The Silence of the Langford cover


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ISBN: 0-915368-62-5
LC: 96-69346
Page count: viii+278
Book Size: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"
Published: September 1997

Trade Paperback

Edited by Ben Yalow and Anthony R. Lewis
Cover photo by John D. Rickett
Interior illustrations by Dave Mooring
Cover design by Anthony R. Lewis

PO Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701
fax: 617-776-3243

The Silence of the Langford is a collection of humorous essays, book reviews, short stories and computer colums by British SF Fan, SF Writer and all-around wit, David Langford. This volume is the latest collection from Dave Langford, one of the most erudite and certainly the wittiest British SF writer of our day. The essays, reviews, and stories in this book show why Langford has been awarded so many Hugos by the membership of the World Science Fiction Convention. He has been rated tops by most of the major British SF writers—and not a few American ones also. For example:

Brian Aldiss said, "Deaf maybe, but he's the seeing eye of SF humour. In the Country of the Blind, the One-Eared Man is King." and John Clute's comment sums up the science fiction community's opinion of Langford—"There is wit here, and great jokes, and a sharp mind. But there's more, David Langford makes us feel welcome in the house of science fiction. By being here, he graces us."

The Silence of the Langford incorporates all the contents of the Hugo-nominated chapbook Let's Hear it for the Deaf Man except for "Starts and Stop" which was withdrawn at the author's request. "Follies of '88" appeared in Let's Hear it for the Deaf Man as "Conventional Wisdom". "The Reader is Warned" is a revision of "Crimewatch" which appeared in Let's Hear it for the Deaf Man. The Silence of the Langford contains more than 200 pages of additional material, never before collected.

An excerpt (Ansible Review of the Year) is available.

Table of Contents

Praise — and other things — for David Langford

Only Dave Langford knows the meaning of the word "fear."*Neil Gaiman

*The other words only Dave Langford knows the meaning of are "Labile", "Glabrous" and "Scrotiform".

David Langford writes like a pixie with sharp teeth. Perhaps rabies. — Joe Haldeman

Of all the science fiction writers living within a stone's throw of the cemetery on the east side of Reading, Dave Langford is undoubtedly the deafest — and, it pains me to admit, the funniest. (It also pains me to admit that I can't throw a stone quite as far as the cemetery.) — Brian Stableford

Dave Langford: Wit, slightly deaf person, raconteur and finest swordsman in all of Christendom. — Terry Pratchett

Deaf maybe, but he's the seeing eye of SF humour. In the Country of the Blind, the One-Eared Man is King. — Brian Aldiss

Bad! Bold! Brazen! No Apologies and No Prisoners! But, enough about me! David Langford is so witty that someday, I might let him make jokes about me. Maybe. (The dog.) — Pat Cadigan

For me, Dave Langford has always represented the highest and definitely the most virulent strain of fandom. — Bruce Sterling

There is wit here, and great jokes, and a sharp mind. But there's more. David Langford makes us feel welcome in the house of science fiction. By being here, he graces us. — John Clute

Filled with wild rumor, suspect speculation, gross exaggeration, dirt and innuendo ... Unputdownable. — Harry Harrison

It is a tragedy to readers of serious fiction that David Langford has recklessly chosen to squander so many of his splendid talents on demagoguery aimed at science fiction fandom, the street people of the literary world. His inflammatory rhetoric may stimulate and madden the great unwashed, but it's hardly art. — Peter Nicholls

Awards, etc.

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