Volunteer for Boskone and Win a Free Trip to Venus!
From your Volunteer Coordinators, Deb Geisler and Mike Benveniste
Okay, that's a lie. There's no free trip to Venus. But we really, really need your help, and we hope you help us to build a great Boskone! And you will have our eternal gratitude, some spiffy rewards, and even the chance to come to Boskone in 2012 for free. (And remember: if the extraterrestrials choose to make First Contact at Boskone, volunteers get priority for the party.)
Everyone who works on Boskone is a volunteer, and we'd love to have you join our merry band. If you're local and would like to meet us before the convention, we'll be putting things together at our clubhouse in Somerville, Massachusetts in February. Drop us email at volunteers@boskone.org for more information.
We always need help Thursday evening at the convention hotel (Westin Boston Waterfront). If you can help us unload the truck full of convention-running goodies, build our Art Show, or do various tedious sit-down tasks made delightful by good company (and yummy by the Secret Buffet of Fandom), that happens on the night before the convention begins. And, of course, we could use help during the convention, at the end with packing it all back up, and getting it into and out of the truck.
Spiffy rewards include nifty t-shirts for folks who work 8 hours or more, free books, munchies (we want to keep you moving!), and free memberships to Boskone 49 (for those who put in 12 hours or more).
What's happening for volunteers to help with?
- Move-in: (truck unloading, Art Show building, many other things to do) Thursday, February 17, from 5 p.m.-ish to whenever we finish, Westin Boston Waterfront, Galleria Ballroom.
- At Convention: (help in Registration, Con Suite, Program, Art Show, Children's Program, Office): Friday, February 18 through Sunday, February 20, all over the Westin.
- Move-out: (truck loading, and so on): Sunday, February 20, 3 p.m.-ish, Galleria Ballroom.
And we promise: just as soon as a free trip to Venus is available, we'll put your name in the hat!