Bretnor cover


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ISBN: 0-911682-23-6
Page Count: 343
Book Size: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"
Published: 1979 (new edition!)

edited by Reginald Bretnor

Published by Advent: Publishers

PO Box A3228
Chicago, IL 60690

PO Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701
fax: 617-776-3243

Essays by John W. Campbell, Jr., Anthony Boucher, Don Fabun, Fletcher Pratt, Rosalie Moore, L. Sprague de Camp, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip Wylie, Gerald Heard, and Reginald Bretnor. The original 1953 edition was the first serious discussion of modern science fiction as literature. The San Francisco Chronicle said: "The book is very likely to recruit a whole host of new readers.... A freely argued, objective, highly individualistic study by ten writers of the origins, advances and future prospects of science fiction as a spontaneous living literature."

The essays are grouped in three sections: "Science Fiction Today," "Science Fiction as Literature," and "Science Fiction, Science, and Modern Man." This classic symposium is a fit companion to Mr. Bretnor's later books Science Fiction, Today and Tomorrow and The Craft of Science Fiction.

This new edition adds a preface by the editor, a chapter of notes and corrections, and a complete index.

Table of Contents