Saturday, February 18, 2000                                 Volume 37, Number 2

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Volunteers Needed!

Boskone is run completely by volunteers.  If you have an hour to spare, please stop by the Information Table (next to Registration).

Snow Report

(photo by Laurie Mann)

That pretty much says it all-Framingham had about eight inches of snow by Saturday.  Still, we did a brisk at-the-door business, though some of the fans from New Hampshire had a rough time getting here.  Hucksters Scott and Jane Dennis were stranded overnight near a New York airport and didn't get to Boskone until late Saturday night.

Scanning Fannish History

Joe Siclari and his trusty scanner will be at the Information Table during the weekend, scanning in photos for the Fan History Project.  You can see hundreds of fannish photos from the last 60 years at  If you have fannish photos, bring them by so Joe can scan them in.

“You Can’t Get There From Here” ? Special Hotel Information!

The Sheraton is currently undergoing renovation.  This means at least two things:

All Knowledge Is Contained in Fandom

John Costello would like to know who the agent is for the estate of Margaret St. Clair.

Schedule Changes

Items listed as being in Room 243 are really in Room 242.   Use the stairs outside of Molly Malone’s to get there quickly.

Laura Anne Gilman and Josepha Sherman will be autographing at noon on Saturday.

Gary Erlich will not be here to perform at 1:00 PM today.  Cacie Sears will perform from 1:00 PM---to 1:30 PM instead.

Michael Flynn will be reading at 12:30 PM on Sunday, but he will not be on the Civil War panel on Sunday at 2pm.

Michael A. Burstein's reading moves from 12:30 PM on Sunday to 1:30 PM on Sunday.

Geary Gravel's reading moves from 1:30 PM on Sunday to 1:00 PM on Sunday.

The fanzine panel that was Sunday at noon is now Saturday at 1, and the cover art panel with Bob Eggleton and Michael Burstein is Sunday at noon.

Attack of the Rescheduling Mecha, Part II

Ah yes, the pool of the Anime Creator!  Very tragic tale of Anime Creator who fall into cursed spring and…if this train of thought sounds familiar to people, it’s because our Saturday afternoon line up is a salute to Rumiko Takahashi, Creator of Ranma ½, and the Rumik World.  Starting at 1 PM, we will be showing the Rumik World series, and two of our favorite Ranma ½ episodes (both 2 parters).  We think you’ll enjoy the variety.

Fantiques Roadshow

Many items were displayed, discussed, appraised, dissed, etc.  Michael A. Burstein arrived with some favorite toys from childhood:

(photo by Laurie Mann)

Actually, these were Hal Clement's toys; he donated them for the SFWA Emergency Fund Auction that took place Sunday afternoon.

Virtual Devniad

     “I got talked into being Bob Devney for MasterMind.”  ---Mary Tabasko

     “Ben Yalow’s bow tie turns into a bat and flies away…”     ---Marin Hoare

Overheard in the Dealer’s Room:

     “I want instant gratification and I’m willing to wait for it!” ---Patrick Nielsen Hayden

(submitted by the Hendersons)

Murmured Friday morning

       “Beige…we could paint the hotel beige…” 

Ann Broomhead  (punch line to a joke that begins…no never mind…)   (submitted by Davey Snyder)

Hotel Welcome Sign:

(photo by Laurie Mann)

(The first visual devniad?)

Trivial Bowl Winners

Amidst a hail of Andres mints, the following people were the winners of the Trivial Bowl:

Chip Hitchcock  112

Mike Scott            91

Tony Lewis          61

Mark Mandel       47

As always, Mark and Priscilla Olson did a great job asking questions and keeping the fen in line:

(photo by Laurie Mann)


New Restaurant Information Needed

One of the new restaurants on the Boskone 37 restaurant guide is called Not Your Average Joe’s.  It’s about 2 miles east of the Sheraton on Temple St.  No one has been to this restaurant yet, but other versions of the restaurant in the area have gotten good reviews.  If you go to it, please submit a brief report for Helmuth and we’ll run it in a future issue.

Hotel Real Meal Deal

The hotel is having a lunch special today.  If you buy a breakfast buffet this morning, talk to the hostess to get a coupon to get the lunch buffet for only $5.00.

Correction to Helmuth 1

In preparing the first issue, I had to retype a line from E-mail that had been supplied to me properly.  As a result, “Featured Filker Jordin Kare” appeared badly mangled.  I apologize to Jordin.

NESFA Sales Table News

It’s not too early to buy a membership for Boskone 38, available now for $34.  The con will be over Presidents’ Day Weekend, 2001 here at the Sheraton Framingham, and our guests will be George R. R. Martin, Charles Vess, Jack Cohen and Juanita Coulson.

Moon Dogs by Boskone 37 GoH Michael Swanwick is at the NESFA tables in the Hucksters' Room at the special B37 price of $15 hardcover, $21.60 boxed. This collection includes two new pieces among its fiction, the title story and "Mickelrede" (a posthumous collaboration with Avram Davidson), as well as several hard-to-find essays and other works.  The cover art is by B37 Official Artist Rick Berry (and is also on exhibit in the Art Show this weekend).

Also new from NESFA Press---Music of Many Spheres: The Essential Hal Clement, Vol. 2. This is a fascinating collection of 17 stories showing the range of hard SF at its best by a master craftsman of the genre.

NESFA Sales also has B37 Featured Filker Jordin Kare’s just-out CD, Parody Violations, and a few copies of his earlier Fire In The Sky as well.

Helmuth Information

Boskone will be publishing Helmuth throughout the weekend.  Look for it at:

Saturday 6PM         Sunday 10AM

You’ll find them at the Information Table, at the NESFA Sales Table, in the Con Suite and at other places throughout the convention.  Having a party?  Have some interesting fannish news?  Please contribute it to Helmuth; you’ll find a “Helmuth/Virtual Devniad Submissions” collection point at the Information Table.

Laurie D. T. Mann                              Helmuth Editor

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