Friday, February 18,
37, Number 1
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Welcome to Boskone 37!
by Tim Szczesuil)
Guest of Honor Michael Swanwick, Official Artist Rick Berry sign copies of the Boskone 37 book Moon Dogs with the assistance of committee member Gay Ellen Dennett. Ben Yalow and Art Henderson are in the background.
Fantiques Roadshow is our main event, part social event; part finding out how much obscure SF books, art and fannish paraphernalia may be worth. Well have a cash bar and snacks. If you have an item for appraisal, bring it to the table and our experts will let you know what its worth. Stop in the Grand Ballroom, adjacent to the Art Show, between 8pm and 10pm tonight!
The Convention Hospitality Suite is open all evening until around 2am. Stop in for a snack, play a game, watch the toddlers---you name it, we have it.
Of course there will be other parties tonight. One that your roving reporter already knows about is the RASFF party. If you know what RASFF means, stop on in Room 441 after 10pm tonight.
The Sheraton is currently undergoing renovation. This means at least two things:
Yes, a few tickets are still left. Tickets are $32 and are available at Registration. Were having a Southern-themed buffet (all-you-can-eat) tomorrow night.
Open filking will start tonight at 10 PM in the Waterford and Kildare rooms, and continues all night (or till the last person drops!).
Allen Steele will sign from 11:00 am until just before noon on Saturday.
Michael Flynn will be reading at 12:30 on Sunday, but he will not be on the Civil War panel on Sunday at 2pm.
Michael A. Burstein's reading moves from 12:30 on Sunday to 1:30 on Sunday.
Geary Gravel's reading moves from 1:30 on Sunday to 1:00 on Sunday.
The fanzine panel that was Sunday at noon is now Saturday at 1, and the cover art panel with Bob Eggleton and Michael Burstein is Sunday at noon.
Okay, we admit it. Sometimes the printed time on the box is not exactly the time that the item runs. When the pocket program went to press Boskone 37 Anime scheduled 90 minutes on Friday night for a TBA item. Wellll, we chose something that ran just a bit longer than we had scheduled. That was our first mistake.
Our second mistake was not checking the time on Cyber City Oedo. Instead of the 30 minutes per episode they are actually about 40 minutes. Never trust the box. Start time for Oedo is as posted, but the end time will be 01:45 AM.
Our third and final error was that on our sign we listed Bubblegum Crisis 6 twice, when it should have been Bubblegum Crisis 4. Well, considering that the start time will be so late, BGC4 and BGC7 may not be shown.
Anime Staff: Alice Lewis
Party Board / Freebie Table: Claire & Dave Anderson
Virtual Devniad: Helmuth
(That master quote-taker, past Hugo-nominee Bob Devney is unable to attend Boskone this year. If you have any pithy, Devnesque remarks, you can toss them in the Helmuth box and mark them Virtual Devniad.)
Esther Friesner to Michael Burstein: Actually, theres something vaguely hamsteresque about you. (George Flynn)
The hotel is having a lunch special tomorrow. If you buy a breakfast buffet Saturday morning, youll get a coupon to get the Saturday lunch buffet for only $5.00.
Moon Dogs by Boskone 37 GoH Michael Swanwick is at the NESFA tables in the Hucksters' Room at the special B37 price of $15 hardcover, $21.60 boxed. This collection includes two new pieces among its fiction, the title story and "Mickelrede" (a posthumous collaboration with Avram Davidson), as well as several hard-to-find essays and other works. The cover art is by B37 Official Artist Rick Berry (and is also on exhibit in the Art Show this weekend).
Also new from NESFA Press---Music of Many Spheres: The Essential Hal Clement, Vol. 2. This is a fascinating collection of 17 stories showing the range of hard SF at its best by a master craftsman of the genre.
NESFA Sales also has B37 Featured Filer Jordan Karas just-out CD, Parody Violations, and a few copies of his earlier Fire In The Sky as well.
If you haven't checked since last Boskone, look for our past year's releases:
All these are in addition to our ongoing NESFA's Choice collections, previous Boskone GoH books, and interesting specialty items. We also stock many classic and critical studies titles from Advent Publishers, Hyperion Press, and BECCON Books, and an eclectic assortment of inexpensive used books. Stop by sometime this weekend; we have books you've always wanted to read!
by Laurie Mann)
Yes, the snow has started. We could get from 6-12 inches overnight. Check back tomorrow for the after picture.
Boskone will be publishing Helmuth throughout the weekend. Look for it at:
Saturday Noon Saturday 6PM Sunday 10AM
Youll find them at the Information Table, at the NESFA Sales Table, in the Con Suite and at other places throughout the convention. Having a party? Have some interesting fannish news? Please contribute it to Helmuth; youll find a Helmuth/Virtual Devniad Submissions box at the Information Table.
Laurie D. T. Mann Helmuth Editor
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