??:
$??.00 galley; ? ?/??: $25.00.] |
17.00 | n/a | n/a | The Work of Jack Williamson:
An Annotated Bibliography and Guide by Richard A. Hauptmann [? ?/??: $17.00.] |
23.00 | n/a | n/a | Ethan of Athos by Lois
McMaster Bujold [E 5/03: $23.00.] |
n/a | 16.00 | n/a | Rivets!!! The Science Fiction
Musicals of Mark Keller and Sue Anderson by Mark Keller & Sue Anderson
[E 5/03: $16.00.] |
23.00 | n/a | n/a | Falling Free by Lois
McMaster Bujold [E 6/04: $23.00.] |
21.00 | n/a | n/a | "Doc"—First
Galactic Roamer by Stephen Luchetti [? ?/?? price not
published – $21.00; E 6/04: $17.00 (price reported
incorrectly?).] |
25.00 | n/a | n/a |
All Our Yesterdays by Harry Warner, Jr. [E 7/04:
$25.00.] |
Items From
Other Publishers |
Price | Item |
4.95 | The Phoenix and the Mirror by Avram
Davidson [?/??: most of our stock sold; ? ?/??: $4.95; E ?/??:
$5.00; E 12/74: $4.95; E 3/73: $3.00.] |
n/a |
Tarot Deck [? ?/??: no longer carried; ? ?/??: $20.00, 20%
maximum discount.] |
10.00 | Starry
Messenger [E ?/??: $10.00.] |
30.00 | Warhoon 28 (collected writings of Walt Willis)
[M 10/92: $30.00, 20% discount to Members.] |
25.00 | A Wealth of Fable by Harry Warner, Jr. [? ?/??: $25.00.] |
15.00 | Who's
Hugh? by Roger Robinson [? ?/??: $15.00.] |
8.00 | A Load of Old BoSh by Bob Shaw [?
?/??: $8.00.] |
34.00 | The Immortal Storm
by Sam Moskowitz [? ?/??: $34.00.] |
Doodads |
Available for sale to NESFA
Members only, with no Member discount. |
Price | Item |
o/p |
NESFA embroidered patch [11/02: formerly section
4.1(3)(a); E 5/75: $1.00, plus $0.25 handling if ordered by
mail.] |
o/p | NESFA T-Shirt [11/02: formerly section 4.1(3)(b); M 5/98: NESFA no longer stocks
any T-Shirts (our inventory was donated to the needy); 10/82: T-Shirt
Committee, authorized by M vote: $12.00 ($5.00 of the price is considered a
donation to NESFA). Boskone gopher T-shirts, when available – see Section
1.9(14) – have been sold for $5.00, but there
seems to be no rule setting this price.] |
2.00 |
NESFA-Shield decal [11/02: formerly section 4.1(3)(c); M
11/83: $2.00.] |
4.00 | NESFA cloisonné pin
[11/02: formerly section 4.1(3)(d); E 11/96: $4.00; E 1/90:
$3.50.] |
Items |
Price | Item |
1.00 | Boskone Program Books [M 3/82: $1.00; E
11/75: 4-5 $0.50; E 3/73: 6-10 $0.50. 11-15 $0.75, 16-18 $1.00, as they came
out (presumably all E).] |
4.00 | Mike Symes art
portfolio [E 10/83: $4.00; E 1/79?: $7.00.] |
5.00 | "Pastiche," game by Kate Wilhelm [E ?/84: $5.00.] |
o/p | Boskone
n T-shirt [M 5/98: NESFA no longer stocks any T-Shirts
(our inventory was donated to the needy); E 2/79?: $4.00 for Boskone 16; same
price traditionally charged for other Boskone T-shirts, when
available.] |
o/p | "Book Fan of NESFA"
T-shirt [M 5/98: NESFA no longer stocks any T-Shirts (our
inventory was donated to the needy); E ?/91: $8.00; M 11/90:
$7.00] |
12.00 | "Book Fan" book bag [E ?/91: $12.00, no discount.] |
7.00 |
Propeller beanie [E 1/90: $7.00, no
discount.] |
15.00 | If I Ran the
Zoo Con, Second Edition (Smofcon 3 game) [? ?/??: $15.00 softbound; E 8/91: $12.00 softbound, $15.00
GBC-bound; M 12/86 $5.00 softbound (???? first edition? ????)] |
3.00 | Proceedings of the Conference of Science Fiction
Convention Managers (1972, "Smofcon Zero Proceedings") [? ?/??: $3.00; E 12/87: $1.00.] |
8.00 |
Smofcon 1 (1984) Proceedings [? ?/??: $8.00; E ?/??:
$4.00.] |
5.00 | Smofcon 3 (1986) Proceedings [? ?/??: $5.00; E ?/??: $4.00.] |
4.00 |
Boskone 31 pins [E 11/96: $4.00; E 11/93: $5.00, no
discount.] |
5.00 | 25th World Fantasy
Convention Souvenir Book [? ?/??: $5.00.] |
3.00 | Proper Boskonian (Back
issues: 1 for $3.00, 2 for $5.00, 5 for $10.00. One copy free to Members,
contributors, fanzine editors who trade their fanzines for ours, and potential
contributors at the whim of the Editor. $3.00 per copy to all others, and for
additional copies.) [11/02: formerly section 4.1(1)(d); M
6/95: back issues 1@$3.00, 2@$5.00, 5@$10.00; M 6/94: $3.00, discount
available; M 3/94: $3.00, no discount; 5/92: added mention of contributors,
trades, etc. to conform to practice; 5/92 (earlier in practice): $2.00; 7/85:
$1.50, extra-copy clause added; 3/85: $3.00; 7/71*: $?.??, $0.50
non-members] |
0.15 |
Instant Message (Back issues: 1 for $0.15, 3 for $0.40 for Members
and twice that for non-Members.) [11/02: formerly section
4.1(1)(e); E 7/73: $0.15, 3 for $0.40 (twice that for non-Members); The
earliest reported price (President's fiat, 3/69) was $0.10, three for
$0.25.] |
0.75 |
APA:NESFA (Price to non-contributors. Back issues at the discretion
of the Collator.) [11/02: formerly section 4.1(1)(f); E 6/74:
$0.75; Earlier Collator's fiats: 6/70 $0.25, 4/71 $0.50.] |
- 4.2(8)E Mail-order sales shall be charged
fees for postage and handling as follows: for domestic shipment, $4.00 for one item, $8.00 when two
to five items are ordered at the same time, $2.00 per item when more than five items are
ordered at the same time; for foreign shipment, $12.00 for one item, $24.00 for two items,
$36.00 for three to five items, and $6.00 per item for six or more items.
[In 5/81 a $1 fee was set for all mail-order sales. In
7/87 rates were set of $1 for up to 5 items; $2 domestic, $4 foreign for more
than five items. The current domestic rates were set in 4/07. The current foreign rates were set in
- 4.2(8A)M The Sales
Committee is authorized to establish forms and procedures for the sale and
redemption of NESFA Gift Certificates, to be redeemable for NESFA sales items.
- 4.2(9)F Sales Committee
- (a)
[6/11, repealed when it was noted
that this conflicted with 4.2(8); 12/83, $1 domestic (3rd or 4th class
mail), $2 overseas, exact amount for special shipping; pre-1976,
airmail surcharge of 30% domestic, 60% overseas; pre-1974, 25% and 50%.]
- (b) We do not accept
accounts receivable orders from individuals. [Stated as
existing policy 6/81; exceptions are in fact made to this rule.]
- (c) We do not allow an
institutional discount on single items. [also stated
- 4.2(10)M The Executive Board is authorized to approve changes in sales
policies and practices. [The intent was to include such
"policies and practices" as restocking charges, returnability,
modified terms (net 30 days, etc.), and pretty much everything but
- 4.2(11)M Sales tax shall
not be collected on NESFA publications. [5/93, subject to
approval by the NESFA lawyers; as of 3/94, the lawyers were still in doubt that
we could get away with not charging sales tax.]
- 4.2(12)F President/Sales
Committee: General Discount and Postage Policy for NESFA Sales: [11/93]
Discount Policy
There are three kinds of sales items: NESFA items, consignment items, and
specials (non-discounted items such as NESFA T-shirts, book bags, and pins).
The Member discount (available only in
person, and only if the merchandise is carried away) is the same as the
wholesale discount.
The wholesale discount is available:
- a) On orders of five or more copies of an
- b) As part of an order exceeding $150 retail.
- c) As part of a smaller order from a known
bookseller who does business with us on a regular basis.
- d) As part of a package when one of every
available Index is purchased.
NESFA items have a uniform 40% discount from list unless we are down to
fewer than 100 copies of the item and no longer discount it at all. (This
applies only to unboxed copies; boxed copies are always discounted.)
In general, consignment items are not sold wholesale by NESFA; wholesale
orders should be referred to the originator. Member sales (and the occasional
single-copy wholesale order or other wholesale order we don't want to refer)
are at a 20% discount from list.
