1969 Index cover


Out of Print!

ISBN: none
Page count: ii+20
Book Size: 8 1/2" x 11"
Published: March 1970

side-wire stitched

Compiled by Anthony Lewis
Cover art by George Barr

PO Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701
fax: 617-776-3243
email: sales@nesfa.org

Indexes the English-language SF magazines for the year. All entries printed in upper case only.

Table of Contents

Printing History

Cover art by George Barr. A larger version of the art without the text overprinting was given as a "thank-you" to Boskone 7 gophers.

Chapbook 8.5" x 11", side-wire stitched, ii+20 pp., no ISBN, $1.00, March 1970

300 copies, 50 photocopies reprinted November 1970