If I Ran the Z/o/o/ Con, 2nd edition cover


Out of Print!

ISBN: 0-915368-51-X
Page count: iv+109
Book Size: 8-1/2" x 11"
Published: October 1987

GBC binding

Compiled by Leslie Turek, et. al
Cover art by Merle Insinga

This edition has been superseded by a Fourth Edition.

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This is a book of a "Reality Role-Playing Game." The players move through scenarios representing the Bidding, Planning, and At-Con phases of a World Science Fiction Convention. The game was first introduced and played at Smofcon 3 in Lowell, Massachusetts. In May 1987 MCFI turned over the production and distribution of the book to NESFA.

Printing History

Side-wire stitched, 8-1/2"x11", iv+109pp., ISBN 0-915368-37-4, 100 copies, 50 additional copies authorized July 1991, $6.00, October 29, 1987. out of print!

A plastic comb (GBC) bound state was also produced, ISBN: 0-915368-51-X. $15.00

The second edition corrects many errors in the original game. Most of these errors were incorrect frame number references or missing point changes in various choices. A draft of this version was played at Disclave '87. There have been some minor formatting improvements, chiefly in the area of the save situation boxes. The end-of-scenario marks were added to improve clarity. ISBN 0-915368-37-4/ISBN: 0-915368-51-X.