Many thanks indeed for the completely unexpected Skylark Award. I'm overwhelmed! I hadn't even imagined myself as a possible candidate, but gather that Martin Hoare accepted for me with his traditional aplomb. Hazel and I did wonder next morning whether we'd somehow both dreamed Martin's excited phone message at 3:15am British time, but Hazel (who took the call) reasoned that until he told her, she hadn't known the trophy took the form of an enormous lens....
Here's a coincidence. The February Interzone -- which arrived a couple of days later -- contains a preview of my introduction to a second Tor omnibus of James White's Sector General novels, to be published this April. In this I'd duly mentioned James's reverence for Doc Smith (as indicated by his first published sentence), his Skylark win, and how tickled he was at using the big lens to boost his failing eyesight. If only I could send him a copy.
Martin is presumably still traveling somewhere, so I haven't yet actually seen the Skylark. But from imperfect recollection of the banquet at Boskone 29 (renewed thanks for having me as a guest!) I already know the supreme importance of keeping Jane Yolen where the sun does not shine.
Gratefully --
And additional note from Dave was sent on 9 March, 2002:
I wasn't at all sure whom to thank for the Skylark (gosh wow!) but sent the following to on 6 March. Now copied to you in case it fell into a black hole.... The same evening, Martin summoned me to a pub and presented me with the extremely tasteful Skylark, plus a copy of his acceptance speech. Gosh wow again.
all best: Dave
David Langford |