M There is no discount for a limited edition book that has fallen to 50 books in stock, unless
the Membership votes otherwise. [10/10]
M Discounts for limited edition books will remain for the full run of the edition if it is 1)
slipcased (aka special edition) or 2) Older than 5 years. (So if a limited edition trade book has
less than 50 copies, discounts will not be allowed if it is less than 5 years old.) Specific
exceptions may be brought before the membership. [11/10]
Postage Policy
NESFA charges postage on retail orders differently than on wholesale
Retail Orders: Postage is $2 for a single book, $4 for multiple books, in
the US; outside the US it is $4/$8. We send books the cheapest way, uninsured.
If the purchaser wishes to pay for faster or more secure service, we charge
actual cost just as with wholesale orders.
Wholesale Orders: Ship the cheapest way (always ground/surface) unless
otherwise instructed. Charge actual postage in all cases. (The postage may be
estimated, or the invoice may be sent separately after the actual amount is
Postage Rates
[Actual tables of rates are omitted here, being unnecessarily
detailed and likely to change over time; the descriptions of classes of rates
are included as of more general interest.]
In the US, use Special 4th Class Rate: Books to most addressees, or Library
Rate if the addressee is a library.
Outside the US, things are more complicated and more expensive. There are
separate rates for (a) Canada, (b) Mexico, (c) other Spanish-speaking countries
(mostly in the Americas), and (d) most other non-Spanish-speaking countries.
For (a) and (d) at least, there are three weight ranges with different services
for each:
- 1) Up to 12 pounds, there is a rate called
"Books and Sheet Music – Surface Rate."
- 2) From 12 to 15 pounds, we must use the expensive
"Surface Parcel Post"; generally it is much cheaper to break
such a package into two smaller packages, or to add a brick to bring the weight
over 15 pounds.
- 3) For more than 15 pounds (to a maximum of 66
pounds), use the "M Bag Surface Rate – Books and Sheet Music."
The M Bag can handle multiple packages to a single address. Note: Mail
sent in M Bags gets very rough treatment, and must be very carefully padded if
it is to survive.
- 4.2(13)M NESFA sales items
may be ordered by private electronic mail on any medium where the purchaser's
identity can be verified. The Sales Committee shall work out details of the
implementation of this policy. [5/94]
- 4.2(14)M The Executive Board, in consultation with the Sales Committee,
may establish special Commercial Discounts as needed. [9/94]
- 4.2(15)M Any customer which
returns significant numbers of books which they have damaged will be charged
for the damaged books and dustjackets which they return. [8/04, codifying long-standing policy, which has always been that
returns must be in saleable condition. At this time, Borders is the only
serious offender.]
- 4.2(16)M The Sales and E-Commerce Committees
are authorized to institute new sets of charges for shipping upon notification to the Membership
and approval by the Executive Board. [4/07]
- 4.2(17)M Hyperion Press books are freebies under
the same terms as the other freebie books. [11/07]
- 4.3 Instant
- 4.3(1)M Instant
Message will be the name of the NESFA newsletter. It will be issued to all
Members at least once a month by the Clerk and will contain the minutes of all regular meetings of the Membership. [2/73.
Instant Message has of course appeared since the founding of
NESFA; the first issue appeared in 9/67 and described the pre-organizational
meeting (with minutes by Drew Whyte). Cf. the entry in
section 4.2(7) for back-issue prices.]
- 4.3(2)M Instant
Message shall be sent to overseas members first-class, with no additional
charges. Copies sent to newszines shall be sent by the same class of mail by
which the newszines are received. [11/80]
- 4.3(3)E The Clerk shall send Instant Message to all major news
fanzines. [12/70]
- 4.3(4)E The Clerk is directed to print the roster of NESFA Members in
Instant Message in May and November of each year. [5/74. The first roster printed was in fact in 5/70.]
- 4.3(4A)M It is NESFA's
policy that the NESFA roster is for the convenience of NESFA Members only and
is not to be used as a general mailing list without the express permission of
NESFA. This policy shall be printed on each roster. [4/84]
- 4.3(4B)M Honorary members
whose addresses do not appear in the roster shall have their names listed only
in the "Honorary" section of the roster. [1/86. This
implies the current type of roster, with a) name-only listings of Members by
class of membership and b) an integrated alphabetical name-and-address list of
all Members. The consensus was that deceased honorary members (or their
survivors, cf. Section 1.9(7A)) should continue to be
listed in the name-only section.]
- 4.3(5)F Clerk: NOTICES AND
INSERTS [pre-1974]
- (a) Notices of activities
of NESFA Affiliate Members and other appropriate notices of interest to NESFA
members will be printed in Instant Message, space permitting. Please
give them to the Clerk in writing.
- (b) Appropriate inserts
[cf. Section 4.3(6)] of interest
to NESFA Members will be mailed out with Instant Message without charge
if enough copies are given to the Clerk and it will not
increase the postage for the issue with which they are mailed.
- 4.3(6)M No flyers, notices,
or advertisements dealing with real-world politics shall be published in
Instant Message. [8/74, after a Libertarian Party flyer
had appeared in IM; reworded 4/81.]
- 4.3(7)M NESFA thanks Mr.
Steven A. Kallis, Jr., for his contribution and directs the Clerk to send him Instant Message. [9/73]
- 4.3(8)M Times and places of
upcoming committee meetings shall be announced in advance, and to the extent
possible printed in Instant Message. The announcements should indicate
whether the meetings are open or closed to non-committee members. [11/85]
- 4.3(9)M Detailed amounts,
percentages, etc. of royalties shall not be published in Instant
Message. However, such information should be posted in the Clubhouse for
Members' information. [10/93]
- 4.3(10)M The membership roster will not be
published electronically. [6/09 We believe that this policy was actually adopted many
years ago, but no documentation of that decision has been found.]
- 4.3(11)M
A PDF of each full Instant Message (as normally published to subscribing members) shall be
placed in a password-protected directory on the website, with access instructions and an
optional "stay tuned" note contained in each Instant Message. [3/12]
- 4.3(12)F
IM List Moderator There will be 2 mailing lists: one receiving a URL with an
attachment, and one receiving a URL only. Normally, Instant Message is mailed out in paper
form. If you want to receive it electronically, or receive a notification when you can
retrieve it from our web site, you can sign up for one of two mailing lists. You can sign
up for both if you like, though that's probably a rare need. Signing up for either of
these lists does not cause us to stop sending you the paper version. Eventually we'll make
the paper copy optional. Adding yourself to either of these lists requires moderator
approval; only email addresses known to belong to NESFA members will be approved. If
you're not sure, send a note with your name and the desired email address to well before trying to sign up; if you don't want this address to be
generally known, tell us to mark it as "do not publish" (which will prevent it from
appearing in the roster or in any roster updates published in IM). If this isn't enough
info for you, or you have trouble using the lists, please contact The
sign-up lists are at
- 4.4 Calendar
- 4.4(1)F
Calendar Guy. The calendar page on the NESFA website by intention lists all NESFA events
(highlighted), all events involving the clubhouse, all fannish conventions in or near New England
which are related to science fiction or fandom, and any other event which is expected to be of
interest to NESFA members. [4/12: The Calendar Guy, the authority issuing this Fiat, has stated to the Rules Committee that this is the correct wording, not that which appeared in IM871.]
- 4.4(2)F
Calendar Guy. The mini-calendar on the main page of the NESFA website should typically list about
half-a-dozen items occuring in the next 30 days (or more, if there's room). It should contain all
NESFA events which we want members or others to attend plus any deadlines of general interest.
[4/12: The Calendar Guy, the authority issuing this Fiat, has stated to the Rules Committee that this is the correct wording, not that which appeared in IM871.]
This appendix is a compilation of not altogether serious motions or fiats
that have been passed throughout the history of NESFA, presented for the
amusement of readers. Rather than converting them into the form of rules (as
was done in previous editions of the NESFA Code), we have left them as they
appeared in Instant Message, with enough context to indicate what was
going on. Editing has been done only for clarity (e.g., to supply full names).
- A.1
- A.1(1)M It was voted to
decide the official name of Mr. Andrew Adams Whyte. There was a protest that
Mr. Whyte should have some say in the matter, but it was pointed out that he
had a vote like everyone else. Since it was not a matter of office, it was
decided to let all present vote. The results were: Drew 4; optional 3; Andy 2;
and 1 each for: Andre or Clod (andros adamas alophagos); as the spirit
moves; Drawn; Drew Sir; freedom of choice; Handy Andy; hey you; invalid ballot
(sic); legally Andrew Whyte; by his friends Drew or ---; Slim; that
fellow; and a blank (blanc, white) ballot. So by plurality Mr. Andrew
Adams Whyte is officially "Drew." [5/68]
- A.1(2)M Someone: Leslie,
have you named the kitten [offspring of Semiramis and Yet]?
Leslie Turek: Not yet.
