Indexes a subset of the English-language SF magazines for the period 1951-1964. Erwin S[heehan] ("Filthy Pierre") Strauss compiled this work under the auspices of the MIT Science Fiction Society. Based upon the favorable response to this admittedly limited work, which sold out in about a year, he expanded it into a complete index for the period 1951 to 1965. The magazines indexed are—
- Astounding/Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction
- Amazing Stories
- Fantastic Stories of Imagination
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
- Galaxy Magazine
- Gamma
- Worlds of If, Science Fiction
- Worlds of Tomorrow
All entries are in upper case only. The title listing is printed in black ink and the author listing in blue ink. The sections are printed inverted and interleaved. Thus, if reading The Blackdex, title entries appear on the recto page with the author entries on the verso page inverted and vice versa if reading The Bluedex. The name may have been inspired by the Pinkdex, the name given to the catalogue of the library of the M.I.T. Science Fiction Society. It was originally compiled on Hollerith cards by Marilyn Joyce ("Fuzzy Pink") Wisowaty (later Niven).
- Blackdex - Works Alphabetized by Title
- Bluedex - Works Alphabetized by Author.
Printing History
Loose-leaf, 8-1/2" x 11", 232pp., no ISBN, 500 numbered copies, $4.00, February 1965