Helmuth will be available on the Web. New issues will be posted about an hour after the paper version comes out. You can find them by starting at the Boskone Information Center: http://www.nesfa.org/boskone/
Deadline for tomorrow's evening edition (get those party announcements in!) is 5-ish.
I don't remember when I first met Gary. It may have been at WesterColt 45, The Westercon in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1988. He was an active LA-area fan (a member of LASFS and SCIFI), always helping someone or with something. He was easy to spot, wearing a blue vest with buttons on it (just a few, not enough to be rated for armor). One of the buttons would say "Not Lex Nakashima".
At Noreascon 3, he helped Ruth Sachter, John Lorentz, and myself with At-Con Registration. He was there nearly as much as the three of us, helping where needed. After that there wasn't a Worldcon, Westercon, or Smofcon that both of us were there that we didn't try to find each other to spend some time visiting, sharing a meal, or helping each other with whatever current project we had. We discovered that we were both big sushi fans, and we always tried to find a sushi restaurant at every convention we were both at, no matter in what city.
Gary often helped with whatever I was involved with. He would help with bid parties for Boston/Orlando in 1998/2001, sometimes even when he could have been helping with an LA-area party. Many Boston-area fans met him and appreciated his help and his humor.
He always wanted to attend a Boskone, but recently it conflicted with the LA-area convention Gallifrey. He told me that maybe next year he could escape and come east in February.
Gary always had something interesting to talk about. I was fascinated by his detailed and complex knowledge of Chinese heritage and history. I wish that we had talked more about his heritage.
Once you were Gary's friend, you found that he cared about you. It didn't matter if you were 3000 miles away. He was genuinely concerned when I needed help and rejoiced in my good news; when he had a problem or needed help, he would email or call to ask my advice. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was thinking that I hadn't heard from him recently. I meant to email him to check on him, but didn't get to it. I'm sorry I didn't. Gary was a good friend, I will miss him a lot.
(You can find a more complete version of this memorial essay at http://world.std.com~sbarsky/garylouie.html).
The Program Book wishes it to be known that the picture labeled Stephen Youll on p. 2 is NOT a portrait of the Guest Artist. (The actual portrait is on p. 3.)
In honor of Darwin's birthday (today!), Helmuth is pleased to note that recent studies in molecular biology suggest that Chelonia are diapsids, not synapsids as previously thought. Victory for turtles!
In completely unrelated science news (what, you want us to talk about the US Senate?): the Pluto-Neptune crossover took place at 5:08 this morning, not 11:29 yesterday morning as previously announced. Whatever....we are still safe for another 228 years.
There will be a benefit auction for the SFWA Emergency Fund. It will take place in conjunction with "Cheeblemancy" on Sunday at 2 PM. Donations for the auction will be gratefully received by the Green Room staff.
Anime Update - Saturday at 10 AM...early morning mayhem.....we have no idea what we're showing.....
To speed check-out (yes, we know you've just checked in, but...): tell the front desk ahead of time if you want to split your bill, or do anything else weird (OK, fannish). It will save everyone a lot of time and hassle.<
Why you should go to the Featured Filkers' Concert (Saturday 4 PM) even if you're not a filker: (1) it will be terrific, (2) you will enjoy it, (3) you won't have to sing, (4) give your brain a rest, and exercise your soul.
Bidding will close at noon on Sunday. Plan to be there for the expected frenzy!
>Helmuth (speaking for Boskone) is the work of Priscilla Olson. George Flynn helped. We hope you like it. (Art by Joe Mayhew)