It was moved and seconded that the kitten be named "Not Yet, Nyet for
short." The motion passed unanimously, though Leslie kept saying "No,
no, no." [7/69]
- A.1(3)M A letter was read
from Don D'Ammassa requesting that NESFA change his son's name back to David
from Daniel (see attendance list in last IM). MSP that NESFA affirm that
the name of the son of Donald and Sheila D'Ammassa is indeed David. [6/75. By the way, David has more recently changed his own name to
- A.1(4)M It was noted that
past IMs refer to something called "Wintercon." As everyone
recognizes, NESFA sponsors an event called "Codclave" and No. 5 will
be held this January. Therefore it was MSP to correct this obvious flaw in
prior IMs and change all of them to read "Codclave"
retroactively. As [the Clerk] did not take any notes, an attempt to censure
past Clerks for their errors does not exist and democracy prevails once again.
[11/78. The reason for the change to "Codclave" was
that the convention was not held on Cape Cod. When a
subsequent incarnation moved back to the Cape, something had to
- A.1(5)M Laurie Mann brought
up the subject of changing the name of the convention, since we will be on the
Cape next year. Tony Lewis suggested we change the name of the Cape. Rich
Ferree thought it should be called Frank Richards. MSP to rename Cape Cod Cape
Richards. [9/84. The lore surrounding the mythic name
"Frank Richards" is too extensive to chronicle here.]
- A.1(6)M MSP to hold Boskone
XVII at the Radisson Ferncroft and to call it for the external world by some
other name. [3/79]
Voting for the name under which Boskone XVII would be known happened. The
think that these were bad, you should have seen the losers.) ... The winner was
BOSKLONE, which was suggested by Wendell Ing. [5/79; The
official spelling was later defined as BoskLone; the typewritten form
BoskLone was rarely used -- cjh]
- A.1(7)M Since Harter [having
been elected President] could not Harter the motion, it was eventually
determined that Krissy should be "Harter for the year" so that all
matters can be Hartered. The title of the position is "Boss Clone."
- A.1(8)M Someone cleverly
moved to call the motion which got us into a committee of the whole. It
deteriorated from there. "Call the motion what??" "How about
Arthur???" MS to call the motion Arthur. "Any further debate? Hearing
none, the motion is called Arthur. All those in favor of Arthur?" Chorus
of ayes. (*Sigh*) [1/81]
- A.1(9)M Rick Katze displayed
Wendy Pini's artwork for the Boskone T-shirt. ... When asked if the shirt would
be ready on time, he replied, "Trust me!" MSPU that Rick's name be
changed to "Tricky Dicky." [1/83]
- A.1(10)M Bob Knowlden
commented that electing Rick [Boskone Chairman] would break the tradition of
having every seventh Boskone be Tony Lewis's Boskone. MS (proposed by Greg
Thokar) that in discussions of Boskone XXI, Rick or "Tricky Dicky"
Katze be referred to as "Tony." George Flynn said this motion was out
of order as we are in the middle of a vote. MS (proposed by Jill Eastlake) to
censure the club as the preceding motion is too fannish. MS (proposed by Mark
Olson) to Call the Question on all motions on the floor to be voted on
simultaneously. MSPU (proposed by Jill) that no Boskone XXI meetings be held in
Everett. ... A secret ballot was taken, and the Chair announced Rick's
confirmation. [1/83]
- A.1(11)M MSH (proposed by
Brons) that since all present Members named "Turner" have the first
initial "J", all future Turner Members must have the first initial
"J". [4/83]
- A.1(12)F Deborah Malamut
said that since the President told her that she couldn't be "Deborah"
as there was already a Debra and a Debbie in NESFA, she could use the name
"Davida" or "Davey." Several protested that since there was
a Dave A., a Dave B., and a Dave C., we were already over-Daved without adding
a Dave E. or Dave M. [6/83]
- A.1(13)M Dave Anderson
said, while we are on the subject of name changes, I propose that Joe Rico's
name, within NESFA at least, be "J.R." MSP to refer to Joe Rico as
"J.R." [8/83]
- A.2 Cats
- A.2(1)M MSPU to create the
position of Feline Deity. [5/74]
- A.2(2)M A motion was passed
to award Harry Stubbs' dog "Pepper" the title of "Honorary
Cat" for the purposes of the NESFA cat census. [9/68]
Honorary Cat Pepper completed his tale of lives in September 1976. [12/76]
- A.2(3)M MS(1
objection)ribbit: to admit Herbert Horatio Harold Hereford Phrog as an Honorary
Cat. [2/74]
- A.2(4)M MS(1 objection): to
admit Gandy and Tasha (puppies at the Kents' farm) as official Honorary Cats.
- A.2(5)M MSP(2 negatives):
Refer membership for Frenchy Boom-boom Eastlake and other e.t.s to the
Membership Committee for discussion. [1/77]
- A.2(6)M MSP to have the
NESFA decennial cat census. (The Lewises have 4 new cats they got at the
laundramat.) [11/77]
- A.2(7)F President: It was
ruled that any motion requiring action from cats is ultra vires. [10/79]
- A.2(8)M On the table beside
the Chair was "Gracie," a beautiful maroon velvet dragon with silver
wings. ... MSP (proposed by the Chair) to accept "Gracie" as an
official honorary cat. [9/81]
- A.2(9)M MSP (proposed by the
Clerk on the Feline Deity's behalf) to censure Time magazine for not
mentioning the NESFA Cat Census in its 12/7/81 cover story on cats. [1/82]
- A.2(10)F/M President: J.
Mark Anderson should be this year's Feline Deity for the following reasons: (1)
[He] is willing to do the job and hasn't been active in a number of years. (2)
He owns a cat. (3) His reports will be brief. (4) There is ample precedent for
an invisible and imperceptible ghod. ... [The President] made it clear that he
was recommending combining the offices of Feline Deity and High Priest(ess).
The motion passed. [6/88. The "J. Mark Anderson"
mythos is one of those NESFA Mysteries that transpired mainly outside the realm
of the Rules.]
- A.3
- A.3(1)M A motion was made
that the next person to mention Earthdate, Stardate, pointed ears, or the like
be sent on a 5-year mission to go where no man has gone before. [7/69; not passed?]
- A.3(2)E Consensus of opinion
is that we should all have uniforms, and that Frisian should be the official
language of NESFA. [1/74; the [in?]glorious history of Frisian
Fandom is too complicated to discuss here.]
- A.3(3)E/F RESOLVED: That,
given the current crises in NESFA, the Executive Board constitutes itself a
committee of public safety. The constitution is suspended, and free democratic
elections will be held when order is restored. Selected NESFA members will be
asked to report for internment at the end of the meeting. Members with unused
room in their basements are requested to donate same. [4/74]
Rules Committee: Assumes that the above Resolution by the Executive Board will
be ignored. [4/74]
- A.3(4)M MSbaa to censure the
new Editor for associating us with Highmore. [5/74. The
reference is to the cover of PB 11.]
- A.3(5)F Rules Committee: We
decided that the Rules Committee is basically an operating and enforcement
committee, not involved in setting policy, so we decided not to attempt to
develop a NESFA uniform or pledge of allegiance, and instead to suggest that
the President appoint a special committee to develop such standards, a
committee hopefully composed of interested parties. In other words, we decided
to pass the buck. [11/74]
- A.3(6)M MSP to censure the
Executive Board for conducting business at the Lexicon. [9/75]
- A.3(7)M MSP to censure the
Clerk. (Dr. Lewis made this motion because the Clerk had not called for people
to sign the attendance list in over an hour. When the Clerk attempted to speak
in favor of the motion, Krissy said that she did not understand but that he
(the Clerk) should be stopped. The Clerk then made a cogent argument in favor
of not only censuring the Clerk but removing him from office due to his
nonfeasance.) (The Rules Committee noted that this motion should be ruled out
of order since it did not go through them. President Harter determined that
they waived their right to raise the issue. His reasoning was unclear.) [2/80]
- A.3(8)E The Clerk reported
that one of the most onerous duties of the Exec. Board is to listen to and deal
with complaints. Most of the recent complaints concerned one individual whose
behavior has been most detrimental to NESFA's image. Therefore, the Executive
Board awards Mark Olson the Barbarian of the Year Award, consisting of a pair
of chopsticks, and to remind him of their purpose, a 500-piece puzzle depicting
Chinese food. Eschew your fork, Mark, and sin no more! A thoroughly unrepentant
Mark Olson replied, "I trust this will be an annual award so I can win it
for many years in the future." [11/81]
The Clerk reported that at the IM collation ... she and the President
convened in the bathroom and decided to undertake one last attempt to reform
the Barbarian Mark Olson. ... [Mark] is still practicing forkritude. The Board
has concluded that chopsticks are too difficult for him to use. [The Clerk then
held up a brown bag labeled "Revenge of the Exec Board."] Therefore,
we are now presenting Mark with a set of "training chopsticks," which
are attached at the top with a hinge. Mark accepted the chopsticks with nary a
vestige of guilt. [5/82]
- A.3(9)M [George Flynn
delivered a statement purporting to refute the charge that he had leaked to
SF Chronicle the information that NESFA was going to buy the
Sheraton-Boston.] MSPU that NESFA accept with regret George's admission of
guilt. [4/83]
- A.3(10)M Jim Turner said
Mike Glyer believed that Instant Massage was real until he clued
him in. MSPU to censure Jim Turner. [4/83]
- A.3(11)M Anton Chernoff
asked about the [Codclave] pool. Frank Richards said the pool will be open 24
hours a day unless there are noise complaints. Paula Lieberman announced that
she had been previously thrown out of the pool for singing. Tony Lewis said he
didn't know Paula could sing. Rick Katze protested that Paula could sing as
well as he could. The beleaguered Chair, after bruising the gavel on the table,
allowed the following motion: MSP to throw out all those who had spoken about
singing. [11/83. The Sergeant-at-Arms succeeded in avoiding
enforcement of this motion until everyone forgot about it.]
