Saturday Evening Edition, 2/15/97
The Awards Ceremony follows the Banquet in the Grand Ballroom. For non-banqueters, the doors will open at 8:30 p.m. There will be open seating in the back of the room or at vacated table spots. ALL ARE INVITED.
"Another Part of the Trilogy" (a play by John M. Ford) begins at 9 p.m.
Punday Night with filker Tom Smith begins at 10 p.m.
Boskone 34 would like to apologize that, due to technical difficulties, Official Artist Ron Walotsky's slide show could not be shown this afternoon. We regret any disappointment. Please see his artwork live in the Art Show.
(The Slide Goddess apparently looked down with displeasure on our artists today. Nick Jainschigg never arrived for his presentation. The projector bulb burned out on Jael, after which it took 40 minutes to come up with a replacement bulb for the 20-minute show. And the projector stubbornly refused to accept Ron Walotsky's carousel. Research is being done at this moment on means to appease the angry deity.)
Denise Gendron's "Writing Down Your Music" was postponed from 1 p.m. Saturday to 10:30 a.m. Sunday, in Room 320.
Catherine Asaro's Reading (11 a.m. Sunday) will be both a reading and a discussion of science and SF.
Jane Jewell will not be on "The Craft of Reading" (noon Sunday).
Joe Haldeman's Reading has been moved from 11 a.m. Saturday to 2 p.m. Sunday.
Katya Reimann's Reading (2 p.m. Sunday) has been cancelled.
Sue Anderson has been added to "Fannish Musicals" (2 p.m. Sunday).
Laura Anne Gilman's Reading (3 p.m. Sunday) has been cancelled.
Con Suite 9-2 (theme: The Con Suite at the End of the Universe) Readercon 9 10 (after play), Rm. 219 Philadelphia in 2001 9-2, Rm. 259 Chicago in 2000 9, Rm. 342 Boston in 2001 9:30, Rm. 359 Lunacon '97 10, Rm. 410 Rusty Hevelin's 75th birthday 10:15-11:45, Rm. 442
As of 2:30 p.m. Saturday:
Preregistration: Attending 560 No-shows 157 ___ Total 717 New members Friday: Full 119 One-day 12 ___ Total 131 New members Saturday: Full 31 One-day 67 ___ Total 98 Overall: Total full 867 Total one-day 79 ___ Total membership 946 -No-shows -157 ___ Warm bodies 789
A kaffeeklatsch at Boskone is a way for you to meet and talk with a favorite author in a cozy, relaxed setting. Your author, you, and a small (well, maybe a large) handful* of like-minded fans slip into your favorite table in the back of J Witherspoons, chat, drink coffee, and congenially interact for an hour.
Interested? Sign up in the book at Information, just outside the Grand Ballroom.
*The editor assumes no responsibility for the concept of a large handful.
The Boskone Web site has copies of Helmuth shortly after it is written.
To read Helmuth
electronically, go to the Web site at:
(Actually, Webmaster Ben Yalow has been competing with your editor to see who can get the issue out first. So far, I seem to be winning.)
All Others . . .
In order to escape the hotel restaurants' "CASH ONLY" policy, you may purchase "Tara Crowns" with credit cards at the front desk. You will receive your change in cash.
--M. Benveniste
Sunday morning there will again be the Hot & Cold Breakfast Buffet in J Witherspoons (7-9, $8.95 & $6.95), followed by the lunch buffet in Molly Malone's as described in Helmuth #3.
There will also be a New England Hot Buffet in J Witherspoons (11:30-1:30, $8.95):
Tossed Greens; Soup du Jour; Rolls and Butter; Yankee Pot Roast with Jardiniere Sauce; Roasted Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy; Butternut Squash; Mashed Potatoes; Fruit Cobbler; Apple Pie.
(overheard by Bob Devney)
Don Sakers: "We've talked about getting up enough money at cons
to BUY the Legion of
Super-Heroes . . ."
Priscilla Olson: ". . . and NESFA Press can keep it going forever!"
Jerry Kaufman: "Fanzine fandom is a gift economy. You trade by giving your fanzines, and the responses -- letters and so on -- are the gifts you get back."
Janice Eisen: "I've seen reviews of the Shatner books that say, 'in a style very reminiscent of Ron Goulart.' Which gives you a big clue to the real authorship."
(overheard by someone else)
Ann Tonsor Zeddies: "I can feel the brain sugar slowly ebbing from my mind . . ."
Anonymous: "What do you mean, it wasn't you? I got into bed with somebody last night in our room!"
To Benefit the Emergency Medical Fund
Sunday, 12 Noon Grand Ballroom
Auctioneers: Peter J. Heck, Rusty Hevelin, Joe Haldeman
Don't miss this chance to pick up a special book or collectible and benefit a worthy cause at the same time.
Sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America