Boskone 35 Progress Report 1

Walter Jon Williams - Guest of Honor

Boskone is proud to honor Walter Jon Williams, a versatile SF writer, well known for his novels Hardwired, Metropolitan, City on Fire, Aristoi, and the Maijstral series including The Crown Jewels, also admired for his shorter works such as "Solip:System," "Red Elvis," "Wall, Stone, Craft," and his "Wild Cards" stories.

Omar Rayyan - Official Artist

Omar Rayyan is a local Fantasy and SF artist who has illustrated many children's books, and exhibited frequently at local SF cons, World Fantasy Con, and Worldcons. We are pleased to showcase Omar in his premiere Official Artist role at a major regional convention.

Stanley Schmidt - Special Guest

Stan Schmidt is a highly respected writer of science fiction, one who has blended real science with strong character-driven fiction. He has written intriguing stories such as "Newton and the Quasi-Apple" and "The Sins of the Fathers." All this, and he's developed some of the best and brightest talent as editor of Analog magazine.

Joe Ellis - Featured Filker

Joe Ellis, "the Synthetic Filker," writes and performs filksongs which are distinguished by their orchestrally conceived MIDI arrangements. He has published two tapes, "The Dream is Alive!" and "The Synthetic Filker," and a songbook, "Sysex Dump!"

Boskone is a Boston-area convention with a heavy focus on science fiction and fantasy literature. Over 100 SF writers, artists, and editors will be participating in the convention. Boskone 35 will be held at the Sheraton Tara Hotel in Framingham, MA on February 13-15, 1998


Continuing the tradition of Boskone's stellar program, we will have more exciting and innovative program items, including panel discussions, readings, art demos, workshops, kaffeeklatsches, autographing, and an insightful interview with Walter Jon Williams.


The events we have planned thus far include a meet-the-VIPs event on Friday, a "Whose Line Is It" reprise, a trivia bowl, a Regency event (dancing, tea, &c.), and a banquet followed by a Boskone play authored by Mark Keller & Sue Anderson.


Boskone will be held on February 13-15, 1998, at the Sheraton Tara in Framingham, MA, conveniently located on Route 9 (Exit 12, off the Mass Pike), and a short distance from several restaurants. The hotel rates per night are: single or double $93, triple or quad $99, and suites from $139. Phone (508) 879-7200 for reservations. Be sure to mention Boskone to get the convention rate. All reservations must be made by 5PM EST, January 30, 1998.

Art Show & Dealers' Room

Our Art Show will include a special exhibit of the works of our Official Artist, Omar Rayyan, and over 60 panels and tables full of original SF artwork. The Dealers' Room will have new, used, and antiquarian Books, jewelry, and more good stuff. Information on both the Art Show and Dealers' Room was mailed in mid-October. If you are an artist or a dealer and failed to receive information on your area, please write to the return address or email to Mark Hertel at for Art Show details, or Peter Grace at for Dealers' info.


Advertising space is available in the Boskone 35 Souvenir Book. Please reserve space by December 13, 1997, with copy due by December 23, 1997. For a rate card, please write to the return address, or email Ben Yalow at

Children's Program

Boskone hosts Dragonslair for children 7-12 years. Purchase of a Boskone membership entitles a child to attend the Dragonslair program. Advance registration is requested to assist us in planning and preparation. A child younger than 7 is welcome to attend Boskone as a child-in-tow (at no cost), and we will assist parents in making private baby-sitting arrangements if requested (please write us), since we will not provide baby-sitting or toddler-sitting at Boskone at this time.

Memberships: $34 until January 19, 1998. Please make checks payable to Boskone 35.

We also accept Visa and MasterCard. Please don't mail cash.

Please send in the form to get memberships

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