NESFA Members' Reviews


edited by Jim Turner

Golden Gryphon, ISBN 0-9655901-7-8, 1998, 411pp, US$25.95

A book review by Evelyn C. Leeper

Copyright 1998 Evelyn C. Leeper

This anthology is divided into three sections. The first is three stories which either have Lovecraft as a character or are expressly set in Lovecraft's "universe." The second set is eleven stories with some allusions to Lovecraft, but no direct connection. The third is four stories with "implied" Lovecraft connections. Though called ETERNAL LOVECRAFT, the connections between the stories and things Lovecraft seems at times tenuous, at least to me. (If you are more familiar with Lovecraft than I, then the connections may seem more obvious.)

This is the third book from Golden Gryphon, the first two being collections by James Patrick Kelly and R. Garcia y Robertson. As with the previous volumes, this is a well-produced, well-crafted book with a wonderful wrap-around dust jacket (by Nicholas Jainschigg). Unfortunately, I found the contents less interesting. But as I said, if you are a Lovecraft aficionado, your reaction will probably differ, and I certainly recommend you at least investigate this.

(This has nothing to do with this book, but I would like to commend my public library, which has the Kelly and Garcia y Robertson volumes. It is unusual for a public library to track the small press arena, and I'm quite pleased that my library does so.)

%B      Eternal Lovecraft
%E      Jim Turner
%C      Collinsville IL
%D      October 1998
%I      Golden Gryphon
%O      hardback, US$25.95
%G      ISBN 0-9655901-7-8
%P      411pp

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