The Boskone Restaurant Guide

Restaurant Search

We have pre-sorted the restaurants a number of ways. You can look for them by what is important to you. Or you can search for the combination of attributes that you want.

By Price - we have listed Cheap (meals for about $15 or less) by distance then by name, and Expensive (meals averaging over $30 but less than $60) sorted similarly, and Very Expensive ($60 and over) all the rest are Moderate. In the detailed descriptions, price information derived from several sources is given. We have not attempted to reinterpret these into a single system except to mark them as chp, mod, exp, and vy exp.

By Convenience - Inside (inside the Prudential Center, Prudential Center Food Court, Copley Place, Sheraton, Westin, or Marriott hotels - all connected and you do not have to get your coat), Near (less than 3-4 blocks from the Sheraton) and Far (4- blocks) and Vy Far (further than that).

By Type of Cuisine - Asian, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, &c. Some restaurants are listed multiple times to represent their several cuisines.

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