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Call Me Joe: Volume 1, by Poul Anderson Brown cover Brothers in Arms Cover Dreamweaver's Dilemma Cover Gaiman Cover Henderson Cover Norstrilia Cover Rediscovery Cover Zelazny, Volume 1: Threshold Zelazny, Volume 2: Power & Light

Call Me Joe: Volume 1, by Poul Anderson

Call Me Joe: Volume 1 of the Short Fiction of Poul Anderson

This volume (the first of a multi-volume series) contains a selection of Poul Anderson's early writing, including a large number of his stories from the late 1940s and his Hugo winning story "The Sharing of Flesh." There are 25 selected short stories and 20 examples of his verse. Introduction by Greg Bear. Edited by Rick Katze and Lis Carey. Dustjacket art by Bob Eggleton.
January 2009 · hardcover · 512 pages · 6" x 9" · ISBN 1-886778-75-2 [978-1-886778-75-7]

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Brown cover

From These Ashes:
The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown

This 15th book in the "NESFA's Choice" series collects 118 short science fiction and fantasy stories of one of the masters of the vignette, all of his short works except two which were rewritten into parts of a novel (included in Martians and Madness). Introduction by Barry N. Malzberg. Dustjacket art by Bob Eggleton and design by Geri Sullivan. Edited by Ben Yalow.
February 2001 · hardcover · 693 pages · 6" x 9" · ISBN 1-886778-18-3, 2nd printing

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Brothers in Arms Cover

Brothers in Arms
by Lois McMaster Bujold

This edition is the first generally available printing of this book in hardcover. The collision of Miles' identities is made even more intense by the appearance of his clone, Mark. Dustjacket art by Doug Beekman and design by Alice N. S. Lewis. Edited by Tony Lewis.
August 2008 · hardbound · 318 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 978-1-886778-74-0

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Dreamweaver's Dilemma Cover

Dreamweaver's Dilemma
by Lois McMaster Bujold

This trade paperback reprint of the Boskone 33 Book contains "Dreamweaver's Dilemma", a previously unpublished novelette set early in Bujold's universe, the Hugo Award-winning "The Mountains of Mourning," a never-before-published Sherlock Holmes pastiche, an interview with the author, and Suford Lewis's Vorkosigan genealogy. Cover art by Bob Eggleton.
Dreamweaver's Dilemma was published in a limited edition of 1210 copies in February 1996 in conjunction with Boskone 33, at which Lois McMaster Bujold was Guest of Honor. The hardcover is sold out, but the trade paperback remains in print.
February 1997 · softbound · 252 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 0-915368-53-6, 5th printing

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Gaiman Cover

Adventures in the Dream Trade
by Neil Gaiman

This trade paperback reprint of the Boskone 39 GoH book contains the first publication of the American Gods weblog plus forty other works (including essays, poetry, songs and fiction). Introduction by John M. Ford. Cover art by Stephen Hickman, design by Alice N. S. Lewis. Edited by Tony Lewis and Priscilla Olson.
Adventures in the Dream Trade was published in a limited edition of 2000 copies in February 2002 in conjunction with Boskone 39, at which Neil Gaiman was Guest of Honor. The hardcover is sold out, but the trade paperback remains in print.
August 2002 · softbound · 286 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 1-886778-42-6

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Henderson Cover

Ingathering: The Complete People Stories
by Zenna Henderson

The fourth book in the "NESFA's Choice" series is a collection of all of Henderson's stories of the People and a chronology; all of Pilgrimage and The People: No Different Flesh plus three stories never before collected, including one, "Michal Without," which is published here for the first time. Dustjacket by Elizabeth Finney.
1995 · hardcover · xiv+572 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 0-915368-58-7 7th printing

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Norstrilia Cover

by Cordwainer Smith

The third in the "NESFA's Choice" series, this first American hardcover edition of a classic novel restores the complete text. The bridging material and other changes that were made when the novel was published as two paperback books are included in an appendix. An introduction by Smith scholar Alan C. Elms puts this work into the context of Smith's life. Dustjacket by John Berkey. Edited by James A. Mann.
February 1995 · hardcover · xiv+248 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 0-915368-61-7, 5th printing

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Rediscovery Cover

The Rediscovery of Man:
The Complete Short Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith

This volume, the second in the "NESFA's Choice" series, includes 33 stories—Smith's entire SF output except for the one novel Norstrilia. They include classics of the field such as "The Dead Lady of Clown Town," "The Game of Rat and Dragon," "Scanners Live in Vain," and "A Planet Named Shayol." Appearing for the first time in print in English are "Himself in Anachron" and the completely rewritten adult version of his high school story "War No. 81-Q". Introduction by John J. Pierce. Dustjacket by Jack Gaughan.
1993 · hardcover · xvi+671 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 0-915368-56-0 8th printing

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Zelazny, Volume 1: Threshold

Volume 1: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

The first in a six-volume series, Volume 1: Threshold contains all of Zelazny's short works from his early years through the mid 1960s—a period of experimentation and growth that flowered into gems such as "A Rose for Ecclesiastes," "The Graveyard Heart," "The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth," and "He Who Shapes." The stories in this series are enriched by editors' notes and Zelazny's own words, taken from his many essays, describing why he wrote the stories and what he thought about them in retrospect. Edited by David G. Grubbs, Christopher S. Kovacs and Ann Crimmins. Cover art by Michael Whelan.
February 2009 · hardbound · 576 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 1-886778-71-X [978-1-886778-71-9]

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Zelazny, Volume 2: Power & Light

Power & Light
Volume 2: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

The second in a six-volume series, Volume 2: Power & Light covers the mid 1960s, Zelazny's most prolific period, where he continued to incorporate mainstream literary qualities and added a wealth of mythological elements into powerful stories such as "The Furies," "For a Breath I Tarry," "This Moment of the Storm," "Comes Now the Power," "Auto-Da-Fé," and the Hugo-winning novel ...And Call Me Conrad. The stories in this series are enriched by editors' notes and Zelazny's own words, taken from his many essays, describing why he wrote the stories and what he thought about them in retrospect. Edited by David G. Grubbs, Christopher S. Kovacs and Ann Crimmins. Cover art by Michael Whelan.
February 2009 · hardbound · 576 pages · 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" · ISBN 1-886778-77-9 [978-1-886778-77-1]

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