Reviews by Mark L. Olson
- Aldrin, Buzz
- Encounter with Tiber (with John Barnes)
- Alexander, Lloyd
- Anderson, Poul
- Asimov, Isaac
- Baker, Kage
- Barnes, John
- Baxter, Stephen
- Bear, Greg
- Benford, Gregory
- Bradbury, Ray
- Brin, David
- Brunner, John
- Brust, Steven
- Bujold, Lois McMaster
- Butler, Andrew
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- Clute, John
- Colfer, Eoin
- Cohen, Jack
- Wheelers
- The Science of Discworld (with Ian Stewart and Terry Pratchett)
- Cook, Glen
- Cramer, Kathryn.
- The Hard SF Renaissance (with David G. Hartwell)
- Crossley-Holland, Kevin
- Davidson, Avram
- de Camp, L. Sprague
- Lands Beyond (with Willy Ley)
- Dedman, Stephen
- Dix, Shane
- The Prodigal Sun (with Sean Williams)
- Drago, Ty
- Egan, Greg
- Flieger. Verlyn
- Fford, Jasper
- Flynn, Michael F.
- Ford, John M
- Gaiman, Neil
- Stardust
- A Walking Tour of the Shambles (with Gene Wolfe)
- Gifford, James
- Goldstein, Lisa
- Haber, Karen
- Harlan, Thomas
- Hartwell, David G.
- The Hard SF Renaissance (with Kathryn Cramer)
- Heinlein, Robert A.
- Hostetter. Carl F.
- Holt, Tom
- Hoyt, Sarah A.
- Irvine, Alexander
- James, Edward
- Jones, Diana Wynne
- Keyes, J. Gregory
- Kingsbury, Donald
- Lewis, John S.
- Ley, Willy
- Lands Beyond (with L. Sprague de Camp)
- Lindskold, Jane
- Lord Demon (with Roger Zelazny)
- Macdonald, James D.
- MacLeod, Ken
- May, Julian
- McCarthey, Wil
- McDevitt, Jack
- McKillip, Patricia A.
- McMullen, Sean
- Mendlesohn, Farah
- Mixon, Laura J.
- Murphy, Pat
- Nielsen Hayden, Patrick
- Nielsen Hayden, Teresa
- Niven, Larry
- The Burning City (with Jerry Pournelle)
- Ringworld's Children
- Oltion, Jerry
- Piper, H. Beam
- Pournelle, Jerry
- The Burning City (with Larry Niven)
- Pratchett, Terry
- Reed, Robert
- Reynolds, Alastair
- Riley, Judith Merkle
- Rowling, J. K.
- Saberhagen, Fred
- Schroeder, Karl
- Sheffield, Charles
- Shippey, Tom
- Siegel, Jan
- Silverberg, Robert
- Far Horizons (edited)
- Simmons, Dan
- Smith, George O.
- Stephenson, Neal
- Stewart, Ian
- Wheelers
- The Science of Discworld (with Terry Pratchett and Jack Cohen)
- Stevermer, Caroline
- Stross, Charles
- Stirling, S. M.
- Swanwick, Michael
- Tarr, Judith
- Household Gods (with Harry Turtledove)
- Pillar of Fire
- Turtledove, Harry
- Household Gods (with Judith Tarr)
- Colonization: Down to Earth
- Colonization: Second Contact
- van Vogt, A. E.
- Varley, John
- Vinge, Vernor
- Volsky, Paula
- Walton, Jo
- Weber, David
- Westerfeld, Scott
- Wheatley, Mark and Allan Gross
- Willey, Elizabeth
- Williams, Sean
- The Prodigal Sun (with Shane Dix)
- Wilson, Robert Charles
- Wolfe, Gene
- A Walking Tour of the Shambles (with Neil Gaiman)
- Wright, John C
- Yolen, Jane
- Zelazny, Roger
- Lord Demon (with Jane Lindskold)
Review Index | Reviews by Elisabeth Carey | Reviews by Evelyn C. Leeper | Reviews by Jim Mann