Price: $30.00
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ISBN: 0-88355-131-4
Page Count: 552
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Published: 1988
Hyperion trade paperback edition, ISBN: 0-88355-160-8, 1974.
(not presently available from NESFA, may be out of print)
Hyperion/Gibson Press
27 South Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
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Framingham, MA 01701
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email: sales@nesfa.org
The Immortal Storm
by Sam Moskowitz
This is a reprint of the 1974 Hyperion edition
which, in turn, was a facsimile edition of the original 1954 Atlanta Science
Fiction Organization Press edition.The
original dust jacket is shown.
The Immortal Storm is Sam Moskowitz' epic story of the foundations of SF
Fandom, from the 1920s to the beginning of World War II. It chronicles the
people, the organization, the crises and the feuds which created fandom. (In
fact, one critic commented that this was the only book ever written where WW II
came as an anti-climax.) This is essential reading for anyone interesting in
fandom along with Harry Warner's two histories (All Our Yesterdays, and
Wealth of Fable), The Futurians, and Jack Speer's little chapbook Up
To Now, it is the history of SF fandom.
Written in Moskowitz's excited prose, you'll meet the fans and pros who
shaped us all! Illustrated with 30 or so photographs and including an excellent
Table of Contents
- Gernsback and the First All-Science Fiction Publication
- The Beginning of Organized Fandom
- The Emergence of the First True Fan magazine
- The Fantasy Fan
- William H. Crawford and His Contemporaries
- Secondary Fan Publications: The TFG and Its Followers
- The Science Fiction league
- The New ISA and The International Observer
- Other Happenings of 1935
- The SFL-ISA Showdown
- The Decline of the SFL and the ISA's Bid for Power
- The Science Fiction Advancement Association
- Other Local groups of the Time
- The Last Days of Fantasy Magazine
- Further Clubs and Projects of 1936
- The First Convention and the Death of the ISA
- The Dark Ages of Fandom
- The Rise of British Fandom
- Renaissance
- The New Order Progresses
- The Fantasy Amateur Press Association
- The Third Convention and Michelism
- The Aftermath
- The Wollheim-Moskowitz Feud
- The Background in Early 1938
- The Factions Align Themselves
- The First National Science Fiction Convention
- The FAPA Elections of 1938
- The development of Michelism
- The Greater New York Science Fiction League
- Fantasy News and New Fandom
- New Fandom's Rise to Power
- The Opposition Crumbles
- The New Fantasy Magazines and Their Influence on Fandom
- The Role of the Queens SFL
- Amateur Magazines of the Period
- Minor Dissentions
- The Great Drive Toward the Convention
- The Character of the Opposition
- The First World Science Fiction Convention
- Opinion Rallies
- Breasting the Undertow
- The Second Philadelphia Convention
- The Illini Fantasy Fictioneers
- The Futurian Comeback
- Epilogue