DragonsLair is open all children (ages 7-12) who have Boskone memberships, or kids under 10 (Kids-in-Tow) whose parents accompany them at all times.
Fri 6:00 PM 50 minutes | OPEN | |
Fri 7:00 PM 50 minutes | Origami | |
Fri 8:00 PM 50 minutes | Making Kids' Choice Art Show Awards | |
Sat 9:00 AM 50 minutes | Costuming and Mad Hatter Hats | |
Sat 10:00 AM 50 minutes | Writing Fan Fiction for Kids with Mur Lafferty and Max Gladwell | Campbell Award winning authors Mur Lafferty and Campbell nominee Max Gladstone introduce kids to writing fan fiction for children. |
Sat 11:00 AM 50 minutes | Kids' Concert With Featured Filker Bill Roper | Bill Roper entertains Boskone's children with a fun-filled set of music. |
Sat 12:00 PM 1 hour | DragonsLair: Closed for Lunch (Noon-1:00 pm) | |
Sat 1:00 PM 50 minutes | Storytime with Persis Thorndike | |
Sat 2:00 PM 50 minutes | Kids Design Their Own Game with Fran Wilde | |
Sat 3:00 PM 50 minutes | Kids' Choice Art Show Tour | |
Sat 4:00 PM 50 minutes | Kids' Concert with Talis Kimberley | |
Sat 5:00 PM 2 hours | DragonsLair: Closed for Dinner | |
Sat 7:00 PM 50 minutes | Kids' Flash Fiction (short-short stories) with Daniel Dern | Author Daniel Dern reads and discusses flash length (short-short) fiction with kids. |
Sat 8:00 PM 50 minutes | Paper Castle Building | |
Sun 9:00 AM 50 minutes | MarbleWays and Legos | |
Sun 10:00 AM 50 minutes | Fun and Games with Walter Hunt | |
Sun 11:00 AM 25 minutes | Kids' Concert with Lady Mondegreen | Merav Hoffman, Batya "The Toon" Wittenberg |
Sun 11:30 AM 25 minutes | Open | |
Sun 12:00 PM 50 minutes | Get Started Learning Magic Tricks with Daniel Dern | Author and magician Daniel Dern shares the trick of the trade and teaches kids some fun and easy magic tricks. |
Sun 1:00 PM 50 minutes | OPEN |