- A.3(12)M MS (proposed by
the beleaguered Chair) that anyone who is declared out of order 5 times be
thrown out the window. MS (proposed by Rick Katze) to amend that the window be
opened first so that we don't have to pay the Belmont Lions Club for glass
replacement. The Chair accepted this as a friendly amendment. The amended
motion passed. [2/84]
- A.3(13)M Mark Olson
informed the Membership that the Rules Committee ... and George Flynn in
particular should be censured for not including [in the NESFA Code] the rule
that NESFA's Moon be administered as a county of South Dakota. They said they
excluded it as the rule was never passed. This is a frivolous excuse, and they
should be censured for not including it anyway. Tony Lewis cautioned that any
motion to censure must be sent to the Rules Committee. MSP to refer this matter
to the Rules Committee. MS (proposed by Tony) to amend that the motion should
have read to refer this matter to the Rules Committee at the March meeting to
be reported out favorably at the April meeting. Mark graciously accepted this
as a friendly amendment. The beleaguered Chair explained to the befuddled
Membership that the motion just passed was now being amended. Parliamentarian
Don Eastlake was consulted as to the amendment's legality. After due
reflection, Don rendered the following opinion: MS to adjourn. The Chair
refused to hear this opinion and asked the Rules Committee to speak. George
Flynn replied that since the motion censured him personally, it was improper
for him to consider this issue. He then announced his retroactive resignation.
... Mark said that since George had retroactively resigned we could censure him
now for impersonating the chairman of the Rules Committee. George replied that
his resignation took place in a different time track. ... [4/84. It is not clear whether any final action was taken.
However, cf. Section A.5(12) for subsequent
- A.3(14)M George Flynn
reported that he was contacted by Unicon about using his Gene Wolfe
bibliography from the Boskone Program Book. He approved, but now realizes that
it was copyrighted to NESFA. He feels he should either have approval for his
action or be censured. MSH (Mark Olson) to give George approval AND censure
him. [6/84]
- A.3(15)M Davey Ferree noted
that spendthrift Rich Ferree had gone out and bought new ski equipment and
convinced her on getting a new dining room set. MSP (Davey): To commend him for
buying such nice things, and condemn him for spending money that could
otherwise have been donated to the NESFA Building Fund. [9/84]
- A.3(16)M MSP to censure the
roof for not leaking. [3/94]
- A.4 Puns
- A.4(1)? [In correction to
minutes:] Cory Seidman ... wished to make clear that she had made an
unintentional pun and was NOT fined for it. This is an important precedent. [3/69]
- A.4(2)F At this point
[during election of Punster of the Year] Mike Di Genio tossed a pun fine across
the room into a pitcher of ice water. The fine was returned to him because
anybody with that sort of luck deserves it. Even if it did hit the rim. [5/76]
- A.4(3)M MSP to allow those
Members of NESFA who are under the age of two years to make puns without having
to pay for them. It was noted that while we would give up some immediate
financial gain by allowing them to get away with it for awhile, we would
generate funds in the future after they have learned a habit which they will
not be able to break. Tony Lewis thought it was mean and cruel and viscous
[sic] to discriminate against the young in this matter but stated that
he was in favor of it. [6/79]
- A.4(4)M There was no [Fan
Production Committee] report, but lots of puns. ... MSP to double the pun fine
during this onslaught of puns. [9/82]
- A.4(5)M Paula Lieberman
started to speak, hesitated, and decided not to continue. However, the
Membership noticed, with the following result: MSP to punfine Paula for
thinking of it. [12/82]
- A.4(6)M Tony Lewis said his
boss went to California and won't be returning. "Californicated,"
commented Chip Hitchcock. MSPU to triple-punfine Chip. [2/83]
- A.4(7)M Jim Turner proposed
a [Codclave] registration rate of $19.89. MSP to double-punfine Jim Turner for
suggesting the $19.89 rate. [10/83]
- A.4(8)M MSP to reset the
time to the beginning of the last Business Meeting to enable us to double the
punfine at the Annual Meeting. MSP to double the punfine at the next meeting.
MSP to end the time travel. [5/84, except while it was 4/84;
I'm not sure I understood this one even at the time (times?).]
- A.4(9)M MSP to double the
pun fine at this [Annual] meeting. MSP to make it retroactive for James Turner.
- A.4(10)M MSP: Whereas
certain NESFAns identify themselves as being Frank Richards, when any one or a
combination of Frank Richards makes a statement which is subject to a pun fine,
then each and every Frank Richards, whether or not present at the meeting,
shall pay the appropriate pun fine. [5/85. At the same meeting
(though not recorded in the minutes at the time), the President apparently
ruled that all Members present were Frank Richards; this
greatly increased both the pun fines collected and the protests.]
MSP to rescind the Chair's ruling making all the NESFA Members present at the
May meeting Frank Richards. [6/85. Presumably the original
motion still applies to those who do identify themselves as
Frank Richards.]
- A.4(11)M MP (Building
Search Committee) to double the pun fine for jokes dealing with printing,
cleaning, clothing, barbers, or haircuts. [9/85, at the start
of the discussion of acquiring the present Clubhouse]
- A.4(12)M MS (Rich Ferree)
that people who wish to decline a nomination for Punster of the Year should pay
$5.00. MS (Larry Gelfand) to amend that Rich Ferree pay a double pun
fine for each person who declines nomination to the position of Punster of the
Year. Amendment accepted by Rich (!) and motion passed in that form. [5/86]
- A.4(13)M MSP that
[Treasurer] Sharon Sbarsky get a large Mexican hat into which people could
throw punfines. [9/86]
- A.4(14)M In an attempt to
have the Chair pun-fined, MSP (George Flynn) that the meeting had begun a
minute ago. [11/86]
- A.4(15)M MSP (Mark Olson)
[at the start of the meeting] to make all puns so far uttered to be said 5
minutes in the future so that they could be fined. [5/87]
- A.4(16)M MSP (George Flynn)
that any mention of tomatoes be subject to punfines. [7/90,
following numerous statements by Priscilla Olson that "no one was leaving
without a tomato plant."]
- A.4(17)M Tony Lewis noted that if you click on the
question "sexo" in the US Census Bureau's web site's census form help area, the answer it
produces is "The government cannot help you with this item." MSP to punfine the government, and to
appoint Tony to collect the punfine. [4/00]
- A.5 The Aerospace
Cadets and NESFA's Moon
- A.5(1)M MSP to establish Lt.
Col. Harry Stubbs [USAFR] as commander of the NESFA Aerospace Cadets, and to
establish Don Eastlake, George Mitchell, and Selina Lovett as members. Colonel
Stubbs is to think of an appropriate title as commanding officer. In addition
J.R.M. Seitz is official Schwarze Henker. [10/70]
Joe Ross said Lt. Col. Stubbs did not report on his title. Jean Berman
suggested "Lord of Wings." This was misheard by the Clerk as
"Lord of the Wings." It was MSP to make it so. [11/70]
- A.5(2)F USAFR: Lt. Col.
Stubbs is now Col. Stubbs.
- A.5(3)F USAFR: The Lord of
the Wings -- Harry Stubbs -- announced that barring a Major War or Act of God
he will retire from the USAF on 27 August 1976. [1/76]
- A.5(4)M MSH that Alan
Frisbie and Paula Lieberman be made members of the Aerospace Cadets. [11/73]
- A.5(5)F USAF: Paula
Lieberman (after apparently finally collecting enough boxtops) was promoted to
captain. [7/79]
- A.5(6)F USAF: Paula
Lieberman reported that since the Air Force ran out of boosters, she didn't
become a test director. Now that she's left the Air Force, she's working for
Mitre, advising the Air Force. She's also in the Inactive Reserves. [10/81]
- A.5(7)M [Tony Lewis] showed
the moon map from the Nov 1970 issue of Sky and Telescope. Hugo
Gernsback crater was identified, as were Wiener, Ley, Verne, Wells, etc. As a
result of this increase in cultural knowledge it was MSP that the Moon be
designated NESFA's Moon and that the Aerospace Cadets protect it. [12/70. Cf. Section A.5(11).]
