Noreascon II Program Book cover


Price: $2.00

Special order only.
Or see us at our sales tables at Boskone or Worldcon.

ISBN: 0-9303146-1-X
Page count: 160
Book Size: 8-1/2" x 11"
Published: August 1980

Perfect bound

Edited by Leslie J. Turek
Cover art by Jane Mackenzie and Philip Hagopian

PO Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701
fax: 617-776-3243

This is the program book (sans program) of Noreascon Two, the 38th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Boston, Massachusetts, over the 1980 Labor Day weekend.

Wraparound cover by Jane Mackenzie and Philip Hagopian showing the Boston Public Garden: Fan Guest of Honor Bruce Pelz powers the Swan Boat wherein ride Guests of Honor Damon Knight and Kate Wilhelm; on the shore a roller-skated chairman, Leslie Turek, stands next to a mounted policeman, Toastmaster Robert Silverberg. The small dragons recall Make Way for Ducklings.


Information about this convention along with historical information about previous ones (all information there painstakingly checked and decades of errors corrected by Fred Patten and George Flynn), biographies and bibliographies of the Guests of Honor, thumbnail sketches of the program participants, information about the city. There is much interior artwork both accompanying the text and in the advertisements.

Printing History

Perfect bound, 8-1/2" x 11", 160pp., ISBN: 0-9303146-1-X, 6000? copies, free to Noreascon Two members, (raised to $5.00 after the convention, lowered to $2.00 November 1984), August 1980.