Boskone XXXV Order Form

(Items ordered must be picked up at the convention!)

Frankensteins and Foreign Devils by Walter Jon Williams
Please list requested nos.

Trade Limited First Clothbound Edition

____ copies at $14.50 ____, ____, ____

Boxed Limited Clothbound Edition

____ copies at $20.80 _____, ____, ____

Boskone 35 Italian Buffet Banquet

____ meals at $27.00 _____

Boskone 35 Pre-registration until January 19, 1998

____ memberships at $34.00 _____

Total _____

The above prices include all applicable taxes. Payment must accompany order. We accept checks, money orders, Visa and MasterCard. Please don't mail cash.

I am paying by: __check/money order __Visa __MasterCard

Credit Card # ___________________________ Exp. Date:___________

Name on card:_______________________________________________




City:____________________ State:_____ Zip/Postal Code:__________

Country:_________________ Email Address:_____________________

Please send me information about:

__Volunteering __Joining NESFA __NESFA Press Catalog (free)

(Please attach any additional memberships and addresses. Thank you!)

Mail to: Boskone 35, PO Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701

Fax to: (617) 776-3243 (only Visa and MasterCard on Fax orders)

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