- A.5(8)M MSH (1 abstention
& 1 real objection) to instruct the Aerospace Cadets to claim and plant a
flag with the NESFA emblem in the comet [Kohoutek]. Many people felt that by
the time it was decided what the emblem should be, the comet would have passed
us. [11/73]
MSP: The aerospace cadets should abandon plans to plant our flag on Kohoutek
and wait for the next time it comes around, if we have a flag by then. [3/74]
- A.5(9)M MSP: That the
Aerospace Cadets give a State of the Moon Report at the Annual Meeting. [4/75]
- A.5(10)M Bob Knowlden
announced there will be a total lunar eclipse on the night of July 5 and 6. ...
MSP that the Aerospace Cadets watch the eclipse to see if our lunar property
rights are being infringed upon. [6/82]
The Chair read a letter of complaint from Tony Lewis protesting the
unauthorized use of NESFA's Moon. MSP to appoint Tony to prevent the occurrence
of any further unauthorized eclipses. Mike Di Genio thought the NESFA
Displacement Authority should be reinstated to move the Moon and protect it
from unauthorized use. Tony estimated the job would be rated 1.5 million Drews.
- A.5(11)M Chip Hitchcock
stated that Walt Disney's Splash not only uses NESFA's Moon but abuses
it by having it wax in the wrong direction. Action should be taken. MS
(proposed by Chip) to write Walt Disney Studios a letter protesting their
misuse of NESFA's Moon. MS (proposed by Rick Katze) to amend that we not
protest to Disney Studios but to their publicity agency (Craig Miller's
Con-Artists). Chip accepted this as a friendly amendment. The amended motion
passed. [4/84]
- A.5(12)M Mark Olson brought
up the matter of the Standing Rules not stating that the Moon be administered
as a county of South Dakota, and that George Flynn should be censured for not
including it anyway, even if NESFA had never voted on it. MSP (Mark): That the
Moon be administered as a county of South Dakota. [11/84. See
Section A.3(13) for the background of this action. On
this occasion the motion to censure George failed.]
- A.5(13)E MSP to recommend
to the Membership that NESFA recognize the independence of the Baltic republics
if and only if they recognize NESFA's ownership of the Moon. [8/91]
- A.5(14)F Clerk: A poster
was received from the Nikolaev (Ukraine) SF Club in return for a Symes
portfolio (the Clerk was accused of restarting the Cold War). They agreed to
recognize our claim to the Moon as being as valid as anyone's; we choose to
interpret this as confirming our claim. [9/92]
- A.6 Marriage and the
- A.6(1)E It was voted to
allow NESFA Directors [now Trustees] to marry one another if they so choose.
[1/71. The Directors in question were Lester del Rey and
Judy-Lynn Benjamin.]
- A.6(2)M MS to allow NESFA
Members to marry one another if NESFA approves. MSP to amend by adding "as
long as this is not in conflict with Chapter 180 of the General Laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts or Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Act
of 1954, as amended." MSP to refer this whole matter to Discussion Group
104. Morris Keesan objected for real. [12/71]
[The Rules Committee considers it prudent not to include
the numerous motions authorizing the marriages of individual Members,
especially since some have been the subject of more than one such
- A.6(3)? The Fan Production
Committee shall be chaired by the Member expected next to give birth. [Immemorial tradition: earliest reference we have found is
- A.6(4)M MSP (from Brons) to
commend Wendy Glasser for turning over seniority on the Fan Production
Committee on the day of the Annual Meeting. [5/81]
- A.6(5)M Rick Katze asked Mr.
Harter if he was a good son and had sent his mother a Mother's Day card. ... He
replied that he had sent a Christmas card -- last week. MSP (proposed by Chip
Hitchcock) that considering Mr. Harter's schedule we postpone discussion of his
sending a Mother's Day card until October. [5/83]
MS (proposed by Chip) to postpone further discussion until next April. Rick
said that Mrs. Harter is a very nice mother. [Someone said it was the least we
could do.] Tony Lewis thought that the least we could do is nothing. The motion
failed (Chipped). Mark Olson said that Mr. Harter might not be a dutiful son,
but he is a dutiful NESFAn. Therefore, we should appoint him to head the NESFA
Mother's Day Committee and direct him to send his mother a card. MSH to send
June Harter a Mother's Day card. (Hi, June!) Since Greg Thokar Hartered this
motion, George Flynn thought he should be punfined. The Membership concurred.
- A.6(6)M Harry Stubbs is our
Official Grandfather and the Clerk is directed to send him a card on Father's
Day. [6/86]
- A.7 Meetings and
Parliamentary Strangeness
- A.7(1)M [At close of
elections:] MSPU that the Association thank God that this kind of meeting only
occurs once a year. [5/70]
- A.7(2)M [After adoption of
By-Laws:] Joe Ross moved that we pray to Ghu that we don't have to go through
that again. Marsha Elkin added that we should also pray to FIAWOL. Passed 5-4.
- A.7(3)M It was proposed to
create the "Spacehounds of IPC," with membership open to the numerous
NESFA Members working at IPC at DEC. ... As an amendment, it was suggested to
refer this to a bureaucracy control committee composed of Mr. Harter, to report
at the first meeting of 1975. As you all know, he did report then, and the
Membership voted at the December 1976 meeting to accept his recommendations,
which were favorable. However, the Membership also defeated the motion
referring the matter to committee. There, isn't that the clearest example of a
parliamentary time paradox you've seen today? [12/76: The
"Spacehounds of IPC" continued to deliver reports over the next
couple of years, but eventually faded away.]
- A.7(4)M Ann McCutchen moved
to refer to all persons of indefinite or unknown sex as "she." ...
The motion was duly seconded by an unidentified female voice. [Half a page of
increasingly silly debate is omitted.] MSP that the motion on the table will
only apply to this IM if passed. ... MSP as amended. ... Seventeen
Regular Members voted on this motion. 13 voted yes and 5 voted no. MSP that the
maker of the previous motion should determine who is of undetermined sex. [2/79]
- A.7(5)M [After all Officers
had been elected by acclamation:] MSP (from Brons) that the Clerk be instructed
to record that one vote was cast for the Lesser Plant. [5/81]
- A.7(6)M Mr. Harter was
supposed to deliver a report for Mr. James Mark Anderson [the Editor]....
Unfortunately, Mr. Harter couldn't remember any of Mr. Anderson's witty,
glowing report. MSP to accept Mr. Harter's virtual report. ... Tony Lewis hoped
that delivering a virtual report doesn't cause too many page faults. [1/82]
- A.7(7)M [At the end of 2
pages' worth of debate on rules changes:] MSP (proposed by Mark Olson) to give
ourselves a vote of semi-congratulations. [9/82]
- A.7(8)M MSP (proposed by
Mark Olson) that we declare it to be 6:15 PM. MSP to adjourn at 4:08 PM
(actually 6:15 PM). [11/82]
- A.7(9)M Jim Turner said he
arrived late as he thought the meeting was at the Belmont Lions Club. MSP to
redefine Alyson Abramowitz's apartment as the Belmont Lions Club. [12/82]
- A.7(10)M MSH to transfer
Subscribing Members Rich Ferree, Davida Malamut, and Andy Robinson to General
Membership [after the same motion had been illegally passed the month before].
After Rick Katze's motion to make these appointments retroactive was ruled Out
of Order, Mark Olson proposed that we ask the Membership Committee to
investigate time travel and report on their results. Tony Lewis, a member of
the committee, reported that they had already conducted such an investigation
and will soon publish a report last year. MSP to accept Mark's motion. [8/83]
- A.7(11)M [After 2 hours of
dues debate the previous month] MSP (Mark Olson) to amend that it is now
5:30 NESFA time and we've debated this issue for an hour and a half. MSP to
[raise the dues and] declare NESFA Standard Time to be 5:30 PM. Frank Richards
attempted to move that we reset the time in the universe to what the National
Bureau of Standards thinks it is. MSP (Jim Mann) that Frank Richards call the
NBS to tell them we've changed the time to 5:30. [5/86]
- A.7(12)F President: [After
the failure of a motion to redefine the location of the Clubhouse as being on
NESFA's Moon,] MS (Rick Katze) to call for a division of the house. Chair Joe
Rico declared the house was divided into 1.37 parts. [7/86]
- A.7(13)F President:
Priscilla Olson attempted to raise a POINT OF PHILOSOPHICAL COMMENTARY. Joe
Rico refused to recognize her and thus we will never know what she wanted to
say. [3/88]
- A.7(14)M After some
confusion it was declared to be the sense of the Membership that the Rules
Committee should handle [adjust?] ordinary constants of the universe to be
correct and to "fix Nature's mistakes." [5/92, in
connection with the updating of Section 2.4(5); it is
recommended that future Rules Committees use this power to reduce the force of
gravity, in order to facilitate access to NESFA's Moon and simplify the tasks
of Boskone Logistics.]
- A.7(15)M MSPU to delete
from the minutes all discussion that relates to the Great NESFA Conspiracy. [11/93; for those unfamiliar with the matter, the Great NESFA
Conspiracy is -- CLASSIFIED -- .]
- A.8 Motions of
Commendation, Distress, Etc.
- A.8(1)M MSP that NESFA
express its distress at Jim Saklad's looks. First Lt. Saklad (Med. Corps) is in
the Reserves and had to get his hair cut. It was amended to include Mike Symes
in the motion. [8/71]
- A.8(2)M MSP that the clerk
send a congratulatory message to Frederick upon his reaching his 30th birthday.
