I'm sorry I couldn't be there to accept this award in person. Boskone is one of my favorite conventions, but family obligations kept me in New York this year.
I'd like to thank the members of NESFA for giving me this award. I'm thrilled to be included on the list editors who have been honored with it before, from John Campbell in 1968 to Beth Meacham in 2007. That's pretty distinguished company!
The description of the award says that it is presented to a person who has contributed significantly to science fiction. Well, I do hope that I have—but the truth is, science fiction has contributed more to me—it has given me a circle of friends that spans the globe, a husband—former Canadian fan turned pro John Douglas—and my thirty-year career as an editor at Ace Books.
Receiving the Skylark is an unexpected, much appreciated bonus. Thank you all again.