This is a book of a "Reality Role-Playing Game." The players move through scenarios representing the Bidding, Planning, and At-Con phases of a World Science Fiction Convention. The game was first introduced and played at Smofcon 3 in Lowell, Massachusetts. In May 1987 MCFI turned over the production and distribution of the book to NESFA. A PC version of the game was to have been produced by SJA in Austin, Texas; it has not been made to date.
Printing History
Side-wire stitched, 8-1/2"x11", iv+109pp., ISBN 0-9603146-4-4, 100 copies (first printing, MCFI), 200 copies (second printing, NESFA), free to Smofcon 3 members, $5.00 afterwards, December 3, 1986.
NOTE: a "few" copies were plastic-comb bound for use at Smofcon 3.
This edition has been superseded by a Second Edition.