The Clerk will do so as soon as he has the Postcode for the cave in Penzance.
- A.8(3)M MSP to direct the
Clerk [Don Eastlake] to write a letter of commendation to the former President
[Don Eastlake] in glowing terms. [5/77]
- A.8(4)M MSP to console Dave
Anderson on his election as a Regular Member. [8/79]
- A.8(5)M MS (proposed by
James Turner) to commend Boxboro Fandom for taking care of the Great Unwashed
once again at Boskone. Mark Olson was ruled Out of Order when he moved to amend
by forming a Euphemism Committee to redraft James' motion. James' motion
passed. [3/84]
- A.8(6)M George Flynn
reported the Rules Committee had done nothing (applause), and should therefore
be thrown out of office. MSP (Tony Lewis) to commend them for having done it so
well. [5/84]
- A.8(7)M [The Treasurer
reported that] we do have an apparent loss of $24,000 since Boskone Life and
NESFA Life are now being tracked as liability accounts. MSP (Jane Wagner) to
commend Sharon Sbarsky for accomplishing more in her first month than any
previous NESFA Treasurer. [6/85]
- A.8(8)M [On the occasion of
the unsold copies of Up There and Other Strange Directions being shipped
to Sharon's porch after Nolacon II,] MSP to express sympathy for Sharon's
porch. [9/88]
- A.8(9)M Dues arrived from
June Harter in time for Mother's Day. MSPU to censure Mr. Harter as not being a
dutiful son for failing to pay his mother's NESFA dues. (It was felt that Mr.
Harter would have supported this motion.)
Pam Fremon reported that she had called her mother today, who asked her
why she wasn't at the NESFA meeting. MSPU to commend Pam's mother. [5/94]
- A.9 The Fanzine Review
Board and Instant Message
- A.9(1)F Clerk: The Fanzine
Control Act of 1971 is a little-known part of the Phase 2 economic program
designed to fight fanzine inflation. Fanzines are important to the economy,
particularly as regards the manufacturers of duplicating equipment and the
United States Postal Service, and it is in the public interest to see that
fanzines do not become so inflated that their publishers are unable to maintain
them (the recent collapse of Science Fiction Review is a case in point).
The job of the Fanzine Review Board is to see to it that the President's
guidelines are enforced (these include a maximum permissible increase in number
of pages of 5.5% per annum; any editor going from mimeograph to offset must
have FRB approval).
The Board consists of five fans, five pros, and five large contributors to
the Republican Party.
Due to a statutory change in position, Dr. Anthony R. Lewis has resigned his
position on the Fanzine Review Board; he has been replaced by Dr. Douglas J.
Hoylman. All future questions or requests for amplification should be addressed
to Dr. Hoylman.
[5/72: First three paragraphs quoted from Doug Hoylman's
apazine of 2/72.]
- A.9(2)F Fanzine Review
Board: The Fanzine Control Number for Instant Message is 72 58837.
- A.9(3)M With the current apa
shortage, MSH: the scope of the Fanzine Review Board be expanded to cover this.
- A.9(4)M MSP to require the
Clerk to read Instant Message. [2/80. The provocation
for this motion was not recorded.]
- A.9(5)M George Flynn could
find no significant errors in IM 295! MSP (proposed by George) to
commend the Clerk and/or censure the Proofreader. [8/81]
- A.9(6)M MSP (proposed by
Greg Thokar) to commend the Clerk for finally producing a short IM. [10/81]
- A.9(7)M The Clerk read the
following excerpt from the latest File 770: "CLASSICS SCANDAL RIPS
NESFA" [regarding Frank Richards' erroneous attribution of the quotation
"Pecunia non olet" to Caligula rather than Vespasian at a
NESFA meeting]. ... MSP (proposed by Jim Hudson) to place on the front page of
the next IM in Latin: "File 770 Has No Odor." [5/82. The Clerk complied by printing: "ILEFAY EVENSAY
- A.9(8)M [George Flynn
reported only one correction to the previous IM.] MSP (proposed by Rick
Katze) to congratulate the Clerk for George's short report. [6/82]
- A.9(9)F [After "Instant
Massage 327":] The Clerk was asked what the number of the next
IM would be. An emergency meeting of the Fanzine Review Board was held
last week to consider this matter; they ruled that the next IM would be
issue 328, as we wouldn't want to confuse Mike Glyer. [1/83]
- A.9(10)M MSP to commend
[Clerk] Pam Fremon for a good job. It was noted that Pam should be further
thanked for having shortened Noreascon 3, which the last IM listed as
running from August 31 to September 1. [12/88]
- A.9(11)M MSP that no Elvis
stamps ever be used in mailing IM. [1/93]
- A.10
- A.10(1)M Fred Isaacs
reported that due to a DECREASE in prices the adding machine and supplies cost
only $62.80 ($72.10 authorized). MSP that NESFA express its amazement that any
prices would go down. [8/71]
- A.10(2)M [After the
previous Lexicon hotel made a bad report on us:] MSP(objection by Morris
Keesan) to buy a gallon of unmitigated gall. [5/73]
- A.10(3)M Procurement: A
16mm projector was recently acquired for $0.00 with the help of Steve Kallis.
MSP (1 objection by the former Treasurer) to appropriate for the Procurement
Committee the sum of $0.00 to be used as needed. [12/73]
- A.10(4)E RESOLVED, that at
this point in time NESFA disclaims all rumors that we will buy Amazing
and Fantastic. [1/74]
- A.10(5)M Ellen Franklin
moved to appropriate $250,000 for a clubhouse, Rick Katze seconded, there was
no debate: MSP. The President later noted under old business that the motion
was out of order. [7/80]
- A.10(6)M MSP (proposed by
George Flynn) to increase the budget by one cent. George's was the only
"nay" vote, of course. [11/81]
- A.10(7)M MSP (proposed by
Mr. Harter) to vote to send the [Chicon IV] Operation Rathole money to the
NESFA Clubhouse Fund. [3/82]
- A.10(8)M Greg Thokar
pointed out that if Ben Yalow shows up one more time he'll have to be made a
General Member. Laurie Mann moved to waive the rules to make Ben a General
Member, but this was not legal. MSP that if it were legal we would do it and
raise his dues accordingly. [11/82]
[After Ben was in fact made a General Member:] MSPU that NESFA regrets it can
only raise his dues $3. [12/82]
- A.10(9)M There's a rumor
heard at Spike's store that Boskone is premiering Revenge of the Jedi.
(This is NOT TRUE!) MSPU we'd charge $30 a head attendance if we did
have the movie to preview. [12/82]
- A.10(10)M The Membership
Committee moved that $160 be appropriated for ad space in the Noreascon 3
Program Book. Chip Hitchcock countered that only a more fannish number of $137
should be appropriated so that Rick could run $23 over his budget. [Amendment
passed 11-9, MSPU as amended.] [6/89]
- A.11 The NESFA
- A.11(1)M Resolved, that in
keeping with Science Fiction's glorious tradition of "forward into the
past" and to protect the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc.,
from the depredations of similar groups, the New England Science Fiction
Association, Inc., shall ordain and establish a Corps of Cavalry to be known
Gharlane of Eddore's Own Boskonian Cavalry Regiment.
Be it further enacted that the Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment shall be
Leslie J. Turek and the Adjutant of the Regiment shall be Richard NMI Harter
(commonly known as Mister Harter). Other members shall be enrolled in the
Regiment at the indiscretion of the Officers and the Membership of the New
England Science Fiction Association, Inc. [Moved by Tony Lewis.]
Fred Isaacs offered an amendment to add the position of Official Horse's
____ but this was ignored. A large number of bad puns were made. ... A roll
call vote of the Regular Membership was requested: Aye 23; Nay 4 (these are nay
votes, not "neigh" votes); Abstain 2; Present 1; Pass 1; Absent 18.
The motion carried. [5/75]
- A.11(2)M MSH (Jean Johnson)
that Equus Quagga Quagga (which is extinct) be the official mount of the NESFA
Cavalry. [6/75]
- A.11(3)M MSPU: Make
Flanders (supported by Linda Kent) (if that's the right phrase) an honorary
Frisian War Horse and NESFA Cavalry member. (Included much discussion about a
Frisian horse going by the sobriquet of Flanders.) [11/76]
- A.11(4)M MSH to appoint
Anne McCaffrey Inspector-General of the NESFA Cavalry, should she be willing to
accept the post. [12/76]
Cavalry reported that Anne McCaffrey went out with them and rode three horses.
- A.12 The NESFA
Displacement Authority
- A.12(1)M Joe Ross asked
why, if NESFA insisted in giving permission for its Members' marriages, why
didn't they insist on the far more important right of monitoring where people
resided? That was promptly made into a motion, seconded, and passed, with much
banter about refusing any house thought not to have enough storage capacity.
