Price: $37.25
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ISBN: 0-88355-126-8
Page Count: 518
Book Size: 5-1/2" x 8"
Published: 1974
Hyperion trade paperback edition, ISBN: 0-88355-155-1, 1974
(not presently available from NESFA, may be out of print)
Hyperion/Gibson Press
27 South Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
telephone: 603-224-0562
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Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction
edited by Sam Moskowitz
Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction is an excellent historical introduction to
the field, including some of the best stories of the 1940s and 1950s. It
includes a long historical and critical essay by Moskowitz. (See also Masterpieces
of Science Fiction, a collection of historical, pre 1940, SF.)
This appears to be a facsimile edition of the original, 1965, World Publishing Co. edition.
Table of Contents
- Introduction by Sam Moskowitz
- "The Vortex Blasters" by Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.
- "Night" by John W. Campbell
- "A Logic Named Joe" by Murray Leinster
- "Requiem" by Edmond Hamilton
- "With Folded Hands..." by jack Williamson
- "Adaptation" by John Wyndham
- "The Witness" by Eric Frank Russell
- "The Command" by L. Sprague de Camp
- "Kindness" by Lester del Rey
- "...We Also Walk Dogs" by Robert A. Heinlein
- "The Enchanted Village" by A. E. van Vogt
- "Liar" by Isaac Asimov
- "Microcosmic God" by Theodore Sturgeon
- "Huddling Place" by Clifford D. Simak
- "Coming Attraction" by Fritz Leiber
- "Doorway into Time" by C. L. Moore
- "We Guard the Black Planet!" by henry Kuttner
- "The Strange Flight of Richard Clayton" by Robert Bloch
- "Wake for the Living" by Ray Bradbury
- "Before Eden" by Arthur C. Clarke
- "Mother" by Philip Jose Farmer