The New England Science Fiction Association
P.O. Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701

January 2, 2007

John M. (Mike) Ford was a gentleman. Scholar. Science fiction and fantasy writer (for definitions of both that encompassed comedy, mystery, cyberpunk, and Star Trek novels). Friend. Lover. Voracious reader. Punster. Game designer. Comics creator. Wit. Poet.

But mostly, Mike Ford is best remembered as a "damned fine human being."

Mike's death September 25, 2006 left a void for many people, and particularly for those of us in the SF&F community.

Although Mike made Minneapolis his home, we were delighted to have him join us here in Boston for a number of memorable visits over the years – including one last Boskone in 2006. We will remember him in particular as Guest of Honor at Boskone 34 and as the wonderfully wry, eloquent host of "Ask Dr. Mike" and "Another Part of the Trilogy."

In Mike's memory, the New England Science Fiction Association is delighted to announce the Mike Ford Memorial Auction & Extravaganza to be held at Boskone 44, a regional science fiction convention in Boston, on Friday night, February 16, 2007.

We are soliciting donations of items to sell during this auction to help keep Mike's memory fresh and meaningful. Books, manuscripts, memorabilia, Tuckerizations, artwork, and other items of interest to science fiction fans will be particularly welcome.

As part of the auction, Boskone 44 will feature snippets and vignettes from Mike's contributions to Boskone and to SF&F, including some of the songs from the two musical cabarets he wrote and we produced: Boskone 34's "Another Part of the Trilogy" and Boskone 43's "Grim's Fairy Cabaret."

All proceeds of the auction will be donated to the John M. Ford Memorial Book Endowment, a special fund of the Friends of the Minneapolis Public Library.

According to Linda K. Merritt of the Friends of the Minneapolis Public Library,

For every $500 dollars deposited in the endowment funds, the Friends purchase a book for the library system annually with the interest earned on the endowment. This really is the gift that keeps on giving. You can specify what genre or library location/branch the books are intended for. Some people just specify "where most needed." We prepare bookplates and have them inserted in each book before they are shelved. Patrons will see Mike's name each time the book is opened! I think it is important for people to know that these funds are 'permanently restricted' to the annual purchase of books. The money will never be diverted to other use.

To donate items to the auction or for more information about the auction, please contact, or write to us at

Ford Auction
Boskone 44
P.O. Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701

You can find us on the web at