Noreascon II Exhibit book. This book is the catalogue to the special costume exhibit held at Noreascon II. The costumes in this book were displayed on mannequins.
- Tars Tarkas (Judith Miller; photo by Hank Beck)
- The Black Queen (Marjii Ellers; photo by Walt Dougherty)
- The Bat and the Bitten (Astrid Anderson Hayes and Karen Anderson; photo by Mike Resnick)
- Funeral Cope and Pall (Kelson; photo by Adrienne Martine)
- The Beldan Dress (Suford Lewis)
- Jabberwock (Bruce McInroy; photo by Ann Layman Chancellor)
- The Golden Apples of the Sun, the Silver Apples of the Moon (Kathy and Drew Sanders)
- Dragon Cloak (Amy Falkowitz; photo by Dorothy Gene Bradley)
- The Illusion of the Queen of Air and Darkness (Sandra Miesel; photo by Charline Avey)
- The White Sybil and the Ice Demon (Carol and Mike Resnick; photo by Ben Jason)
- Adjutant Dragonmistress (Karen Anderson; photo by Jay Kay Klein)
- Sir Thomas Boyd of the Queen's Own FBI (Peggy Kennedy, worn by Pat Kennedy; photo by Mike Resnick)
- Beauty and the Beast (Sally C. Fink)
- The Queen of Air and Darkness (Marjii Ellers; photos by Jay Kay Klein and Sandy Cohen)
- The White Goddess (Adrienne Martine; photo by Jay Kay Klein)
- Emperor Sadric and Empress (Ann Layman Chancellor; photo by Ray Jones)
Printing History
2000 copies printed August 1980, $2.00 (raised to $3.00 October 1980, lowered to $2.00 June 1981).