Noreascon II Memory Book cover


Price: $2.00

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ISBN: 0-9603146-3-6
Page count: 48 + 8pp. color insert
Book Size: 8-1/2" x 11"
Published: February 1985

Saddle-wire stitched

Edited by Suford Lewis
Cover is a montage of photographs

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Framingham, MA 01701
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Souvenir book of Noreascon II. This is a memory book of photo-graphs and reports of Noreascon II, the 38th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Boston, Massachusetts, over the Labor Day weekend in 1980. It was done to return some fraction of the financial surplus of the convention back to the members.

Cover is a montage of photographs. Major photographers in the book are Martha Bartter, Paul Baxter, Tony Bongiorno, Charles N. Brown, Chuck Ebert, Mark Evans, Peter Frisch, Kris Hall, Debbie King, Jay Kay Klein, Jim Landau, Skip Morris, and Frank Vanek. Interior artwork was taken from other Noreascon II publications; the artists are Debi D'Amico, Philip Hagopian, Tim Hammell, Barbi Johnson, Linda J. Michaels, Christina Rushforth, Gil Smith, Mike Symes, Susan Lynn Toker, and Joan Hanke-Woods.


Printing History

Saddle-wire stitched, 8-1/2" x 11", 48pp. + 8pp. color insert, ISBN 0-9603146-3-6, 6000 copies, Free to Noreascon II members, $2.00 to others, February 1985 (copyright 1984)