Leslie Turek made a friendly amendment that the last person to have moved will
be the Chair. The committee was quickly named the NESFA Displacement Committee,
and was also given the responsibility for engineering all future moves of any
requesting NESFA Member. [9/80]
- A.12(2)M MS (proposed by
Ken Knabbe) to activate the NESFA Displacement Authority as an "official
necessity committee" to move other Members and their belongings. MSP
(proposed by George Flynn) to amend that Drew Whyte be named Ex-Officio
Chairman. Motion passed as amended. [7/81]
- A.12(3)M Horrorific news
from Ken Knabbe: Part of Drew's stuff in storage will need to be moved, as it
is being evicted from its storage space. This news was greeted with cries of
despair. The move is rated at 0.2 Drew. MSPU (proposed by George Flynn) to
disband the NESFA Displacement Authority. [3/82]
- A.12(4)M [Moves by Krissy
and Rick Katze were announced.] MSPU (proposed by Chip Hitchcock) to
reconstitute the NESFA Displacement Authority. MSP to make Tony Lewis head of
this new committee. Tony announced that after this meeting adjourns we are
going to Drew's to pack. [7/82]
- A.12(5)F NESFA Bureau of
Standards: The "Drew" was originally defined as the unit of
displacement needed to move Drew Whyte from Boston to Cambridge. Since Drew's
move required the use of five trucks of an average of roughly 20' in length
(some were longer, but at least one was only half filled), the Drew has been
redefined as being 100 running feet of standard 20' U-Haul truck volume, packed
absurdly tightly. A move can thus be rated by converting to feet of standard
U-Haul trucks and then multiplying by an absurdity factor. It is believed that
the absurdity factor for all moves other than Drew's will be less than unity.
[9/83. Actually from Mark Olson's apazine.]
- A.13 Foreign
Relations and Religion
- A.13(1)M MSP (proposed by
Mark Olson) to establish an Albuquerque Branch of NESFA with Dave Cantor,
President; and Terry McCutchen and Dave Anderson, members in good standing.
Wendy Glasser thought they should meet the same times we do. Dave Cantor stated
that if this motion passed, he'd offer his hotel room as an Other Meeting site.
- A.13(2)M Dave Cantor
reported that there was a meeting in Albuquerque on February 12 [during
Boskone]. No one was there, as all members were at the Park Plaza. ... MSP
(proposed by Anton Chernoff) to have the Albuquerque Branch not meet monthly.
- A.13(3)M The Chair wants to
organize a tour of Australia if they win the [1985 Worldcon] bid. MSP to send
Dave Cantor to Australia by train. [10/82]
- A.13(4)M When Tom Galloway
failed to receive a second when he proposed that NESFA form a Philadelphia
Branch, J.R. tried again, successfully: MS to form a Philadelphia Branch of
NESFA. ... Tony Lewis said this is stupid and nonsensical and therefore should
be put into effect. J.R.'s motion passed. [8/83]
- A.13(5)M [A report from the
Philadelphia Branch mentioned, "There was not a single copy of Robert's
Rules to be found!"] The Chair quickly gaveled Chip Hitchcock out of
order when he attempted to make a motion to form the NESFA Foreign Aid
Committee, whose first order of business would be to disperse Robert's Rules
of Order to "these benighted savages." MS (proposed by Tony
Lewis) to form the NESFA Missionary Society to carry out the above activity. [A
paragraph of debate is omitted.] ... MSP to form the NESFA Missionary Society.
[On the theory that there is a limit to even silliness, the
Rules Committee declines to list the "rules" passed by the
Philadelphia Branch. However, they are encouraged to publish their
own rules.]
- A.13(6)M Alex Layton said
that since NESFA is going to go forth and enlighten fandom, we should establish
an office of High Priest. ... The friendly amendment was offered to call the
office Frank (for the generic Frank Richards). MSP (Alex): To establish the
office of NESFA High Priest, to be called Frank. MSP (Wendy Glasser): To
appoint Tony Lewis to the office of High Priest. Tony, in order to fulfill his
new duties, wished to procure an obsidian knife. [12/84]
Tony thought that there should be a new class of NESFA sin -- simony (the
buying and selling of holy offices). MSP (12-8) to create the NESFA sin of
simony. [1/85]
- A.13(7)M MSP to authorize
NESFA to enter into a sisterly relationship with LASFS. The debate was endless.
The Clerk hesitates to even attempt to summarize it. [10/87.
This item might have filled half a page if the Clerk hadn't finked
- A.14 Other
- A.14(1)M MSP: to appoint
Jimdoc [Dr. Jim Saklad] official Veterinarian, with the title
"Speaker-to-Animals," and to have the duty of feeding fish and
microfiche to the Corporate Seal. [10/74]
- A.14(2)M MSP to appoint Bob
Spence as chairman of the Fan Redesign Committee, which is also being
established, and that the goal of the committee (as suggested by Freff) was
that it be for better or worse. [8/79]
- A.14(3)M George Flynn, in
his never-ending quest for the perfect printed page, has noted that NESFA's
Reputation and History has been slurred and slewed [in various reference books.
It was] therefore moved that a committee be appointed to not write that
history, and to not do such other things as it sees fit; further, that that
committee consist of all Regular Members with the exception of Leslie Turek (on
the grounds that she is a compulsive worker, and won't leave anything alone!).
This motion was seconded, debated, and amended to include Leslie, provided that
she promise faithfully not to do anything. MSP. [7/80]
[In spite of the above motion, a real position of
"Historian" was established in 5/81 and abolished in 9/83, nothing of
significance having been done in the interim. Earlier, Joe Ross served as NESFA
Historian in 1971-72 and actually produced one chapter of the history of
- A.14(4)M MSPU (proposed by
Sue Hammond) that she be made a Cookie Committee. ... MSPU (proposed by Rick
Katze) to have the Cookie Committee report right after the President in the
queue. [4/82]
Sue Hammond [said] she'd been doing Cookie Committee for 3 years now and wished
to be retired. MSP (Sue Hammond) that the Standing Rule be changed and that Sue
Lichauco be made the Rookie Committee. [5/85]
- A.14(5)M [Ann McCutchen
reported on ordering 300 pounds of chocolate for NESFAns through Martin Minow.]
MSPU (proposed by Tom Galloway) to appoint a Chocolate Committee with Martin
Minow as chair. [1/83]
- A.14(6)M The Chair stated
that he had received a request to begin a Brighton [in '89] Liaison report. ...
MSP to include the Brighton Liaison report with future business meeting
committee reports. [4/83]
- A.14(7)M Don Eastlake III
suggested that we sometime consider having a NESFA uniform. ... MS to establish
an ad hoc committee to be set up to investigate the procurement and
specifications of NESFA uniforms. Bob Knowlden begged for epaulettes. MS to
amend to put the procurement of uniforms under the administration of the Doodad
Committee. Joe Rico said he was too fatigued to discuss this. Jim Turner
thought uniform acquisition should be done in conjunction with Fan Production,
which produces uniform NESFen. ... The amendment failed 14 to 11. Discussion
now returned to the main motion. Tony Lewis admonished people to pay attention
as this was silly. ... The motion passed.
[1/84. By the next month the committee was reporting as the
"Uniformity Committee," though this name was never formally approved.
The Doodad Committee, by the way, was a (mostly) serious ad-hoc committee which
arranged for the production of NESFA decals in 1983-84. While NESFA uniforms
have still not been procured, in 3/87 it was voted to purchase for the
Clubhouse Ann Chancellor's artwork depicting such uniforms.]
- A.14(8) MSP (Rich Ferree):
Whereas some persons in NESFA are unable to distinguish other persons from
Frank Richards, and
Whereas I myself was addressed as Frank by the Chair during a recent business
- 1) to create a new ad-hoc committee to be named
"The Special Select Ad-Hoc NESFA Committee for the Study of
- 2) the purposes of The Special Select Ad-Hoc NESFA
Committee for the Study of Frankuality shall include, but not be limited to:
- a) the publication of a complete, definitive
history of Frankuality throughout the world in the next Proper
- b) the answers to the following questions and any
other they deem appropriate:
- i) What is Frankuality?
- ii) Does Frankuality come from Philadelphia? If
not, where does it come from?
- iii) Is Frankuality desirable? If so, for
- iv) Can Frankuality be sold profitably through
NESFA Sales?
- v) Should Frankuality be pun-fined?
- 3) the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of The
Special Select Ad-Hoc NESFA Committee for the Study of Frankuality shall be
Larry Feldbaum and Gary Gelfand, respectively.
- 4) all other Franks shall be on The Special Select
Ad-Hoc NESFA Committee for the Study of Frankuality.
- A.14(9)M There shall be a
position known as Charwoman of NESFA. The person who takes this position shall
be known as "Mrs. 'Arris" during his or her tenancy. [7/86]
President: The post of Charwoman is abolished. Keeping the Clubhouse clean is
the responsibility of all Members. [8/87. Announced as a fiat,
but presumably consented to by the Membership.]
