by Merle Insinga. Interior artwork by Sheryl Birkhead, Kurt Erichsen, Teddy
Harvia, Merle Insinga, Kitty Kitik, Stu Shiffman, Kurt Siegel, and Susan Lynn
Saddle-wire stitched, 8-1/2" x 11", 64pp. + cover, ISBN 0-9603146-7-9, 5000 copies, free to Noreascon 3 members, $2.00 to others (later raised to $3.00), July 1991.
Souvenir book of Noreascon 3. This is a memory book of photographs and reports of Noreascon 3, the 47th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Boston, Massachusetts, over the Labor Day weekend in 1989. It was done to return some fraction of the financial surplus of the convention back to the members.
Table of Contents
- Worldcon Awards
- Chairman's Comments (Mark Olson)
- Editorial (Laurie D. T. Mann)
- Committee List
- The Noreascon 3 Timeline
- Noreascon 3 Report (A. Joseph Ross)
- Convention Reviews (JR Madden, Andrew Porter, Charles N. Brown, Jane Jewell, Mike Glyer)
- The Fireman (Kurt Siegel
- Photo Sections - Committee & Staff, Professionals, Banquet, Our Guests, Our Committee, Anniversary Party & SF tonight, Boxboro, Hugo Ceremony, Masquerade, Art Show, color Collage, ConCourse, Alice in Wonderland Artifacts, ConCourse, Filking, Hucksters, Hugos, Con Shots, What Are These Fen Doing?
- Con Ramblings (divers hands)
- Two Tales of a Meeting (Elisa Gilson & Mark Hertel)
- Boxboro Fandom (Steve Boheim)
- Membership Statistics
- Site-Selection Voting
- Treasurer's Report
- Now That We've Survived N3...
- Egoboo Index