Souvenir Book Advertising Rates

B48 Ad Rates (with ad size diagrams)

Back cover$465$325color
 $385$250black & white
Inside cover$310$200 
Full page$245$80 
1/2 page$145$50 
1/4 page$85$30 

Format Specifications

Submit ads as PDF or tiff files. Embed all fonts in the files. Save all greyscale or CMYK art as 300 dpi (print size). Save all line art (including rasterized type) as 600 dpi. Save all black and white ads in greyscale format. Save all color ads in CMYK format.

If you send camera-ready copy, send a velox at 133 lines/inch, open screen, or a true halftone.

If you send files or hard copy which do not meet the above requirements, your ad may not print correct. If special processing is required, you may be subject to extra charges.

Ad Reservation, Payment and Dubmission

To reserve ad space or determine availability of cover pages, please e-mail the below reservation form to: by December 20, 2010.
Send payment by January 8, 2011, payable to Boskone 48.

Boskone 48
P.O. Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701.

E-mail electronic ad submission to:

Send a CD with ad files or as camera-ready hard copy, to the Boskone 48 Program Book Editor:
Tony Lewis, 24 Wheeler Lane, Natick, MA 01760-1842