- A.14(10)M MS (Suford
Lewis): Whereas I have a Mac with a 1200-baud modem and 2 communications
utilities and want to at least be able to talk to the Eastlakes' Mac; whereas
increasing capability exists for both machines; whereas this capability can
significantly aid NESFA activities such as Index, Book, and PB
production, even the Apa, etc.; whereas the main difficulty to be overcome is
simply knowledge of procedures and requirements: It is proposed that NESFA
establish RETICULA NESFAE -- the NESFA Net (to be referred to as RN) -- and an
administrator to determine or publish requirements and procedures and liaison
with NESFA activities that can use the RN as a resource, to be known as the
RETICULARIUS. I volunteer to publish and report whatever I find out about
requirements, procedures, compatibilities to, from, by, etc. RN stuff.
MS (Frank Richards): to amend to propose Suford as RETICULARIA. This was
accepted as a Friendly Amendment. The amended motion passed 15 to 6. [4/87]
- A.15
- A.15(1)M MSP to write to
Sunsweet Prunes [one of the sponsors of Star Trek] to inform them of the
fact that their prunes were served at NESFA meetings. [2/68]
- A.15(2)M It was moved and
seconded that Drew Whyte actually grow a beard and mustache "like
that" (he was wearing a fake one). The motion was passed by acclamation
except for Harter, who objected on the principle that too many motions are
passing unanimously. [10/69. This may be the first recorded
instance of "Hartering."]
- A.15(3)M Ellen Franklin
gave a graphic description of the newly renovated Republic Ballroom and the
Grand Ballroom at the Sheraton. Apparently the style is early multi-color clash
augmented by hundreds of light sabers hung from the ceiling and mirrors. It was
then MSP to include dramamine in the First Aid kit. [1/78]
- A.15(4)M Michael J. Ward, a
charter Member of NESFA, suggested: "... an award, to be given each year
to that NESFAn who has contributed in some particular and exceptional way to
the success of the organization. I suggest further that this award be known as
the 'Lewis'." [He also sent a "small statue" -- actually a model
kit of "Oddjob" -- which he claimed resembled Tony Lewis.] Suford
asked to call it something other than just the "Lewis." The motion to
accept this award suggestion unanimously passed with one objection. [11/80]
- A.15(5)M Bill Desmond said
that at Boskone he became aware of a new group, the EN, "Enemy of
NESFA." He wants to apply to become a member of this new NESFA order.
Since he is already an FN (Fellow of NESFA), he would thus become a FEN. MSP
(proposed by Bill Desmond) that he become NESFA's first FEN. Mark Olson
suggested that all FEN should consult with the NESFA Acronym Committee. [3/82]
- A.15(6)M People noticed
that Leslie Turek had pinned to her green turtleneck jersey two green buttons
which said "N = Infinity -- The Massachusetts Horror" (blamed on
Steve Rosenstein) and "Noreascon Is Forever" (attributable to Louise
Sachter). Mark Olson said Nancy Lebowitz had made up some of the buttons and
will have them at Boskone. MSP to ask Nancy Lebowitz to make these buttons
stock items. [11/82]
- A.15(7)M Rick Katze
announced that he and Chip Hitchcock [had each won two bridge trophies, which]
were displayed. MS (proposed by Jim Turner) that Rick and Chip chair any future
bidding committees. It was determined that anyone who voted for this motion
would be punfined. The motion passed 1 to 0. [12/82]
- A.15(8)M Dave Cantor noted
that Drew Whyte has not visited us lately, but Skip Morris has. Therefore, he
would like to redefine the unit of tardiness. MSP to redefine the unit of
tardiness as the "Skip." Now the Drew has only one definition. [10/84. However, "Drew" was never previously used as a
unit of tardiness.]
- A.15(9)M MS (Rich Ferree)
to replace the blue whoopee cushion toilet seat in the rear bathroom with a
donated hard lilac toilet seat. MSF (the Clerk) to go into Committee of the
Hole. [After much increasingly silly debate] the motion failed. MSP (Tony
Lewis) for a roll-call vote. The motion passed 10 to 9 in favor of the lilac
seat. [10/86]
- A.15(10)E The Exec Board
decided to accept a bet from the Lunarians: If the Red Sox win the World
Series, the Lunarians will take out an ad in our Boskone Program Book
congratulating the team; if the Mets win, NESFA places an ad in the Lunacon
Program Book commending their success. [10/86; unfortunately,
the Mets won.]
- A.15(11)M George Flynn
mentioned that the latest File 770's lead story was "NESFA GIVES
LASFS THE SHAFT." George was informed that he should be punfined ... [and]
MSH that George Flynn write a love letter to Mike Glyer. [2/87. The saga of The Shaft is not included here, since it is
well known that NESFA had nothing to do with it.]
- A.15(12)M MSP to declare
the spruce an honorary pine. [11/88. This was part of the
debate on amending the By-Laws to have "fringies" on the tree in the
NESFA shield; the By-Law amendments were defeated, and we are thus saved from
having to explicate this perennial issue in full. In brief, though... To quote
the remarks of the legendary Frank Richards opening this particular debate,
"the controversy lies in whether 'a pinetree proper' [By-Laws, Section 10.7(a)] merely requires authentic coloration
and allows the use of a stylized but recognizable shape, or whether a
photorealistic picture of a pine tree is required. ... [After a display of
slides of assorted conifers:] the tree currently represented on the NESFA arms
is not a pine tree, ... it is a spruce or possibly a balsam fir." It was
thus proposed to include "fringies" on the NESFA arms, to make the
tree depicted more nearly resemble the Platonic ideal of a generic conifer;
this failed, as did other motions to replace "pine" with
"spruce," "larch," "artificial Christmas tree,"
or "white artificial non-denominational-holiday-falling-in-December
tree." See IM 447, 449, and 452 for further horrifying
details. Cf. also Section 5.5(1), which emerged from the
same debate.]
- A.15(13)M MSP to ban
watermelons from the Clubhouse (except that whole watermelons may be
transported through the Clubhouse), unless the person bringing them in
cleans the area up afterwards. [8/89; the serious core of this
motion arose because Leslie Turek "had to clean off a table that was very
messy with watermelon residue." An attempt to classify the zucchini as a
watermelon failed.]
- A.15(14)M (Ben Yalow) I'm
surprised that no one has introduced a motion that we drool over the remarkable
Gestetner copier [costing over $8000] exhibited at Noreascon 3. MSP (Dave
Cantor) that we drool over said Gestetner. [9/89]
- A.15(15)M MSP (Monty
Wells) to designate Sharon Sbarsky's front porch as an honorary NESFA Clubhouse
annex. [3/93]
- A.15(16)M Box G has been
changed to Box 390047 (or something like that) "for our convenience."
MSPU to censure the USPS for aborting the Box G debate. [11/93: The "Box G debate" was presumably on whether or
not to abandon it.]
- A.15(17)M Dave Cantor
requested transfer to Inactive status retroactive to Groundhog Day. The Rules
Committee Chair said this was probably not in order, but that we'd do it
anyway. MSP that Dave C. be a groundhog for six weeks. Oh, yeah, his request
was also granted. [2/94]
- A.15(18)M NESFA renders
a vote of sympathy to Ben Yalow on the tearing down of the Cyclone roller
coaster at Coney Island. [6/07]
- A.15(19)E
Mark and Lisa Hertel, who were scheduled
to be in Montreal the following weekend to attend a con,
were appointed as our official bounty hunters to collect
the pun fines owed by Teddy Harvia, temporarily working in Montreal. [10/97]
- A.15(20)M Tony Lewis was appointed sole member of a
standing committee to supply Mr. Harter with a miidle name each month. For
November, 1997, the name chosen was "Winthrop". [11/97] The
following month, the Business meeting ruled that his name was "Mr. Richard
Theodore McElsee". For 7/98, the middle name chosen as "Stribling".
- A.15(21)M Lis's dog Addy was voted an honorary cat
at a previous meeting; however, this was not reported, and Addy is mortally offended. [7/07]
- A.15(22)M (In the context of Nomi & Michael Burstein
having twin girls without seeking permission) MSP that they be required to name the girls "Bunny" and
"Novellette." [7/09]
- A.15(23)M MSP (Davey Snyder) to appoint Dave
Cantor as the official NESFA groundhog. [2/98: This was
reported as "woodchuck", but both Davey Snyder and Dave Cantor assert that
"woodchuck" was never mentioned. The word was "groundhog".]
- A.15(24)F (David A. Cantor, FN, official
groundhog): All requests for Groundhog predictions should be submitted to the Groundhog no later than
sunset, 1 February for opinions to be rendered the morning of 2 February. [3/00]
- A.15(25)M (David A. Cantor, FN, official
groundhog): Dave requested (demanded?) that he be allowed to resign his role as official groundhog.
The Clerk (Rick Katze), attempting to be funny, recorded it as no resolution, but in fact, a motion
did carry that Dave C. be allowed to stop being a groundhog. [2/09]
This is a listing of the people who have held Offices, positions, or honors
for which election or confirmation by the NESFA Membership was (or has been)
required. The original theory was that this listing would help Members to
choose people deserving of future nominations; while this still has some
validity, don't forget that there are many responsible positions not included
in this list.